Aiden Douglass

Full Name:
- Aiden Douglass

Date of Birth:
- January 16 2018

Current Age:
- 10

Basic Appearance:
- Dirty Blonde hair. Spiked.
A mix of blue and green eyes.
Athletic build

- Aiden doesn't care about much. He is pretty selfish, and gets angry when things don't go his way. Aiden likes to rebel, because it annoys his father. He will find himself rebelling more, with the more freedom he gets. He is selfish because his Mother babies him - being the first born, and only boy. At a young age, he still thinks girls are annoying, but will grow up to be quite the stud.
Aiden loves to run, and do anything athletic. He hates being confined, and hates writing.

-Richard Douglass - Father. Strict. Powerful Lawyer
-Maria Douglass - Mother. Muggle. More laid-back than Richard, but still firm. Stay home mom.
-Elizabeth Douglass - Younger sister. Princess.

- German Shorthaired Pointer - Sprint

Area of Residence:
- Auckland, New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Half Blood

- English

Special Abilities:
- Very athletic, does well in most sports.

Interests or Hobbies:

- Anything athletic.
- Charming
- Up for anything

- Having sympathy or empathy.
- Academic work
- Doesn't think before he speaks.

Describe your character in three words:
- Arrogant. Athletic. Impulsive.

Favourite place to be:
- On a track, pitch or pool.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To become Quidditch Captain

Best school subjects:
- DADA, Charms

Worst school subjects:
- HOM, Herbology, Transfiguration

- 2020

Plans for your future:
- Professional Quidditch Player

Your Patronus:
-A Hawk - Few people can miss the grace with which you carry yourself. Your intellegence is incredibly refined. Seldom do you back down from a bad situation as you are a fearless problem solver.

Your Patronus memory:
- A real hug from his Father

Your Boggart:
- Being paralyzed.

Your Animagus:
- An Eagle - Proud and Fierce. Success, prosperity.

Mirror of Erised:
- Quidditch Captain of a Professional Team
I hope you don't mind me asking you a few questions.

1. Does Aiden have a middle name?
2. What sort of style does he wear?
3. Would one see him in detention a lot?
4. How does being a Slytherin suit his character?
5. Is he close with his sister?
6. Would he do well in Quidditch, and if so, what position would he likely play?
7. Does he have a lot of friends?
8. What would be his favorite professors?
9. Does he look up to anyone?
10. What are his favorite colors?
11. What would be his favorite Profession Quidditch Team?

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