Aiofe Miyuki Chan

Aiofe Chan

Active Member
OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Stardust
+ Basics

FULL NAME: Aiofe Miyuki Chan

NICKNAMES: Aiofe, Miyuki, Xiao Fe (Little Fe),

CURRENT AGE: twenty-one

DATE OF BIRTH: 8 August 2006

HOMETOWN & CURRENT RESIDENCE: Born in Sichuan, China. Now living in Wellington, New Zelaand



STATUS: Single

HEART SONG: Clowns (Can you see me now?) ~ t.A.T.u

PROFESSION: Professional Photographer in Wellington, New Zealand.


+ Appearance

PLAYBY: Kristen Stewart




BODY TYPE: Slim, Athletic

VOICE: Aiofe has a strong voice with a thick mixed New Zealand and Chinese Accent.

APPEARANCE & DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Aiofe dresses in what some people may think in the punk/emo stereotype. But Aiofe doesn't connect to
any sort of stereotype. She can dress quite beautifully at times and she always dresses to her mood. She doesn't bother with her hair, preferring a
messy look, although she always ties it back or does something with it if she's on a professional photoshoot for a client (such as a wedding or
portraits at the studio). She paints her nails some times and makes sure she has some sort of make up on - but usually only the basics.
Aiofe has two piercings in each of her ears and she used to have a nose piercing but she took it out as she hated the look. She refuses to get
tattoos despite her rebellious nature. Aiofe sometimes wear black-squared framed prescription glasses when she's driving or reading a book, she
also likes to don on these glasses when she's working to make herself look more professional.
+ Family

Richard Jonathan Chan Aiofe's father. Born in China to an American mother and Chinese father and later on moved to the United States to avoid poverty and get a good education and decent welfare,
Richard grew up in California and spent most of his childhood attending school and later on university where he studied Japanese and French (being already to speak fluent English and Chinese) and later on Architecture.
He and his family moved back to China to re-start a new life and return to Chinese culture. He met Sienna at a local convention. Richard currently works in a buisness designing technology products and spends much of his
time devoted to the martial arts. When he is at home you'll find him in the kitchen experimenting cooking different types of delicious food.

Sienna Charlotte Chan nee Alan Aiofe's Mother. Born in Hammersmith, England. Sienna is a witch (unknown blood type) and attended Hogwarts Scotland where she was housed in Ravenclaw. A bright witch for her age, Sienna enjoyed the Arts and was fluent in many languages such as Russian, Japanese and Chinese.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Sienna and her family moved to Japan where her father and mother worked at the local United Kingdoms embassy. Sienna traveled around Asia and later on met Richard at a local convention. Sienna currently works part time at the UK embassy helping lost travelers and sorting out passport issues.
The other half of her time is devoted to her younger children, helping them with schoolwork and other motherly chores.

Russel Logan Chan Aiofe's Older brother. Twenty-five years of age and currently living in Wellington, New Zealand with his wife Patrica. They currently have no children.
Russel moved away from China, seeking for independance and to advance on his love of international buisness. He currently works at the nation's telecommunication services and is one of the
frontmen for the company.

Lori Keith Chan Aiofe's Younger Brother. Aged six and is still living in Sichuan, China. Lori is very quiet and often reserved.
He enjoys eating sweets and ice pops and exploring the outdoors. Although Lori is older than Serena and Liana, he still acts younger than he actually
is. Aiofe and Russel thinks this is because of his shyness and his lack of outgoing at school, although they think he'll grow out of this in time and become
a very strong spoken and leading boy.

Serena Noah Chan & Liana Faith Chan Aiofe's younger twin sisters, both aged four and living in Sichaun, China. Serena and Liana are two very giggly girls. They are sometimes
bullies to Lori as he is the only boy in the house and bribe him with candy to participate in their tea party games much to the dislike of Lori. They look up to
Aiofe sometimes when they are refused permission to go to their friends houses. Serena is more adventurous and outgoing than Liana. Liana enjoys painting
and playing with her dolls.


NAME: Missy

18 year old @ University.
Still wishes pokemon was real

OTHER CHARACTERS: Willow Autumn [main]

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<COLOR color="#CC0099">+ Early Life

Aiofe was born in Sichuan, China to Richard and Sienna Chan. Being the first born girl of the family, they gave Aiofe a traditional middle name - Miyuki. Which means 'silent snow' or 'beautiful fortune/happiness' as she was born during a snowfall. Her older brother, Russel was her best friend while growing up. The Chan family was fairly well off during this time, living in a small - but homey house situated near the main township, Aiofe and Russel playing games in the backyard or looking after the family pets (a small aviary of birds) in between home schooling sessions where they learned basic arithmetic, english and chinese language studies, various topics of interest and life skills (basic cooking, social skills and sports).

After a while, a rife went through China from a rapid decline in Chinese Politics where riots were common on the streets, leaving the family's Aviary in the care of the neighbors, the Chan family seeked refuge in Sienna's hometown, Hammersmith, England, to escape the chaos and live a small quiet life in the countryside. Aiofe and Russel went to a local school while their father sorted out his buisness in china from home and Sienna was expecting their third baby, Lori.

It was during this time that Aiofe learned of her magical nature, the family never really spoke much about their children's magical abilities, preferring to keep as 'normal as possible'. Aiofe sought help from Russel and confided about how much she was worried about being 'different' from everyone else. She attended Hogwarts Scotland being housed in Ravenclaw, while the rest of her family (with newborn Lori) moved back into China to resume their previous lifestyle - this time buying a new family home to accommodate the newer born siblings.

+ Education

As previously mentioned, Aiofe and her older brother, Russel were home schooled at a young age before the move to England where they attended formal schooling. Aiofe adapted well to this sort of Education and made some muggle friends, she was more interested in sports and arts rather than focusing on academic work such as sciences and mathematics. She was seen to be popular as she came 'from the battlefield' and was often ask to re-tell her experiences in China and what it was like living there, as well as teaching her peers simple Chinese sayings.

When Aiofe recieved her letter from Hogwarts, she didn't know if it was a mere prank from a peer at school or if the letter was real. Frightened to show her parents, she went straight to Russel who then confided to her about the school and the magic abilities she would learn. Sienna took Aiofe to England where they shopped at Diagon Alley, teaching her daughter about the right and wrong about magic and why they never really spoke about it as a family.
Aiofe was sorted into Ravenclaw house, her mother's old hogwarts house. Both pleased and annoyed about being sorted into such a house, Aiofe kept her head down, excelling in practical subjects such as Potions, Charms and Transfiguration while lacking in other subjects such as Defence against the Dark Arts and Herbology.
By her fourth year at Hogwarts, Aiofe had a exceptional understanding of Potions and Transfiguration and often sought private or advanced lessons with her professors to advance her skills in such areas. At this point Aiofe was a popular figure within the Ravenclaw house, often winning them a large number of house points which consequently earned them a house cup in one year. By her seventh year, Aiofe was made a school prefect - and spent her time helping first years around the school or helping with their studies in either Potions or Transfiguration.

After Hogwarts, Aiofe moved back to China - with no career path in mind and helped her mother look after her younger siblings and at the same time devastated that Russel moved to New Zealand to marry and further his career path. From there, Aiofe enrolled her self at a local university for the next three years, studying various arts paper and photography where she earned a prestigious degree.

With nothing else to do and sick of living under her parents rule, she opted to move out of China and into Wellington, New Zealand to start her new independence (and the blessing of her parents because she was moving into the same area as Russel.). At age 20 she found a job at an acclaimed photography business and started working as one of the most sought after Photographer.


<FONT font="Century Gothic"><COLOR color="#cc0099">+ Arrival

Aiofe arrived in Auckland, New Zealand on the 14th January 2026 and stayed with a few friends until the 8th February when she flew down to Wellington City where she stayed with Russel and his wife at their mansion until she found her own (luxurious) apartment at the suburb of Petone - which was close to the train station and other necessities. To celebrate her new independence she adopted a Black Labradoodle whom she affectionately called Saski.
For the next few months (and with the money she saved from China and the lump-sum money gift from her parents) Aiofe spent her time doing up her apartment, spending much of her time at Borders (the bookshop) seeking inspiration from various books and driving to hardware stores carefully selecting paint and light fittings to make her new home feel the way she wanted it to be: Simple, Elegant, Fresh and Aiofe-like.

+ Employment and Career

After settling into her new home and bonding with her new companion, Aiofe caught the train (even though she can drive) to central Wellington and applied for various Photography jobs - as it was the only qualification she had from China. She was eventually signed on and contracted to 'Snap Happy' Photography - one of the most professionally qualified photography agents in Wellington. At this time, she also joined the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography, becoming one of the most talented and sought after photographer in New Zealand - for her promising, fresh and artistic photography shoots, sometimes being on call for photo shoots for any New Zealand Celebrity or persons.

Enjoying her face paced career, Aiofe found her self acting and 'behaving' more like a muggle person, forgetting her magical roots and her love for Potions and Transfiguration. Instead, she found her self giving guest lectures at various universities and polytechnics around the country, sharing her love and expertise on her photography. She also finds time entering both local and national photography competitions (most notably the Ilford Shield) where she usually gets a high standard for her photography or even winning the competition itself.

+ Wanting Change

Already having a very fulfilled lifestyle at the tender age of 20, Aiofe was starting to get bored of her extravagant lifestyle and much to the disappointment of many, cut down her working hours for part-time only work or commission only. The title of being the most sought after photographer had took it's toll on her love of photography, and started to wonder if photography was more of an interest rather than a career.
During the hours she didn't work, Aiofe wandered around the streets of Wellington, taking in local sights, partaking in tourist activities and visiting Russel at his workplace or at home, taking Saski out for walks or to the beach and sometimes traveling out to Auckland to where she had photography jobs.

Back at her apartment, she started to re-sort her interior designing, updating looks or throwing out old trinkets and impulsive items she had brought, it wasn't until she started opening boxes that she hadn't unpacked since the move from China did she find her books on the wizarding world and even her wand that still lay in it's casing that hasn't been touched since the last day of Hogwarts. Curiously, She picked up the wand and waved it to a pile of dead flowers in a vase - which was magically brought to life. Ecstatic - she practiced spells she hadn't practiced forever, levitating items and cleaning spells - she even tried a few cooking spells.

Feeling the enjoyment of magic swirling back into her system, Aiofe decided she would quit her photography job and try to get back into the Wizarding World and find a new exciting career there - only the problem was that She (and Russel) knew of no wizards or Witches in New Zealand and no way of knowing how to contact the Ministry of Magic as she did not own an Owl. Even her old Hogwarts contacts have scattered around the world - she highly doubt they'd remember her.
Feeling discouraged, Aiofe decided she'll stay in her photography job until she made contact and established herself with the Wizarding World of New Zealand.
+ Meeting Magical People

Aiofe meets Kier in I don't see any 'magic' here.
Aiofe meets Maddiee Stewart and her daughter in Simple Time

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