
Aimee Willow


Full Name: Aimee Grace Willow
- Birth Date: 20 June -Insert Year Here-
- Current Age: 10
- Hair: Jet black, goes just past her shoulders. Usually has bits and pieces of jewellery in it.
- Eyes: Bright blue. Almost unnaturally blue.
- Height: 4"5 - Midget!
- Other: She has quite pale skin and has freckles on her face and shoulders. Aimee has a birthmark that looks like a strawberry on her left shoulder.​



<FONT font="Century Gothic"><COLOR color="#80a0ff">Parents:
Mother: Alice Violet Willow. Occupation: Social Worker Blood Status: Muggleborn.
Father: Tristan Andrew Willow. Occupation: Banker Blood Status: Half-blood

- Siblings, if any: Fraternal twin Ysobella Willow, 8-year-old sister Michelle-Rose, six year old sister Ivy-Jade and half-sisters, Avadia Price and Natasha Bell
- Pets, if any: Several goldfish
- Area of Residence: Auckland, NZ
- Blood status: Mixed


- What would their Patronus be? A monkey
- What would their Boggart be? Either the phone ringing, her sisters dead, or fire.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Being surrounded in people who don't think her style is idiotic.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When Aimee found out that she had two half-sisters.


- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

I think's it's Wednesday, I hope so. I'm not so good with the calender, it drives me up the wall. Mom says I need glasses, I refused. Well, today she took Belle and I for eye-tests. I really need glasses. Maybe that's why I keep bumping into things, huh. Belle needs them too, she also refused to wear them. We might be moving again, Dad's found a house he likes. Only, it's in Australia, so we'd be moving countries!

I have to tidy my room, Mom says it's a pig-sty. I told her that was cruel to pigs, and that it wasn't just my mess. Belle's stuff is all over the floor, her clothes are usually not as bright as mine.

Aimee Willow, shutting up now.

Questions Answered Here!

1.Who is your step parent?
Aimee doesn't have step-parents. Her half-sisters, Avadia and Natasha are identical twins, but live in separate houses. Natasha lives with her mother, Elaine (also known as Delani) Frost, and Avadia lives with cousins, who she had though were her sisters until the age of twelve. That is because Natasha and Avadia only found out about each other in their second year of Hogwarts, when Avadia transfered from Scotland.

2.Do you get along with your half sisters?
Aimee idolizes her half-sisters, and they do get along.

3.Why was knowing that you have half-sisters so happy for Aimee?
Because, in Aimee's frame of mind, it was almost like finding out that your parents were going to buy you a puppy. As much as she loved her real sisters, Aimee doesn't like being the eldest of them.

4.Why is your animagus a monkey?
Monkeys are cheeky animals and are 'free'. Aimee is much the same.

5.Is Aimee having really bad style?
No, just unique. Aimee likes to stand out, and she does that by wearing very bright clothes and having very random accessories.

6.Your dad works in a muggle bank?
Yes, he likes working with muggles. Aimee asked her dad why he does, but he doesn't know why, he just loves his job.

7.A phone ring scares you, why?
This is a R/L phobia as well, and I can't really answer that. There is something sinister about ringtones... And people might be listening in on your conversations... :linda:

8.You are the eldest in your real siblings, how does that feel?
Aimee likes being the eldest, but she doesn't like the responsibitity that comes with it.

9.Did you know before you got a letter that you are a witch?
Yes, Aimee's family are wizards.

10.Which house are you likely to be sorted into?
No idea, Aimee has traits from all the houses.

11.Five words desribing you best?
I can think of three: Aimee Grace Willow.
Words can not desribe Aimee.
Hello Aimee :)
Here are a few questions that came into my mind
1.Who is your step parent ?
2.Do you get along with your half sisters?
3.Why was knowing that you have half-sisters so happy for Aimee?
4.Why is your animagus a monkey?
5.Is Aimee having really bad style?
6.Your dad works in a muggle bank?
7.A phone ring scares you, why?
8.You are the eldest in your real siblings, how does that feel?
9.Did you know before you got a letter that you are a witch?
10.Which house are you likely to be sorted into?
11.Five words desribing you best?

Thats a bit for now.
Curious to read your answers

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