Ailith Camilla Bisognin

Ailith Bisognin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

When the days are cold,

And the cards all fold


Ailith Camilla Bisognin

And the saints we see,
Are all made of gold

[Full name] Ailith Camilla Bisognin
[Meaning] Ailith \a(i)-li-th\ as a girl's name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ailith is "seasoned warrior"
Camilla \c(a)-milla, cam(il)-la\ as a girl's name is pronounced ka-MEEL-ah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Camilla is "helper to the priest".
[Nicknames] She never had a nickname
[Age] She's currently eighteen years old
[Date of Birth] Ailith was born on the 17th of July, 2020
[Hometown] Sofia, Bulgaria
[Current Residence] Auckland, New Zealand
[Ethnicity] Ailith's father was, at least that's what her mother told her, Italian and her mother is Bulgarian. Ailith sees herself as Bulgarian although she knows she also has Italian roots
[Blood Status] Half Blood, she got her magical influence from her mothers side
[Education] Durmstrang
[Profession] Ailith is currently looking for a job
[Sexual Orientation] Ailith is heterosxual
[Current Relationship Status] Single
[Wand] Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Oak wands are excellently reliable no matter the situation they are found in - they withstand the greatest challenges and remain largely unscathed.
Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Sturdy; A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.
Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.

When your dreams all fail,

And the ones we hail

[Hair Colour] Ailith has light golden brown hair which reaches far past her shoulders and flows into a lighter color about halfway through.
[Eye Colour] Her eyes are rather plain dark brown
[Skin Colour] Because of her heritage Ailith has a fairly tanned skin which easy get's more tanned in summer
[Height] 1,66 meters which is rougly 5 feet 5.4 inches
[Body Type] Ailith has a very slim body and with her 1.66 meters in height she's also a bit short
[Which hand] Right hand.
[Allergies] Ailith has never had an allergic reaction and as far as she knows she isn't allergic to anything
[Voice] She has a very pleasant and soft voice, however she can talk very loudly if she tries. Her accent isn't really noticable
[Current Playby] Marzia Bisognin
[Previous Playby] N/A

Are the worst of all,
And the blood run's stale

[History] Ailith was born on the 17th of July 2020 to Andromea Bisognin in Sofia, Bulgaria. She has never known her father and her mother didn't want to tell her a lot about him. The things she had told her was that he was familiar with the wizarding world and that he is Italian. Andromea had met him when in Italy herself and they had an affair, which ended when they found out she was pregnant. Because of her job Ailith's mother was never home a lot and this caused Ailith to be raised mostly by nannies instead of her own parents, causing her to grow a big dislike of her mother, a favor that was returned by the woman. She lived with her mother in Sofia untill she graduated from Durmstrang in 2037. After graduating Ailith wanted to fullfill the plan she always had of moving to another city, but after she told her mother and they got into a fight she decided to move to a completely different continent, which is why she is currently living in New Zealand.
[Basic Personality] Ailith is a real sweetheart as long people are friendly to her. She always tries to see the best in others and will help them out where she can, easily putting them before herself. Despite her kindness she is very well able to stand up for herself and will take no nonsense. Ailith full on adores Quidditch and ever since she was little she has dreamed of playing in a professional team as a Chaser.
[Strenghts] Friendly, caring, kind, yet still able to stand up for herself.
[Weaknesses] A bit hot-headed and she can be very mean when necessary
[Boggart] After a lot of terrible years it would probably be her mother
[Patronus] Her Patronus would probably be a Lynx
[Patronus Memory] The memory to call upon her Patronus would most definetely her second year at Durmstrang, the year she made the Quidditch team as a Chaser and was finally able to practise the sport she had been adoring for so many years.
[Mirror of Erised] Ailith will definetely see herself playing in a professional Quidditch team
[Amortentia] She loves the smell of vanilla extract, fresh coffee and the smell of rain

I want to hide the truth,

I want to shelter you

[School] Durmstrang
[Thoughts] Ailith was never to happy about having to go to Durmstrang, but her mother forced her. She always told her it was the best wizarding school around and she would be glad she went there. Ailith had to admit she always tried to be positive whilst going to school there, but there were times at which she just wanted to drop out.
[Current Year] Ailith has graduated in 2037
[Favourite Class] Charms
[Least Favourite Class] History of Magic

But with the beast inside,
There's nowere we can hide


[Relation] Grandfather
[Name] Geoffrey Bisognin
[Blood Status] Muggle
[Born] 15th of September, 1968
[Died] 30th of August, 2027
[Relationship Status] Married
[Education] N/A

[Relation] Grandmother
[Name] Eleonora Bisognin (née Accurso)
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Born] 25th of July, 1974
[Died] N/A
[Relationship Status] Widdow
[Education] Durmstrang Graduate

[Relation] Mother
[Name] Andromea Bisognin
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Born] 13th of May, 1995
[Died] N/A
[Relationship Status] Single
[Education] Durmstrang Graduate


[Relation] Uncle
[Name] Ato Bisognin
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Born] 7th of January, 2000
[Died] N/A
[Relationship Status] Married
[Education] Durmstrang Graduate

[Relation] Aunt
[Name] Elizabeth Bisognin (née Wright)
[Blood Status] Muggle Born
[Born] 17th of June, 2003
[Died] N/A
[Relationship Status] Married
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland Graduate

[Relation] Cousin
[Name] Chloe Bisognin
[Blood Status] Mixed Blood
[Born] 9th of October, 2025
[Died] N/A
[Relationship Status] Single
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland

No matter what we breed we still are made of greed,

This is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come.

Song lyrics: Demons - Imagine Dragons​

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