Aiofe needs YOU. Literally.

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Aiofe Chan

Active Member
OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Stardust
Missy here! With my Second Character. Oh man XD anyway!


Aiofe is a twenty-one year old, currently living in Wellington, New Zealand working as a professional photographer.
She moved away from her hometown: Sichaun, China in a desire to step out of her
parent's strict rules and to finally live independently, away from her younger siblings and closer to her older brother, Russel.

She attended Hogwarts Scotland and excelled in Potions and Transfiguration and was sorted into the house of Ravenclaw.
After that she moved back to China, went to a muggle university and studied photography and lost touch with the wizarding world.

Ever since moving to New Zealand, Aiofe has been living as a muggle and getting bored of her job as a photographer,
she's trying to get back into touch with the Wizarding world - with difficulty.


Aiofe is a very talented witch, and she has seem to forgotten that, she needs a few friends and even a love interest to rekindle her love and talent for magic and get in touch of a world that she has practically forgotten that existed.
Bear in mind, Aiofe is a very relaxed and open character although she tends to have quite a temper when she gets annoyed.

That's about it, if you want a more indepth description about Aiofe you can read her Character Development. I've already finished writing her biography (I know >.>) but I still need to post it...somewhere. Questions? Feel free to ask, you'll get oreos.
Kier here can be a friend. He's 19 years old, turning 20 this October. He's a very cheerful guy and he loves magic so much. But still, he is somewhat confused as to which path he should take, his father was convincing him to run their family business after all, but he on the other hand, had wanted to be an auror.. :D

He's a newly created character that's why I'm still trying to write down his development, to try to sort out what he's like.
He sounds nice :)
Would you like to RP once you've finished your development?
Sure.. I would love to Rp.. :D
Hey there! I'm done with the character development, want to RP? :D
Heya! :)

I can offer up Maddiie Stewart as a close friend? She hasn't many since she lacks the social life. Besides that I think they will find a lot in common with photographing. She also a mom to a two year old ♥ little blondie and if she trust you enough she will tell you she a werewolf. If you want to plot a meeting that be great, otherwise I'm okay jumping in blind :)
Hey Maddy!

Maddiie would be perfect as a close friend as they share some common interests and Aiofe really loves children as well so i'm sure they'll get on well.
I don't mind plotting something - if you would like to start a topic, that would be fine with me :)
Yay I'll start it tomorrow :) been busy with my students ( xD) characters, so I'll be posting one tomorrow for you to join ^_^
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