Akihiro Chen

Akihiro Chen

Too Cool For You- Pretty- Learning
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Fairy Wing Core
11/18/2042 (19)
Akihiro Chen

Birthday: November 18, 2043
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Scorpios are known for their passionate and assertive nature with a level of determination and focus that is often unmatched by the other zodiac signs. They are known to delve deeply into research to uncover the truth behind anything they consider to be important. Scorpios are great leaders and guides who are resourceful, dedicated and fearless when faced with challenges.

As a Water sign, Scorpios, like Cancer and Pisces, experience, express, and confront their emotions. They always strive to combat any form of dishonesty and must learn not to manipulate or influence people in ways that are not honest or direct. These inherent tendencies can make Scorpios suspicious and jealous, leading to unusual behavior patterns that they must overcome.

They are known to be sent by the goddess to accomplish a lethal mission and they are fearless and unstoppable in their pursuit. They fight relentlessly for their cause, without concern for failure or the consequences. With deep self-awareness, Scorpios uncover ways to confront their deepest, darkest motives and to hide their talents and dark desires. They must break free from restrictions and taboos to discover the freedom to fight for their beliefs and find peace and happiness.

Scorpio is a sign associated with sexuality and the desire for deep physical and emotional connection with others. Scorpios are extremely passionate and seek complete intimacy and love that will fulfill their lives with pleasure, surrender, and unity. They require partners who are intelligent, practical, and honest, and compatibility with other signs depends heavily on their ability to embrace their shadow selves. Scorpios can be dedicated and faithful, but at times, they may become obsessive, possessive, and overwhelming. They are extremely sensitive and take time to build trust and respect with their partners.

Scorpios are not lacking in initiative, and they consider their sex life to be of great importance. They may engage in casual one-night stands and relationships that do not fulfill their emotional needs, but this lifestyle will not make them happy for long. As they age, Scorpios will come to realize that without emotional connection, sexual experiences serve no purpose.

Scorpios are on a quest to find their perfect match, seeking to become one with their loved ones

Scorpios make great friends, with honesty and a straightforward approach, coupled with intense emotions. They are dedicated, loyal, and intelligent, and enjoy the company of witty and fun individuals who bring love and color into their lives. Their friendships are full of surprises and sudden turns and may sometimes end abruptly without explanation. Scorpios understand that change is the only constant in the Universe and accept it in all their relationships.

Scorpio is a sign that experiences a challenging relationship with the Moon, and they are always faced with the task of freeing themselves from certain family values and patterns that were imposed on them at a young age. During times of pain and suffering, they turn to their closest family for help and feel their love and support in the darkest of times. However, they may fail to recognize that love can be expressed through light, colorful, and creative means. Scorpios find this expression through the families they create, rather than the one they leave behind.

Scorpios possess a nearly disturbing level of dedication when it comes to achieving their goals, making them fantastic in management and problem-solving roles that require significant energy and effort. They thrive under pressure and excel in stressful environments that require a calm and steady hand. The best career choices for Scorpios are in scientific and research fields, and they make excellent detectives, police officers, psychologists, and surgeons. However, their high expectations of others can make teamwork challenging as they expect the same level of respect in return, even from those who may not be capable of such an approach.

Scorpios are disciplined with their finances and can stick to a budget, but they also enjoy living on the edge. They work hard for their money and strive for independence, but may easily accrue debt, loans, or mortgages, often managing money that isn't even theirs. Nonetheless, money provides Scorpios with a sense of control and power, and they are rarely willing to take risks that they are not sure will pay off in due time.

Scorpio men can exhibit various traits, such as being confident, intense, and competitive. However, they may also display qualities such as being obsessive, compulsive, and jealous, which are often balanced out by their deep love and devotion. To help a Scorpio man stick to his plans, he would benefit from a practical partner who can also maintain an aura of mystery, intrigue, and quietness around him. A Scorpio man thrives on the game of seduction and requires a partner who can surprise and challenge him. As a result, he may be drawn to those who are already in a relationship or those who are hard to get.

Scorpio men are attracted to women who are confident and flirtatious, but they expect honesty and undivided attention once they decide to settle down. For them, a deep emotional connection is more important than just physical attraction and compatibility. They long for experiences that go beyond just physical pleasure and seek a partner who is willing to bare their soul. Once they find such a partner, they will hold on tight and never let go.

House Astrology

What is said of Slytherins born under all other signs is doubly true of Slytherins born under Scorpio. (Or was it that what is said of Scorpios is doubly true of Scorpios sorted into Slytherin?) There is no middle ground here - these wizards can embody all that is the very best in the world... or all that is the very worst. They are heroes, or they are villains. They are attracted to the dark, twisted, and forbidden mysteries of the world from the day they are born, and only they can determine whether they will study the dark arts in order to oppose them, or to embrace them. However, as Scorpio is a sign of transformation and regeneration, it is not impossible for even the most evil of dark wizards to turn to the path of good... Scorpio Slytherins have uncanny wisdom, insight into human psychology, and high "emotional IQ's." They are incredibly ambitious, often exist in a state of total ego, and if misused or hurt, can nurse the wound and seethe for decades. Still, although they are often tempted to do horrible things in the name of glory or discovery, they nevertheless are often the kindest, most compassionate, and most forgiving people of all, for they have seen their own inner darkness, faced it, and do not run from it when they encounter it in others.

Hair Color/Length: Black, short (above the ears), fluffy
Eyes: Black
Face: Soft square
Clothing Style: Akihiro likes a simpler, cleaner style with solid colors.



: Unagi
Dessert: Chocolate Chiffon Cake
Animals: Sika Deer
Drink: Green Tea
Color: Cream
Books: Anything with rich architechture
Movie: He likes action movies set in cities- anything with a lot of architecture shots
Music: He likes a little bit of everything



-Deep Thinker



-Akihiro is a massive foodie- his father is a professional chef, so his standards for food are very high.
-Akihiro has an intense passion for architecture and design.
-Akihiro is extremely loyal and dedicated to his family.


Curly 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Fairy Wing Core

Length: An impressively long wand, not easily concealed - used by those who desire to make a statement.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a Walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.
Core: Wands with this core are good for charms spell-casting. Be warned that they do sometimes lead to failed hexes.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.


Father: Jai Chen
Step-Father: Chal Michaels
Mother: Hana Chen
Sister: Aika Chen


School Life

Clubs: Brotherhood
Favorite Class: History of Magic
Least Favorite Class: Care of Magical Creatures
Boggart: Aika leaving him
Patronus: Fire-Dwelling Salamander
What it means: This small, fire-dwelling lizard is born out of flames and lives as long as the flames that spawned it, though it can survive outside them for up to six hours if fed properly. This Patronus represents a person that was born and/or has lived under pressing circumstances but overcomes every obstacle, getting stronger each day. People with this Patronus love challenges and are good at handling stress.
Mirror of Erised: He would see his mother, loving and proud of him.
Plans for the Future: Akihiro wants to get into Architecture somehow, design ideally.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: He's hoping to graduate with good grades, something to make his father proud, and hoping to make solid friendships that will last a lifetime.
Pets: None
Amortentia: Soft earth, his fathers cooking, rose petals


Akihiro is the eldest child of Jai and Hana Chen. He has one younger sister, Aika. They lived happily- his mother was beautiful and his father made the most amazing food. At least, they were happy. But then his mother left them. It felt like his entire world shattered. Angry, Akihiro drew his pride in and used it as a shield. When she didn't come back, didn't write, didn't call, he at first blamed his father, blaming the man for being too soft and for his mother's extended absence.

Akihiro and Aika banded together after that. He was determined to take care of her, and in the process prove that he could build a better life for them than the one his father had tried to give to his mother. Determined to be a better man than his father.

As he grew older, however, he stopped being angry with the man. He realized that his mother was just... not a good person. He started taking cooking lessons with his father, and it wasn't long after that when his father actually started seeing someone new, a kind older man named Chalcedony. Chal had an amazing garden- it was like a professional, massive greenhouse, and it sparked Akihiro's interest in landscaping. Not a major one, but he could appreciate the beauty and the way it tied in with good architecture. A beautiful building could be ruined by bad landscaping, after all.

As for his school life, Akihiro was sorted into Slytherin. He started off his schooling focused on his appearance; he joined the Brotherhood, focused on his grades. Eventually he even asked out Gwen Goodwin. He had no real passion, no real idea of what he would do when he grew up, until he discovered a love for Architecture in his History of Magic class. He spent a good amount of time with the Professor; he respected her professionally and he felt like they really connected. They talked often, and he felt that he really learned a lot from Professor Moncrieffe.

Unfortunately, he put too much into his relationship with her, and when she scolded him for sending her a rose during the Valentines festivities- despite the non-romantic nature of it- he realized he'd seen her as a mother figure. She was the one he'd spoken to when he'd broken up with Gwen- he wanted a real, deep connection, and he and Gwen didn't have that. He felt incredibly lonely and dejected after losing the relationship with the Professor. He'd seen her as a mentor, someone to respect, but her rejection hit him hard.

Akihiro didn't give up on finding that deep relationship, however, and started spending more time with Giulia Alcott. He adores her, and loves spending time with her- she's so passionate, so invested in the things that interest her, and he loves to just sit and listen to her tell him all about everything.

He feels like his school life has gotten better with Giulia by his side. He plans to ask her to marry him after they've graduated- possibly even after he's taken the five year college courses and the three years of experience he needs to become an Architect. All he knows, for now, is that he wants a life with her in it.​
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