Aidan Kaliam

Aidan Kaliam

Full Name: Aidan Mark Kaliam

- Birth Date: January 15
- Current Age: 11
- Area of Residence: Sydney, Australia
- Blood status: Half Blood
- Basic Appearance: Aidan is average height. He has short blond hair, it is usually messy, but then there are other days when it is not. His eyes are green but appear to shine a light red color when he is angry.

Parents: Aidan lives with his dad, Robby Kaliam. He is his 20's. Aidan's dad attened Hogwarts in England, there he was sorted into Ravenclaw. His father like to read alot and enjoyed learing about History, thus History of Magic became his favorite subject. Aidan's father later became prefect, and eventually Head Boy. His father liked playing quidditch but never actually joined the Ravenclaw house team. After graduating from Hogwarts Aidan's father took trips to certain places in the world, he wanted to see what other historicall things the world had. On a trip to a museum in the United States, his father met Kelsey Valithor, who later became Aidans' mother. Aidan's father fell in love with her, and after one of dating he asked her to marry him. She of course siad yes. They got married in Australia since Aidan's grandparents where old they could not travel to the United States. Then half-a-year later Kelsey became pregnant, with Aidan. When his dad found out they would be having a child, he tought it best to tell her of his magical family. After Aidan's dad told his mother about Hogwarts, and the rest of the magical world, she became comfused at first she didn't believe him but when he used magic in front of her she accepted it. Some months later Aidan was born. Two years after Aidan was born his mother became pregnant again, but this time it was not with one child, but with two. Aidan's mother was going to have twins! Being 2 years old Aidan didn't understand the whole process, of his mother being pregnant. So some more months later, his mother gave birth to twins, Gwenne and Gabriel Kaliam. Gwenne was the first child they had that was a girl, and Gabriel was the second boy the had. The twins are now both 9 years old, and will hopefully be attending Hogwarts in two years.

Father: Robby Nicolas Kaliam
Father side of the Family:
Grandfather: Eliam Mallik Kaliam
Grandmother: Gwenne Claire (Bolt) Kaliam
Uncle(s): Matthias Xavier Kaliam
--------------Falon Sebastian Kaliam
Aunts: Adrienne Jean Kaliam

Mother: Kelsey Leigh (Valithor) Kaliam
Mothers side of the Family:
Grandfather: Anthony Charles Valithor
Grandmother: Andria Katie (Roberts) Valithor
Uncle(s): (Alex)ander Joe Valithor
--------------Landon Scott Valithor
--------------Patrick Jordan Valithor
Aunt(s): Brianna Andrea Valithor
------------Brooke Jennifer Valithor

Pets: Aidan's family has: one dog, one cat, and two owls.

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