Aiofe Chan

Aiofe Chan

Active Member
OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Stardust
A i o f e M i y u k i C h a n

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Full Name: Aiofe Miyuki Chan
Birthdate: 8th August
Current Age: twenty-one
Sexuality: straight
Status: single / employed at 'snap happy' photography.
Playby: Kristen Stewart
Basic Appearance: Aiofe really doesn't care about her appearance, although she does show a rock/punk look. She basic piercings on both of hear ears. She has hazel/brown eyes (changes depending on the season) and shoulder length straight or sometimes messy brunette hair.
Sienna Charlotte Chan nee Alan - Aiofe's Mother. Born in Hammersmith, England. Sienna is a witch (unknown blood type) and attended Hogwarts Scotland where she was housed in Ravenclaw. A bright witch for her age, Sienna enjoyed the Arts and was fluent in many languages such as Russian, Japanese and Chinese. After graduating from Hogwarts, Sienna and her family moved to Japan where her father and mother worked at the local United Kingdoms embassy. Sienna traveled around Asia and later on met Richard at a local convention.
Richard Jonathan Chan - Aiofe's father. Born in China to an American mother and Chinese father and later on moved to the United States to avoid poverty and get a good education and decent welfare, Richard grew up in California and spent most of his childhood attending school and later on university where he studied Japanese and French (being already to speak fluent English and Chinese) and later on Architecture. He and his family moved back to China to re-start a new life and return to Chinese culture. He met Sienna at a local convention.
Serena Noah Chan Aiofe's younger sister, aged four. Liana's Twin.
Liana Faith Chan Aiofe's younger sister, aged four. Serena's Twin.
Lori Keith Chan Aiofe's younger brother, aged six.
Russel Logan Chan Aiofe's Older brother, aged twenty-five. Married, lives in Wellington, New Zealand.

Aiofe is very close to her siblings rather than her parents, she despise the strict rules that her parents enforces upon herself and her siblings and often rebels to them, although deep down she thanks them for the strict bringing up and life lessons learned in her upbringing. She loves her younger siblings to death and spends much of her time playing with them. Fights with her older brother Russel (like most sister-brother relationships) but often runs to him when things are starting to feel tough.

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Pets: The Chan family owns a small Aviary with small colorful parakeets, parrots and Cockatoos. Aiofe owns a black labradoodle (labrador/poodle cross.) called Saski.
Current Area of Residence: Petone, Wellington, New Zealand
Blood Status:Unknown (Aiofe thinks she's mixed)
Heritage: Aiofe is of American,Chinese and English blood.
Interests & Hobbies: Aiofe is very much into interior designing so you could find her down in town looking at furniture or paintings. She is into the outdoors, photography and reading various books.
Skills: Aiofe is a professional photographer and is part of the New Zealand Institute of professional photography. She is also a lead singer and guitarist in a local band.
Strengths: Works well under pressure, remains calm, knowledgeable, professional and has an eye to detail
Weaknesses: Has a temper, perfectionist and mild OCD.
Aiofe in five words: Determined, Temperamental, Loyal, Awesome, Carefree
Aiofe's outlook on life: Aiofe can be a loud person when she's overly excited about something, she enjoyed being around the company of people - as long as they don't get on the wrong side of her in which she shows her fury well. She is loyal and kind and thinks everyone has potential.
Favorite place to be: Mainly outside, although Aiofe will love looking at any old historic building
Friends: Aiofe has a few muggle friends - mainly from her photography studio. She has many wizarding friends from her time at Hogwarts Scotland who are scattered around the world.

+ W I Z A R D I N G W O R L D
Aiofe's Patronus: A White Tiger - strong and fierce, but beautiful and gentle at the same time. Just like Aiofe.
Aiofe's Boggart: Loosing touch with her family - since they still live over at China.
What would Aiofe's Animagus form be?: A Tabby cat - Curious and Stealth-like.
What would Aiofe see if she looked in the Mirror of Erised?: A successful wizarding business woman in the photography area.
What would Aiofe's Memory be to create the patronus?: Aiofe and her siblings playing with each other at Hong Kong Disneyland

+ E D U C A T I O N
Hogwarts House: Aiofe attended Hogwarts Scotland and was sorted into her mother's old house - Ravenclaw.
Aiofe's attitude towards her school life: Aiofe was surprised when she was a witch and was initially happy to be sorted into Ravenclaw but soon grew tired of being labeled smart and academic. Aiofe excelled in practical subjects such as Potions, Transfiguration and Charms but lacked in subjects such as Astronomy, Herbology and Divination. By her fourth year, Aiofe had an advanced understanding in Transfiguration and Potions and often sought for private lessons to excel her learning. Aiofe was 'popular' during her time at Hogwarts Scotland and enjoyed being part of many student clubs that Hogwarts had to offer. In her seventh year Aiofe was made a school prefect and usually roamed around the corridors helping first years finding their way round the school and helping them in general with their studies. It wasn't until she finished Hogwarts and the period when she moved back to China that she had created a massive understanding for Potions and Transfiguration but had nothing to work for with those skills. She studied Photography at a Chinese University and gained a prestigious degree.

+ F A V O U R I T E S
Aiofe's Plans for the future: Still persue with Photography, meet someone special and get back in touch with the wizarding world
Season: All seasons - as they are all beautiful to photograph
Flavor of Ice cream: Ambrosia - just because it has marshmallows and isn't that sweet.
Animal: Her dog and birds.
Singer/musician/band: Aiofe is into the alternative music, but isn't too fond of hard rock or very screamy-like music. She relaxes to instrumental music.
Instrument: Aiofe plays the electric guitar and she does vocals.
Food: Aiofe's favourite food is sushi and key-lime pie.


January 14th

Just found this old journal lying around.
Guess I better put it to good use huh?

Well it's been a few months since I left China and moved here to New Zealand. To be honest, it is much much better and such a refreshing change. I'm living in my own apartment down here at Petone in Wellington. Russel lives in the next suburb over so I guess it's good to be near family still. I still drive a cruddy old car although I'm getting a new car being imported from China from the 'rents. I still catch the Train at Petone station when I can't be bothered. Public Transport here isn't great as China but can't complain.

Speaking of the Parents, they infuriate me sometimes.
I know. I know. I'm just a spoilt kid, but their stupid strict rules are suffocating. I feel sorry for the twins and Lori. I just hope they (the parents) let them spread their wings sometimes. not for long, but a little bit. give them a little bit of their freedom. But I'm still thankful for the random lesson talks though, I guess it made me a better person. BUT STILL. GAAAH!.

Anyway, It's a miracle they even let me move out here in New Zealand. I suppose it's only because Russel is here. I have a really cool apartment, I re-painted it and stuff. Joys of having interest in Interior Design. I work at a local Photography agent, and even though, I'm the one everyone asks for - the job is getting kinda boring. I guess photography is only an interest, and I need a career change. Maybe I could...go back to the Wizarding world to do something. I guess it's time to call some friends and ask around.

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