Aibreann Mac Aodhagain

Full Name:
Aibreann Daimhin Mac Aodhagain (Ab-rawn Daw-veen M'c Ay-gahn)

Date of Birth:
April 7th, 2027

Current Age:
10 years old.

Basic Appearance:


Aibreann was born to two Muggle parents, Colman and Iona Mac Aodhagain. She was the eighth child of nine and the only magical child of the family. A traditional family of Irish Catholics, the Mac Aodhagains were cobblers by trade for nearly thirty generations and the Brennans (from whom Iona was descended), were blacksmiths. Though their trades had dwindled, both families still managed to make a living, even if they were a poorer in the eyes of other Muggles.
Colman Ennis Mac Aodhagain (Coal-men In-iss M'c Ay-gahn)
May 27th, 1978


Colman is forty-nine years of age, a tall man with short, dark, grey hair marked with wisps of white throughout. He wears a thick beard that starts a dark grey before blooming into a bright white. His back shows signs of bending with age but he stands straight and proud nonetheless. His body is thin and lean, a runner's body, for in fact Colman is an active runner who regularly participates in competitive running. Dark green eyes hide behind long eyelashes and under thin brows, and they are wandering eyes, often scanning rooms and landscapes and people taking in each detail and memorizing them.

A cobbler, he learned his trade as a young man in Kildare, Ireland under the tutelage of his father and grandfather. At the death of his grandfather at eighty-seven and the retirement of his father a few years later, Colman inherited their families workshop and began to expand his business, delving into newer styles of shoes and shying away some from the traditional boots and walking shoes the Mac Aodhagains were known for.

He and Iona met when they were in their early twenties, and wed soon after meeting each other, much to the surprise and disappointment to Iona's father who had hoped she would marry a man of more wealth and status than Colman. But they were married and began having children soon, giving birth to nine children over their (currently) twenty-six year marriage.

Colman is still a cobbler to this day, though he is fast approaching his planned retirement and hopes to pass his workshop onto his son Fergus. As he spends less and less time in his workshop, he has begun to pursue his passions and hobbies more fervently, namely gardening, playing the violin, and woodcutting.
The etymology of Colman's names are thus:

'Colman' comes from the same root as 'Colm' and means 'little dove'. It is a named shared with an estimated three hundred or more Saints of the Catholic Church. 'Ennis' come from 'Inis' and meaning 'island.' The meaning of 'Mac Aodhagain' means 'descendant of Aodhagán', and their family line was established through the poet
Aodhagán Ó Rathaille (1670-1726).
Iona Emer Mac Aodhagain (Formerly Brennan) (I-oh-na Ee-mer M'c Ay-gahn)
December 4th, 1977


Iona is a fifty year old Irish woman who, though now older and grey, was a fair brown headed woman in her youth. Like her husband she is tall, proud, and strong, having spent her life in and out of forges (she being the only child who followed her father in smithing). Her eyes are grey with hints of green and are gentle, yet have the keen ability to pierce another's and glance at their soul, or so says her family. Her hands are rough from years of smithing, but her skin is smooth and soft to the touch, and she is graceful in her movements. She is fond of earrings and jewelry, crafting much of what she and her daughters wear.

The second daughter and third child of Liam and Muirne Brennan, she was not meant to inherit her father's forge. But when her elder brother died in an automobile accident at fifteen, Liam began to train her, seeing that the legacy of the Brennan's would not go on without a trained heir. When her father retired she took over ownership of his workshop and is currently training her son Murtagh to be a smith one day as well, though unbeknownst to her, he has other aspirations.

Like her husband she is an avid participant in nature, but prefers planting and tending to trees and shrubs whereas her husband tends a large garden. Though Colman hopes to retire soon, Iona would be restless if she could not work and has no plans to hand the workshop over, not at the very least until Murtagh is trained and of age.

She pursues knitting, hiking, tending to trees, and bicycling as her main hobbies.

The etymology of Iona's names are thus:

'Iona' is an island between Ireland and Scotland and is associated with the meaning 'blessed', due to the establishment of St. Colmcille's monastery there in 563 A.D. 'Emer' is an alternate version of 'Eimear' and the name comes from the legend of Cuchulainn, where Eimear was his betrothed. 'Brennan' is an Anglicized version of 'Ó Braonáin' which means 'descendent of Braonán'.
The Mac Aodhagain Family:

The Mac Aodhagain family consists of nine children, two of which are adopted, and Aibreann is the only one who possesses magical abilities. Her siblings are, in order of their age and organized by sisters first and then brothers:

Ida Clare Mac Aodhagain (26 y.o., born April 22nd, 2011)


Fianna Colleen Mac Aodhagain (17 y.o., born July 1st, 2020)
& Caoimhe Deirdre Mac Aodhagain (17 y.o., born July 1st 2020)


Roisin Isolt Mac Aodhagain (13 y.o., born October 23rd, 2024)


Muirne Ryanne Mac Aodhagain (7 y.o., born January 15th, 2030)


Fergus Alroy Mac Aodhagain (23 y.o., born September 10th, 2014)


Murtagh Brian Mac Aodhagain (15 y.o., born August 19th, 2022)


Liam Ronan Mac Aodhagain (14 y.o., born December 24th, 2023)


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