Ai Edogawa

Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)



Ai Akechi Edogawa
Ai - is of Japanese origin and written in kanji form, meaning "love"







November 16, 2019

Zodiac Sign:

Determined, Forceful, Emotional, Powerful, Passionate, Exciting, Magnetic

Jealous, Resentful, Compulsive, Obsessive, Secretive, Obstinate

Tokyo, Japan


Both of Ai's parents are of Japanese descent.

Blood Status:

Current Occupation:

Hogwarts Student


Fir Wand 14 1/8" with Essence of Sphinx Remains
It is the best wand for those that are cautious of whom to trust and those that love to read books, it opens up many possibilities to those that have faith in it. It is good for Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Astronomy.

Hogwarts House:
Founded by Helga Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. Its emblematic animal is the badger, and yellow and black are its colours. It also corresponds closely to the element of Earth.

Ai was probably sorted into Hufflepuff because even though she has a strong front and mean personality on the outside, deep down, she is a gentle and caring girl. Her loyalty lies on those who have her trust and she values hard work before attaining what she wants for herself and for others. Her patience might be thin on others, but she has a long span for those she holds close to her heart.

Throughout the years, Ai had shown a lot of personalities. Gentle and shy. Spoiled and conceited. Helpful and loyal. Selfish and rude. Tough and unyielding. Some of these had been facades that Ai had put up, believing that it would prevent her from getting into a close relationship with others though in the back of her mind, she knew those people would leave her. She had put up those masks so that no one would dare come close to her, and yet, even then, those masks of hers will just fall unwillingly and show who she truly is. Ai is a gentle girl in reality, not wishing for any real harm for those she knew though this personality of her had always been covered up by the rude mask that she used to put on. She is also very loyal and protective to those she cherishes and always does her best to help and protect them in any way she would find possible and most times, she would her needs aside for others. Be that as it may, Ai also has negative traits about her such as being jealous and resentful. She gets jealous easily because there would be times that she wished to be selfish but half the time, she would not make a move unless provoked. She is resentful in a sense that she doesn't forgive so easily unless the person's explanation is found acceptable though her trust is not so very easily gained the second time around. And lastly, while many would think that Ai is a very, very, very strong girl, she is actually quite vulnerable that often leads to her doing stupid things. Though she would hide her pain and sadness around others, she is quick to break down when she is alone. She only tried to look and act tough so that no one would worry about her, though deep down, she is just trying to contain her pain.


Ai has the features of a small, petite, Asian girl. She has fair complexion and dark brown eyes that would often stare off into nothingness. She also sports long black hair that reaches past her shoulders and above her waist that she often constantly styles to be either straight, curly or wavy.

Height and Weight:

Ai stands at the height of 5 feet and 5 inches and weighs at an average of 99 pounds.

Fashion Style:

If not wearing her school uniform and house robes, Ai likes to dress up though most of the time, she would prefer shorts and pants over skirts and dresses. She would pair it up with a suitable t-shirt or most of the time, a sleeveless top. She mostly goes for sneakers or a pair low-heeled sandals rather than high heels.


Mai Kuraki
Last edited:



November 16, 2019 - September 7, 2024
Ai Edogawa was the second child of former novelist, Yusaku Edogawa and former actress, Yukiko Edogawa. She was born on the 16th of November, 2019 as the younger twin sister of Conan Edogawa. Despite her parents being famous and wizards, Ai lived a pretty normal muggle life along with her twin brother. They had not known of magic when they were kids and had grown accustomed to the muggle way of life. The twins always got along with each other and the closest they got to a fight was a small bicker because of the impatience of another. This was because, despite being twins, they had their own preferences since early on. Conan preferred police, history, and sports. Ai preferred kitchen, science, and arts. Due to this, the twins, unlike some other siblings, had no real reason to fight over toys and books and clothes. They had grown to known each other's likes and dislikes over time and learned to respect them because they were different and that's what made their relationship all the more close. Ai had always been a gentle and sweet girl that was more close to her father than her mother and she had never been a spoiled girl despite the riches and material things her parents could provide. She had always been contented with what was given to her.

September 8, 2024 - September 12, 2024
The Edogawa family had gone on a picnic to enjoy a Sunday morning because both of their parents were free. The past few weeks have been hectic because of the project that they have been working on, mainly, Yusaku's novel was going to be made into a movie and Yukiko was in one of the major roles. Because of this, Ai and Conan had barely been able to spend time with their parents and always stayed at their Uncle Hiroshi's. But today, both their parents had the day off so they had decided on a picnic. It was like any other gathering they had. Conan teased Ai to no end until the little girl ended up pouting and running to her father which caused an eruption of laughter from their parents and then a little hug and comfort and a small apology from the brother. They ate, flew kites and enjoyed themselves until their father had gotten a call. They were needed at work and much to the children's dismay, their parents had to go, so they were dropped off at Uncle Hiroshi and Aunt Fusae's house.

There, they played all day and tried the new games their uncle had made and bought for them. They barely noticed that time had passed until their Uncle had answered a phone call. He was in shock, disbelief and anger and the twins' young minds could not comprehend why. All they know was that they had to follow their uncle and aunt when they were told to get in the car. Neither Ai nor Conan could discern the looks on their uncle's face though when they were brought to the hospital and neither of them understood why. And yet, they followed without knowing the reason for their presence. All they could see was their fuming uncle and their crying aunt. Ai did not understand. Though her playfulness was taking over in the hospital. After grinning from ear-to-ear, she entered the nearest hospital room she could find. What she saw though took her completely by surprise. It was her mother and father on the bed and they were asleep. She smiled not knowing why they were there so she skipped their way towards them and with her small frame, reached for her mother's cold hands. The young girl tried to wake her, but to no avail. So she tried with her father, but there was no luck too. Maybe she could kiss them awake was what she thought, so she dragged a chair to right beside the bed so she could climb on and finally see them. Nothing could have prepared her young mind for what she found out though. She finally saw it. The blood that stained the bedsheets and their clothes. She knew what blood was having one who was clumsy and taken a liking to science. Frantically, she tried to shake them both awake. Pleading for them to wake up. But nothing was happening. She screamed for her brother who instantly found her crying and trying to wake Daddy up. She had been waiting for them to come home. And when Conan pulled her down from the chair and they both cried, she now knew Mommy and Daddy were never coming home. Mommy and Daddy were never waking up.

The burial happened a few days after with most of their relatives present. Ai was nothing but a silent girl in the past few days. Just after her parents were buried, her mother's sisters had wanted to talk to her, so she followed obediently. Their words had taken her completely by surprise and were too scary for her young mind to process. They hated her. They did not like her. They were abandoning her. They only wanted Conan. They only loved Conan. And not her. Never her. She cried at everything they said. She was not a liar, she was not spoiled and she had not been a brat. Mommy loved her. Daddy loved her. Conan loved her! She wanted to believe her aunts' words were far from true. Thankfully, Conan had arrived just in time to save her from more of those scary words their aunts had been blurting out at her and he explicitly told them that he would be staying with his twin under the care of their father's brother, Uncle Hiroshi. Since that day, Hiroshi and Fusae had been caring for the twins as their legal guardians.

September 13, 2024 - June 2030
Ai had been a very silent and obedient girl since then. She rarely smiled and she rarely went out of her room unless it was to do her chores around the house. She had learned everything there was to know about the chores and by the time that she and Conan entered muggle school, she could already clean the house by herself, though her guardians would never allow her to do so. When she and Conan entered school though, her twin was shocked to see the change of demeanor in his sister. She was mean and rude to everyone and was often found alone unless I was with her. It was almost as if she didn't want to get close to anyone anymore. And her twin was right. This routine of theirs went on and on and on. But one day, Ai had been kidnapped. It had reached the ears of many others that their parents used to be famous and had left a rather large amount of inheritance to the children. It was supposed to be both twins, but Conan had still been inside the school that day and Ai was waiting for him by the gates. His sister's abduction did not go to blind eyes though, as the boy tried his best to follow them using his skateboard, and unknowingly, three more kids were following him on their bikes. On the other hand, Ai could not escape and because of her small frame, the adults didn't take her seriously and just left her tied in a locked room and this had been seriously taken advantage of as soon as Conan had arrived.

Ai was surprised and Conan was shocked at the three kids that had followed them. Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta. Having nothing else to do, they formed a plan and found a rather small hole in the wall of the abandoned building. Together, they had managed to get out of there safe and alive and report to the police what happened. Conan immediately became friends with the three but Ai remained impassive about them much to the disappointment of the three. Soon, Ai and Conan had begun learning karate to defend themselves and after two years, Ai had slowly begun showing emotion again, smiling wholeheartedly and even engaging in conversation with the three and she slowly made friends with them and even developed a small crush for Mitsuhiko. She was normal again. Until her Hogwarts letter came.

Knowing she was a witch was rather a shock, considering that she had been living a normal muggle life until then. She did not want to go. She did not want to leave her friends. She did not want to be apart from them because she knew, that as soon as she got close to someone, they would be taken from her. Or she would be taken from them. She planned on declining Hogwarts despite the explanations and persuasions of her aunt and uncle. But she was persuaded by those three friends of theirs. They were sad. They were crying. And yet they were smiling and telling her and Conan to go. They knew not that it was a wizarding school. They only knew that it would be a boarding school that would not allow them to go home whenever they wished. And even then, those three had told them to go. "We'll always be friends! And we'll play again whenever you get back here Ai-chan!" was what her best friend Ayumi said. "It'll be a wonderful opportunity for you guys but you must call us or at the very least write letters!" Mitsuhiko encouraged. "And don't forget to bring home tasty food when you get home! And I'll treat you guys to unagi when you get back!" the cheerful Genta exclaimed. With that said, Ai had agreed to go to Hogwarts New Zealand and get on with her studies of magic.

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Father: Yusaku Hyuuga-Edogawa


A former novelist who died in a car crash. He is the father of the Edogawa twins. He was born from a wealthy family though his parents had already passed away. He was an intelligent man to which his wits were inherited by his children. He was very close to Ai during her childhood days.

Mother: Yukiko Akechi-Edogawa


A former actress who died in a car crash. She is the mother of the Edogawa twins. She was well-known for her confidence and acting skills that had earned her many awards. Her confidence and knack for trouble had been inherited by both her children. She was very close to Conan during his childhood.

Uncle: Hiroshi Hyuuga-Edogawa

40 years old

A university professor and inventor. He was the brother of Yusaku and uncle to Conan and Ai. He was very close with the twins as they frequently stayed in his house while their parents were at work. And now, he looks over both of them as their legal guardian until they are already of legal age. He loves the twins dearly.

Aunt: Fusae Kikuchi-Edogawa

40 years old

A fashion designer. She is the wife of Hiroshi and aunt to Conan and Ai. Having been unable to have a child, she treated the twins as if they were her own children even before Yusaku and Yukiko had died. She was the one who taught Ai all she knew all-around the house. She is a capable mother and wife.

Brother: Conan Akechi-Edogawa

17 years old

Twin brother of Ai. They had a very close relationship during their childhood but had a very terrible one during their school days. After fighting for almost seven years, the two had finally made-up in their seventh year before graduation. Conan is also engaged to Ai's former Gryffindor enemy, Taylor Blare.

Pet: Hisa

Siamese Cat

Hisa was given to Ai by her parents as a kitten and she had taken care and groomed the cat all this years. The Siamese Cat has been nothing but a loyal companion to the girl. She is Ai's most beloved pet along with Sadie, her owl.

Pet: Sadie

Snowy Owl

Ai had bought Sadie in the Obsidian Harbour when she was shopping before her first year in HNZ started. She had no real need for the owl but decided that Sadie could be her companion like Hisa was. She is one of Ai's beloved pets.
[th colspan="2"]Edogawa Family[/th]


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Ai's protective nature gives her the strength to do what is must. Most of the time, it is her drive to do things right because she believes that it could protect those she cares about the most. Her protectiveness allows her to push herself to the limit and accomplish things and even go roundabout with her demeanor and personality if that is what's needed to protect those she holds dear to her.

Reflexive Thinking
Because of her training in karate and a few kidnapping incidents, Ai honed her reflexes in order to protect herself better when needed. Not only her senses but also her thinking had become mostly on reflex and impulse and though it had gotten her into trouble a lot of times, it had also saved her more times than she would actually want and care to count.

At most times, Ai would prefer to not think of what might happen to her if she suddenly does things that might benefit others more. She is not afraid to sacrifice if it's for the benefit of others. Though this is not fully shown because of her rude demeanor in her first few years in school, this is actually true. This trait of hers had begun to show in her latter school years as her masks of ice and facades had begun to fade away.

One of Ai's most admirable traits is independence. It is mostly a misconception that she is incapable of handling things alone, though this is not always the case. After her fight with Conan, her independence had began to show because she had been managing to make it through. She may always think that she cannot handle things alone, though she always thinks this, she had made it alone a lot of times. Whether it be tasks or problems, she could handle things on her own even if there would be times that she would think of giving up, she makes it through.

Karate, Skating, and Muggle Sports
Ai is not a very sporty girl though she is capable in them in her own right, particularly in Karate and Skating. She learned karate as a way for her to defend herself in case the need arises like the incidents of kidnappings before. Her skills in the sport had increased drastically after learning and practicing the discipline for more than ten years. She is now currently a black belt in karate. Skating is more of a hobby for both her and her brother. She is far from the skills of that of an athlete or a professional but she can do a few tricks on the ice.

Musicality, Acting and Arts
In terms of arts, Ai is slightly capable of sketching more than anything. More often than not, it would not look exactly the same though one could really, truthfully say 'close enough'. Ai's acting skills were well-known in her previous schools having been able to be forced to perform in several plays though she had grown to enjoy them as time passed. Her musicality is known to only a few as it was a talent that she did not want to showcase too much. She is capable in singing and playing a few musical pieces on the piano.

Fashion and Designing
Ai has quite the good eye for fashion and is quite fashionable when she feels like it. Her skills in applying make-up and fixing a female's hair is also one to take note of though not at a level of a professional and more of as hobby than anything. She is also capable of designing clothes on rare occasions though it is something that she brags about nor particularly shows to just anyone.

Potion-Brewing, Cooking, and Baking
Ai had always been talented in the kitchen. She had learned her cooking and baking skills from both her mother and her aunt. It was her aunt that taught her all the necessities of being in the kitchen and it was her mother's recipes that she had learned to cook and bake first before all others. Because of this, potions had been quite the easy subject for Ai thanks to her already honed kitchen skills and her talent has been showed in different times in the subject.

Flying and Quidditch
Flying had been one of Ai's hobbies ever since she had entered Hogwarts New Zealand and along with the talent for flying was the opportunity to play in the Quidditch team which she had gladly grabbed. In her Hogwarts years, Ai has played two positions, chaser and keeper though she is more capable of the latter than the former. She was also the Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team from her fifth year through her seventh year.

Defense Against the Dark Arts
In her first few years in Hogwarts, Ai had seen Defense Against the Dark Arts as a weakness. However, now, it is one of her abilities and she greatly thanks her professor for it. She had learned a great deal in the subject and is somehow glad that she was able to. She had worked hard in the subject for years and she had not noticed the fruit of it until she was nearly graduating from the wizarding school. She is now talented in performing hexes and jinxes, as well as able to perform non-verbal magic and is in the process of learning and mastering wandless magic.

Care of Magical Creatures and Divination
Care of Magical Creatures and Divination had been her electives in Hogwarts New Zealand and she had developed exceptional skill in each one. CoMC was a subject that had taken Ai's interest because of the involvement of animals, beings she particularly enjoyed engaging with. She had tried her best in the subject and had reached a good achievement in the subject. As for Divination, she had taken it because of curiosity of what it is about. This subject though had pricked her interest and started an unknown talent of which her professor had helped her to further develop into a skill that she might find useful in the future.

A cat symbolizes independence, love, ability to fight back when cornered, mystery, magic and aloofness. These are some of the qualities that Ai possesses in herself though unknown to many others. A cat also symbolizes a protector, which can also be seen in Ai who is always willing those she holds close to her heart. She also tries to always be self-assured of what might happen, just like a cat always does. A cat closely represents her personality and qualities.

Patronus Memory:
Fixing Her Relationship With Conan
With all the hardships she has gone through, Ai had once again begun to believe that everybody will leave her eventually. She had been mostly alone in going through most of her problems and challenges in her life. The greatest of all was the fight and cold war with Conan. More than six long years and almost seven, they had fought endlessly and though trying to fix their relationship, they had failed more times than they would actually care to count. But when needed the most, and when it counted the most, they were able to go past all that had happened and crossed the bridge between their six-year-long fight. Right when she needed her brother the most in her life, he was there. And that was a very happy and strong memory that she held close to her heart.

Ai's animagus would be a cat. This is because she is strongly fond of the said animal and even has one for a pet that she has been caring for since she was only a little girl. She understood cats better than she understood any other animal. And also, her qualities and personality is closely related to what a cat symbolizes.

Mirror of Erised:
A Complete Family
Ai came from more than just a broken family. She had lost her parents at an early age. Had a cold war with her brother ever since she was eleven that went on for more than six years. Grew independent and moved out of her home from Japan at the age of fifteen. She had grown up almost practically alone so she wants nothing more than a complete family by her side. Whether it's her father, mother and Conan or it'd be a family of hers in the future and years to come.


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Ai is very impulsive about things and tends to act before she thinks about the consequences of anything and everything. This is what mostly happens when the safety and welfare of those she cares about are at a risk. She tends to just do whatever comes to her mind that just might save those close to her rather than think of the consequences on her.

Ai easily gets jealous especially when it concerns those that she cherishes the most. Examples would have been Conan and Jeremiah. When they were first years, the only family that Ai really had left was Conan, so, she had mostly prevented him from making friends with anyone else when not with her or those she didn't like. And then with Miah, she had grew too possessive of him and had easily gotten jealous whenever she would find him with Arianna. This jealousy of hers had pushed away the people that she loved.

Ai tends to wallow in self-pity for the most part especially after her break-up with Heath. She had begun to think that she will experience every single problem that the world could offer.She started to doubt her existence in the world and tends to wonder if there will be an end to the problems she was facing. Mostly, she wondered if it was fair that she had been experiencing a great deal of problems that she didn't even know if she could handle. And it even came to a point where she had unpleasant thoughts in her mind.

Lack of Self-Esteem
After everything that happened, Ai had begun to doubt anything that she could accomplish. For her, all she had done was destroy her life and create more and more problems for herself, for the people she cared about and for the world. It seemed as if that was the only thing she was capable of. Making problems. Her self-confidence had been all but shattered that left only bits and pieces of the girl she once was. Though there are rare times that she would tell herself that someday, she will pick up those bits and pieces and bring them all back together. Those are the rare times when she actually tried to be herself again, the girl who didn't give up and never lost hope.

Botany, Herbology and Gardening
Ever since her childhood days, Ai had been completely incapable of taking care of plants and classifying them. She had never gotten the chance to fully understand and comprehend the study nor had she ever succeeded in actually planting, cultivating and harvesting a healthy plant. All she had reached in this field were memorizing herbs and vegetables used for Potions and cooking and also, burying the remains of the once living plants she was trying to grow.

History of Magic and Transfiguration
Ai had never been capable of memorization. Her skills in that field were vaguely terrible, in particular when it came to places and dates that had nothing to do with her, thus, her obvious difficulty in the field of History. Though passing, she still had a lot of difficulties when it came down to the subject. As for Transfiguration, it was one of the kinds of spells that she had most trouble with. Sometimes, she would transfigure stuff wrongly and things would go downhill from there which actually brought her esteem down most of the time because of her failures in the subject.

Dancing and Footwork
It has been frequently said that Ai had two left feet. She was the lousiest dancer in their family while Conan was great at it. Though she frequently pride herself with the thought that he was a lousy singer, that did not change the fact that her dancing was one of the worst. She could actually trip on her own feet while dancing after all, so frequently she opted not to dance in social gatherings. It might lead to trouble after all.

Building Relationships
Ai's social skills are almost non-existent. Almost because she can actually socialize when it matters, which meant business and only serious business. It was only stuff like Quidditch, leadership, problems. Those were the things that she could actually address. As for nonchalant socializing, Ai found that really hard, especially with her history in Hogwarts New Zealand and she had actually heard that she was once notorious for being a troublemaker in the school and once a mean girl too and it just made socializing all the more harder for the girl.

Fears and Phobias:
Fear of dependence on others.Ever since her break-up with Heath, Ai had resolved not to depend on others too much, because to her, it seemed as if her dependence was pushing them away from her. And after Jeremiah, she had resolved herself to not be dependent on anyone unless she was practically forced to, like how Shiloh and Grace wanted her to stay in their house and seeing as she could not refuse the two women, she ended up doing what they wanted, though opted to work for them in the duration of her stay as if it were her payment. Aside from that, she had disliked depending on others and had chosen to get by alone and mostly refuse the help of others, even her brother's.

Fear of falling in love. After Heath and Jeremiah, Ai had found it hard to particularly believe in love. Or it could be said that she was scared of being severely hurt again because of love. She was selfless and self-sacrificing, yes, but a person can only take so much and after what happened, she didn't think she still had the courage to fall in love anytime soon or maybe forever. After all, her joy only lasted for a little while before she was left to deal with the pain alone and without anyone there for her.

Fear of being forgotten, ignored or abandoned. Ai wasn't a particularly sociable person and there had only been a chosen few that she had actually let into her life. This is because she had issues of being left alone. She has an irrational dislike of dependence on others, though she doesn't want to be left alone or abandoned. And though she had let herself believe that 'everybody leaves' she never found the situation any easier to deal with.

Fear of cockroaches. This had been Ai's first fear from when she was a child. After playing games of hide and seek with Conan, she had ran and ran around the house and fell into the basement of their house and accidentally locking herself out. She had been trapped there with her watch flashlight though when she opened it, what greeted her was the sight of cockroaches that had wandered and scattered and crawled all over the place. It had been one of her worst childhood memories from before the death of her parents.

Before, Ai had been too afraid of her aunts, but as she grew older she had come to realize that there was no need for her to fear them. She was her own person and there was nothing they could do to change that. But now, her former fear had arise. Cockroaches had been her greatest tangible fear and this had happened after she fell into the basement of their house and had been trapped there with nothing but her watch flashlight and a whole bunch of cockroaches wandering about.


Justin Kuya
A Tripping Incident In The Great Lawn
Justin is a was a former Slytherin that Ai happened to trip on in the Great Lawn. Ai was a bit mad at the Slytherin before even meeting him personally because Justin had fought with Ai's brotherly figure, Ryuuji. It was in her nature after all to instantly dislike those who dare to cross the people important to her. Added to that, during their encounter, Justin insulted Ai, resulting her in getting mad and picking a fight.

Benjamin Chase
An RHI Insult In The North Tower
Ai had encountered the Slytherin boy in the North Tower when out of nowhere he began to insult her because of the dreaded magazine, Rumor Has It! Benjamin was insulting Ai and Conan's relationship and she did not take this very lightly. In fact, she remembered the boy from RHI as well, so she didn't hesitate in insulting him as well while she kept a rather calm poker face. After all, an eye for an eye, an insult for an insult, yes?

Khione Hawthorne
Just Stay Away From Us, Creep!
Khione was a Gryffindor that Ai and Conan had encountered in the Student Lounge. The two were having a conversation when the girl had appeared out of nowhere. Naturally, it turned into a fight because Ai did not appreciate being surprised, especially when in a conversation. At the very least, it was stopped by her brother before it escalated to a rather large degree.

Andrea Kelize
Pie War In The Kitchens!
Andrea is a Gryffindor that Ai happened to bump into in the kitchens. Not only that, but she also got caught into a fight with the girl. After shouting at each other for a bit, they threw pies at each other. Lots and lots of pies. Unluckily, they were caught by both Professor Hayes and Professor Kingsley and were given punishments. After that incident, they had been hating each other to the core though and wished to never have an encounter again.

Epiphany Bones
I Believe You're More Worthless
Epiphany was a Slytherin girl, Ai bumped into at the First Floor. From the start, Ai had disliked the girl and was fairly annoyed after hearing "Worthless klutz," from the girl's mouth. Which, unfortunately was referring to the Hufflepuff for accidentally bumping into the Slytherin. And of course, Ai did not take this too kindly and just went straight through with the fighting.

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Genta Kojima
The Useless But Helpful Self-Proclaimed Leader
Genta was one of Ai's muggle friends that helped her when she was kidnapped as a child. He proclaimed himself the leader of their little band of friends though everybody knew that it was Conan who was most matured among the five of them. He had a rather large built as a child though his fats had disappeared into a defined body when they became teenagers. He's a really big help when needed and though he may say useless things, when you actually think about it, his words hold a deep meaning.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya
The Logical Science Geek Who Likes Her
Mitsuhiko was the second kid who became Ai's muggle friend. He is smart with the love for science and technology and has the brains to back it all up. Though his logic used to sometimes contradict the situation, he had learned a lot the past few years and had quite grown to be an eye-candy for the ladies and yet retained his geeky nature and his brains to top it all off. Mitsuhiko was also Ai's childhood crush though unbeknownst to her, the boy had also liked her when they were young.

Ayumi Yoshida
The Gentle Courageous Girl With Strength
Ayumi was Ai's first friend which was a girl. She is also a muggle in Japan like Genta and Mitsuhiko. Ayumi is smart but at a different aspect from Conan, Mitsuhiko and Ai. Ayumi's intelligence is to think outside the box, she is also a brave girl and known to stand up for her friends when she is needed. Ayu-chan, as Ai liked to call her, used to have a crush on Conan and this did not go unnoticed. But as they reached their teenage years, Ayumi had eventually fallen in love with another guy.

Taylor Blare
Worst Enemy Turned Best Friend?!
Taylor was a Gryffindor girl that Ai used to hate down to her absolute core. It started as nothing more than a petty fight that escalated all too quickly to be fixed so easily. In the years that came, Ai and Taylor have been the worst of enemies, but after trudging the Forbidden Forest together and coming back out of it alive from near-death situations, they could actually stand to be near each other without biting the other's head off. Their relationship was mended slowly and Ai couldn't have been anymore grateful because when she needed someone, she had Taylor.

Ryuuji Tsukino
A Childish, Matured, Older Brother
Ai had first met Ryuuji in the North Tower while the older was having some sort of contest with the wall in front of him. Since then, the Ravenclaw had been her older brother figure and had always been there to help her along the way. He was always there for her when she needed him most in her first four years in Hogwarts though she had to admit that she missed him greatly when he graduated from school and lived in Japan while she lived in Europe. But despite the distance, their relationship remained as it is. Brother and sister.

JazzyMae Dalla-Robbia
Just Another Girl Friend To Be With
Ai had encountered JazzyMae at the Student Lounge. The girl was giving her advice and was comforting her, since at the time, Ai was having visions of her past again which wasn't a pleasant experience. Even showing worry over the young girl's condition. Although, Ai has refused the offer to the hospital wing and even said a few white lies just to not make the girl worry even more. The two met again in the Hufflepuff House Meeting in which JazzyMae had asked her on whether she has a boyfriend already and Ai denying it greatly with an embarrassed face. The younger was mad when she had seen the fellow Hufflepuff featured in Rumor Has It along with Ryuuji. Despite graduating, Ai had not forgotten JazzyMae and still thought of her as a friend.

Kate Moon
An Older Friend With Much Advice
Kate is an older Hufflepuff. Ai had the chance to talk to her after she was featured in the gossip magazine, Rumor Has It. Kate had given Ai advice to not let articles written to get to her. After having a fight with her brother, Ai had met Kate once again. The young girl had extremely damaged hands and Kate helped her to clean them. Ever since Kate had graduated though, Ai didn't hear from the older girl much.

Grace Raven
Under Your Care For Years
Grace is Jeremiah's sister that had been caring for Ai ever since she had moved out of Japan. Ai's relationship with her is very sisterly and Ai has grown to like and love them throughout the years of her stay under her care. In fact, her relationship with Grace and Shiloh is comparable to that of her relationship with Ryuuji even if she did start as a seeming freeloader under their care, though she frequently tried to be less of a burden while living with them.

Shiloh Denton
Thanks For Caring For Me
Shiloh is Grace's best friend that had been caring for Ai ever since she had moved out of Japan. Ai's relationship with her is very sisterly just like with Grace. After all, she had been living with them for years and despite graduating, she had continued to live with them under their request to do so. Even so, she still sees herself as a burden to them so she tries her best to work and not act as a freeeloader while under their care.

Satsuke Nakamura
A Brother's Friend Is Probably My Friend?
Satsuke is a friend of Ai's brother that was introduced to her at the Cliffs. Although they already met, Satsuke is still not a friend of Ai even after having a bit of conversation. It is mainly because the young girl hadn't properly introduced herself yet and she still thinks that they are not friends. She met Satsuke again during the Yule Ball in which the young boy got mad at Heath for not telling him about Ai.

Heath James
An Ex-Boyfriend. And Broken Friendship?
Ai and the Hufflepuff's relationship could have been described as hot and cold. One minute they fight and the next they're smiling and friends again. This was the routine they followed for years and they had always been so carefree with each other having been known each other both as enemies and as friends. Their relationship had grown into that of a much sweeter one until they became at official couple but had eventually broken-up. Right now, Ai knew not where their relationship stood, but she had to admit that she missed him, even if only as a friend.

Casey Everdeen
A Rather Short and Quiet Friendship
Casey is someone Ai met in the Lakefront while taking a stroll. She was seated in the far side of the Lakefront and the girl kindly approached her. Although, after some time, the wheels have turned and it was Ai who approached the girl at the very same place. They introduced themselves and became friends as Ai tried to build this friendship carefully. Though because of the time they rarely spent together, they had grown apart that made their friendship to last shorter than expected.

Amelia Jane
Just Another Girl With My Brother
Amelia was present during when the first fight between the twins occurred. Although, Ai was too messed up at the time to even realize this. She came across her again but was quite in a grumpy mood at the time which at first led to a not-so-friendly conversation. But in the end, it went a bit smoothly compared to the beginning. Since then, Ai did not have an encounter with the girl again.

Roxan Fairbrother
The First Kid I Taught
Ai had met Roxan in the Library when she was getting ready for the start of the year. She was a first year that had courage to ask Ai if she was any good with Charms and asked if the Hufflepuff would be willing to teach her. Ai had gladly agreed and Roxan had offered to teach Ai Third Year Defense Against the Dark Arts, much to her happiness and a bit of embarrassment.

Kaoru Shurui
Who Knew I'd Teach Another?
Ai had come upon the boy in the first floor corridors on her way for breakfast. The boy had bumped into her, which Ai didn't really mind as she was not injured in the process. After a little chat, the boy became another one of Ai's mentees.

Alliyah Jackson
Encounters. Never Been Friends Though
Ai first had an encounter with Alliyah down at the Kitchens where at the time wasn't exactly a very clean situation. It was the time when she and Andrea were throwing pies at each other and was caught by two very angry professors. She had another encounter with the Gryffindor during the winter wherein she had been enjoying the view offered and Alliyah was taking photos.

Liam Nightray
I Am Your Trash. You Are My Friend.
Ai had met the Slytherin in the Forbidden Forest after she had bumped into him in an attempt to escape whatever creature that might have been creeping the area. After getting impulsiveness get the best of her, she had promised to do whatever he wanted as a way of apologizing and assurance that the incident will never reach Professor Kingston. They agreed on this though it seem that more than benefiting, Liam had regret ever meeting her. Though because of the length of time they had known each other, Ai already considered him a friend.

Jeremiah Raven
The Knight Became An Evil Dragon
Ai had met the boy during a meeting with Liam. The two had met again after Ai took Jeremiah's side after witnessing Conan punch the said boy. Jeremiah and Ai, since then, began to joke about the fact that whenever they meet, one of them needs saving and they had grown to know each other as great friends. However, it grew more than that as in Ai's perspective, he was the only one who hadn't left her, so she had seemed to have been swooned by him. Though it seemed as if the longer they were together, the farther they grew until he became unrecognizable to her. He had left her alone too.

Raziel Kim
My Brother's Very, Very, Very, VERY Silent Friend
Ai had encountered Raziel at the Cliffs wherein he had confused the hell out of her when he uttered her surname. She didn't know many people after all and somebody knowing her when she wasn't that famous was a whole new thing. She found out though that he was her brother's friend and she understood how he had come to know her surname. She looked like Conan after all and it was no wonder that the boy would recognize her. They didn't have to many encounters after that, until they were both chosen to be the Head people in their seventh year. They had gotten along well for the most part and frequently Ai tried to help him while he, in his own little way, helped her cope up with some things that were hard to deal with alone.

Kate Kingswood
Grades Don't Make The Ravenclaw
She had met the Ravenclaw in the Student Lounge when the younger was having some problems. Kate had gotten an E for Flying and had grown depressed over it but Ai knew better than to wallow in her academic failures. This was around a time when Ai was still capable of believing in herself and was actually capable of giving out advice to the younger. The Hufflepuff had told her that it isn't the kindness that makes a Hufflepuff and it isn't the grades that make a Ravenclaw.

Graeme Fergusson
You'll Do Great In Hogwarts!
Ai had met Graeme as a first year Hufflepuff in the Common Room. She had surprised the boy by suddenly showing up in an unlikely hour of the night, and everything just went from there wherein they engaged in small conversations that both of them didn't seem to be bothered at. Ai considered him to be a great kid and quite amusing as well and was glad when he had become part of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team.

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Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya
Just A Little Kiddie Crush If You Don't Mind?
During her childhood days, Ai had developed a crush on Mitsuhiko. Although, it quite took an effect on her whenever she thought that he liked Ayumi. She had decided to give up on her childhood crush when she reached Hogwarts as she thought that she didn't have any hope. After all, why bother ruining their friendship with a confession if she would just leave to a place far away? She had just left her feelings unsaid and it unbeknownst to her that it was already she that he was crushing on.

Ryuuji Tsukino
A Little Admiration Wouldn't Hurt Right?
After spending too much time and being shown too much kindness by the Ravenclaw, Ai had started to develop a crush on the older boy during her birthday celebration in her first year at Hogwarts. Although not entirely as long as the period she had a crush on Mitsuhiko, the girl had still grown a feeling of attachment to the boy. She knew that she should not be crushing on him since he was her 'older brother' figure, but it couldn't be helped. Thankfully though, it faded soon after incidents occurred that took a large effect on the girl.

Heath James
First Love. First Boyfriend. First Heartbreak.
Even if it started with a fight and led to a rather mysterious, weird and complicated relationship, Ai still couldn't help but to feel happy whenever the boy was around. She had started crushing on him and is slowly falling in love in the process, but not really sure of what to do. Not wanting to drive him away from her, she tried to keep her current feelings for him a secret. But during their fourth year, feelings weren't exactly a secret anymore. Especially since Heath had already confessed to her, and even though her mind was frenzied and she was way too embarrassed she managed to confess her feelings as well. This led to them having a relationship that lasted for almost two years until he had broken up with her. This was due to the fact that she couldn't handle her time and while she wanted nothing more than spend time with him, responsibilities did not allow her to. Though when they broke up, it was obvious that they still loved each other and the passion was shown in their last kiss before they decided to move on.

Jeremiah Raven
Dad, When Will I Learn That Everybody Leaves?
After her break-up with Heath, Ai couldn't help but to wallow in her belief that 'Everybody leaves'. Though, there was one person that actually made her believe that it was not true and it was none other than her Gryffindor friend, Jeremiah Raven. Perhaps, it could be said that Ai had begun to fall for Miah as he swooned her off her feet when he made her believe that not everyone will leave her behind. And of course, she believed him. Little did she know though, that yet again, she was going to be left alone with a much bigger weight to carry. And for that little mistake of hers, she couldn't help but ask herself. When was she going to learn?


Academic Performance:


Hogwarts Life:
First Year
Ai's first year in Hogwarts was pretty much eventful. Her year had started out alright in her opinion. If someone had approached her, she would merely push them away with mean words. She didn't let anyone get too close to her at first. She fought with anyone and everyone. Until she met Ryuuji Tsukino, a fellow Japanese who was in Ravenclaw. He was the first person that Ai didn't fight with since she entered Hogwarts. She didn't know why though. Maybe it was because he reminded her of home. The rest she frequently fought with. Though for some reason, there was another first year that she had gotten into a complicated relationship with. Heath James. They had started out fighting but for some odd reason, when she tried to push him away, she seemed to be pulling him in. She didn't understand why, but she appreciated it because she knew that she wouldn't be alone as long as they didn't leave her. Ai semester was pretty eventful, especially when it came to fights. She had fought with older students, students her age and even had a pie war in the kitchens where she and her enemy were caught by Professor Hayes and Professor Kingsley. Then there was also her featuring in the rumor magazine of the school, Rumor Has It. This had caused a major breakdown from Ai that was quickly resolved by her brother figure, Ryuuji-niisan. Other than that, she had quite enjoyed her year thanks to her two brothers. Though there had been one fight that she could never have been prepared for. A fight with Conan. She had her first fight with her brother because of one girl. Taylor Blare. Ai could never forgive Taylor for that though because of what happened, Ai had undergone a breakdown, memories of her past invading her mind. That's when she met Heath and Kate again. Both had helped her at some point and she was absolutely grateful for that. She had also met JazzyMae who had helped her from her mind-wrecking visions. At some point, one may think that they will make-up when she and Conan head home to Japan, but they were wrong. In fact, they had only gotten worse.

Second Year
Ai's second year in Hogwarts was pretty much uneventful. It was pretty quiet because she had not seen her brother and even if they did see each other, both pretended to not know the other. It had become a routine that couldn't be broken. Feelings of confusion, anger, rage, sadness, pain had reigned over her and began to drag her down. She had no one to talk to. She couldn't talk to anyone. She couldn't bring herself to bother them with her own problems. She was supposed to fix this. But of course, she wasn't able to. All she could have done was cry her heart out and let her feelings show to the brother she had left. Ryuuji. He had not been there when the fight started, but what mattered to Ai the most was he was there now. Before the year had ended, Ai had managed to engage in a conversation with fellow Hufflepuff, Heath James. She could have sworn that he made her smile genuinely that night and it had become such a happy thought for the Hufflepuff.

Third Year
This year had been the most emotionally tiring year for Ai. Everything seemed to have been in utter mess after all and she didn't even know where to begin with everything. There were some happy moments, scary moments, furious moments and painful ones too. This was the year that someone had actually started to believe in her, to make friends with her. She had not known that this day would actually come but when it did, she was really happy. She had not expected that younger years would ask for help from her and that Casey would want to be friends with her. One of the experiences that had made it to her brain though and never left was her encounter with her brother. She had not expected him to hurt her and it had been really painful for her to deal with physically, mentally and emotionally. And then she had to start facing her developing feelings for Heath which she found hard to actually comprehend to the fullest. The last thing that had stayed on her mind was meeting Slytherin, Liam Nightray. After their encounter int he Forbidden Forest, she had agreed to be his puppet of sorts and he had seemed to have regret that. Especially since when he first called her out, she was late thanks to a rather nasty headache. Though if it were not for that meeting, she wouldn't have met Jeremiah who had become her friend.

Fourth Year
Ai had one of the happiest and yet most painful year in Hogwarts during her fourth year. It was in this year that she had actually spoken to Heath about her growing feelings for him. He had confessed to her on the Fifth Floor, the place where they had met, and while she was actually nervous and a little frightened, she had confessed as well. They had been an official couple since then. Though, what made this year one of her worst was the fact that Conan had disowned. It started out with the fight Ai had against Taylor in the North Tower. It had been a verbal fight until Taylor had slapped her which made Ai's words all the more sharp, cold and venomous but Conan had arrived and taken the Gryffindor's side, ultimately making Ai get out of the Tower with a pain in her chest and tears in her eyes. A few days after, she had seen Conan and Jeremiah in the Courtyard with the latter almost being beaten by the former. She could not stand for her brother's own unreasonable violence, so she defended the Gryffindor and that made things worse for her. Conan had practically refused to acknowledge her as a sister. All she could have done then was cry in the dungeons until her older brother figure, Ryuuji, had found her. That was all she could do. Other than that happening she had met Kate Kingswood, a younger student whom she had given advice to. She thought that nothing more would happen, but as it seemed, Rumor Has It was determined to destroy her year by featuring two of her friends, Ryuuji and JazzyMae which just made her fume in anger and worry. Before the year ended, Ai had met up with Jeremiah and they joked about how they would save each other whenever they would meet and he found out the truth that Ai really was Conan's sister. She had admitted to him that she couldn't go home to Japan after that fiasco so he offered to have her stay with his sister and after much assurance, she had agreed.

Fifth Year
This year had been quite the surprising one for Ai. Hades had left the Quidditch Team for her to handle which made the girl ecstatic and proud. Other than that, she had also become he Vice President for the Sorority of Heta Omega after Aphrodite had graduated. One of the most important achievements that Ai had gained was to be chosen to be a prefect on her fifth year. It was such an honor for her and what made her all the more excited was that her boyfriend, Heath, was also chosen to be a prefect like her. And even in her joy, pain would not recede to follow her. As she spent the day with Jeremiah, it just had to happen. Taylor and Conan had arrived in the same place they were. Naturally, a fight had ensued and it was one of the most painful experiences she had. She couldn't even bring herself to tell Heath about it nor could she afford to break down in front of Miah. She had kept her feelings bottled up inside of her. All she could have managed was write a letter to her brotherly figure, Ryuuji, to be able to release some of the burdens present on her chest. But the worst of it has been when Miah had set up a meeting for her and Conan. She couldn't help but feel betrayed by what the Gryffindor had done. It was like she had received a wake-up call of how her brother truly felt about her. It wasn't like any slap to the face. It was a knife through her chest. Then there was also her encounters with Liam, she had felt like it was her fault that he had gotten so angry at her and she was even feeling guilty about the whole thing that she felt the need to apologize. He had made her wait, and yet he had saved her and protected her to an extent. And she thanked him greatly for that. The rest of her year had been pretty uneventful though saved for the fact that she had approached Professor Le Fey about her intentions to further her knowledge and skill in Divination. Her year was a mess but it made a great difference to her personality and attitude nonetheless.

Sixth Year
Ai went on with her business as per usual. She had gotten used to the load of work that has been on placed on her shoulders and she was now very capable at them in comparison to her fifth year in Hogwarts. Though despite managing to do her work efficiently, she still lacked the time to spend with her boyfriend. She had fixed her relationship with Jeremiah and was ultimately on her way to fixing her and Liam's though after getting frustrated at his actions towards wanting to kill his owl, she had left him alone in the library and even forgetting the fact that she was supposed to return his blanket. In this year, she had also met Arianna who first introduced herself as Liam's fiancee but had turned out to be his cousin. Her conversation with the Slytherin had went downhill because they had an argument over Ria's well-being when the Gryffindor had fainted. But the worst that had happened was her two-year relationship with Heath had ended. She knew why it happened though she couldn't bring herself to accept it fully. Especially when she saw Conan and Taylor getting engaged. She wanted to make up with them and be happy for them, but with the mess her heart and mind was in, she couldn't bring herself to do so. Nevertheless, she tried her best to go back to her normal life and had also continued on with her training in Divination with Professor Le Fey and finally, after months of training, she had experienced the results of her training. She had a vision of the professor's pregnancy which had been true. This had made the girl happy even just for a bit. She had also attended the graduation of the seventh years despite not being particularly close with any of them because she knew that if she managed to survive her seventh year, she would be graduating soon as well.

Seventh Year

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Best School Subject/s:
When Ai first entered Divination, she had never thought that she would actually be skilled and excel at it. She had merely entered it because of curiosity but it seemed that she had made the right choice with it. Her grades had been nothing but exceptional and her performance both in class and in training with Professor Le Fey had been outstanding.

Defense Against the Dark Arts
Ai had started out with having difficulties in Defense Against the Dark Arts though overtime and after much determination and hard work, she had actually managed to get through with seven years of education. It had been a pretty hard and tiring subject, but knowing that she had completed it made her proud of herself.

Being one who was quite talented and able in the kitchen, Ai had found it easier to be in Potions class and brew. It felt like she was at home and cooking except for the fact that she was actually preparing some weird ingredients by muggle standards. Nevertheless, she had enjoyed Potions over the years of her study.

Worst School Subject/s:
Even as a child, and not knowing anything about neither witchcraft nor wizardry, Ai has never been good at handling plants. Whenever she tried to plant one, no matter how hard she tried, they would always, always, one way or the other, wilt and die. Even now, Ai has troubles with memorizing names of plants or even procedures on how to handle them. So, she had utterly failed her Herbology classes

Ai is not particularly good at transfiguration and would often make mistakes in the subject. Often times, she would incompletely transfigure things despite her concentration and the like. Her failures in transfiguring successfully had cause her self-esteem to lower than it is.

Extracurricular Activities:
Ai had first played quidditch during the Christmas Quidditch Game where she played as a keeper. Her official Hogwarts Quidditch career started when she attended the try-outs during her second year and she managed to get the position of keeper. On her third year though, she had gotten the position of chaser though she and her team had found out the hard way that she was not capable to be one and isn't as efficient. The following years, she had returned and remained in the keeper position until graduation.

Conglomerated Arts Club
Ai had been a member of the club since her first year in Hogwarts and she had partaken in some meetings and events of the said club ever since she had been a member. In fact, she had also been a member of the Glee Club which was under this particular club as well.

The Magical Sorority of Heta Omega
Ai had entered the sorority when she was just a first year and has been a member of it ever since. Eventually, she became one of the officers of the club until she was already one of the people managing it as a whole.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Quidditch Player
As a first year, Ai first and only goal had been to be a quidditch player of her house, Hufflepuff. Ai has been fascinated with the sport ever since she entered Hogwarts and learned how to fly. And her liking to the sport had definitely increased when she first experience playing it during her first year when she participated in the Christmas Quidditch Match. Since then, Ai had tried her best to get involved in the sport as much as she could.

Plans For Your Future:
While her grades in CoMC are not as good as those from her Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Divination, she is actually quite determined to pursue a career that will allow her to travel the outdoors and engage with more animals, both muggle and magical. She is quite determined to learn new things, discover new stuff and travel a lot of places with this career in mind.

School Achievement/s:
Hufflepuff Keeper and Quidditch Team Captain
After being accepted after the try-outs, Ai had become the keeper of the Hufflepuff Quidditch in her second year. On her third year, she had not managed to get the position she wanted, but remained in the team as a chaser nevertheless. She was not exactly good enough for the position, so when her fourth year came, she was lucky enough to be able to get the keeper position once again. After Hades had graduated, he had left the team for Ai to take care off and she had done her job until she passed it down when it was time for her to leave school.

Heta Omega President
Ai had been a member of the sorority ever since she was a first year in Hogwarts New Zealand. On her fourth year though, she had been promoted to become the Social Chair of the sorority which had begun to brighten up the girl's mood and point of view of school life in Hogwarts. When she became a fifth year, she was promoted to Vice President after Aphrodite had graduated. She and Kailie had worked together in running the club until the latter had graduated that left Ai to be the president of the sorority and she appointed new officers to help her out until graduation.

Hufflepuff Prefect
Ai was surprised to receive her badge during her fifth year when she was staying already at Grace's house. She had never gotten a clear idea on how or why she was chosen to be a Hufflepuff prefect considering that she was not the most responsible from their house and neither was she the best when it came to academics nor behavior so even now it was still a mystery to her what her Head of House saw in her.

Head Girl
When Ai had received her badge for being Head Girl, she couldn't have been more surprised. After all, she knew for a fact that there were many other girls in her year aspiring to be Head Girl. And not to mention that there were also more responsible ones. She had hesitated about her position and doubted herself. Though soon enough, despite the troubles she faced both school and non-school related, she managed to get through with everything. Though it was still unbeknownst to her on why Professor Davershire had picked her instead of the other girls in her year.

Hogwarts Years Roleplays:
First Year</SIZE></I></COLOR></FONT></SIZE>[ul][li]Wand Shopping</LI>
[li]Meet A Friend.
[li]Looking For....
[li]Perfect Day
[li]Swimming With.....
[li]Introductions and Danger
[li]A Friend, Indeed
[li]Kitchen Time Chaos
[li]Star Gazing
[li]Glee Club Meeting 1 Y15
[li]Ravenclaw Stands Y15
[li]Rumor Has It V.3
[li]Oh Zip It, Kid.
[li]Escape It All
[li]Good Advice
[li]A Birthday Secret
[li]Unexpected Meeting
[li]This Is War
[li]Oh What Fun
[li]Christmas Quidditch Game
[li]We Are... They Are... The Same?
[li]Correcting Mistakes
[li]Studying, Chatting. Uh-oh!
[li]The First Fight
[li]Hello Again
[li]What Am I... Are We Doing Here?
[li]Familiar? Not Sure.
[li]Puh-Lease. Get Over It.
[li]We're Home...[/li][/ul]

Second Year</SIZE>[ul]<LI>[li]Y16 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try-Outs
[li]Another Year and More Fun
[li]A New Year? A New Friend!
[li]You Want To Be My Friend?!
[li]We Get Another Conversation
[li]Hufflepuff House Meeting (Y16)
[li]Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice
[li]Y16 Hufflepuff v Slytherin
[li]Y16 Hufflepuff v Ravenclaw
[li]One Last Time[/li][/ul]

Third Year[ul][li]Are You Sure?
[li]Who Knew?
[li]Most Painful Injury
[li]Curiosity Can Be Nice
[li]How You Doing?
[li]Me?! Teach?! Seriously?!
[li]When Did It Start?
[li]Teach Another One?!
[li]Who Is Meaner?
[li]Y17 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs
[li]What Happened To You?
[li]Not That Scary, Am I?
[li]Nervous Yet Happy
[li]Y17 SlytherDor v HuffleClaw
[li]I Changed. How About You?
[li]Obey Every Command[/li][/ul]

Fourth Year[ul][li]Hufflepuff House Meeting (Y18)
[li]Everything Changed
[li]Y18 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs
[li]Frustration and Anger
[li]You Are The Most Callous, Irritating-
[li]Conglomerated Arts Club Meeting Y18
[li]Do We Even Need Saving?
[li]What Happened To Us?
[li]You Know Each Other?!
[li]Forgive and Forget? I DON'T Think So..
[li]Club Meet and Greet
[li]Books, Grades and Classes
[li]I Can Have Fun Too, Right?
[li]Rumor Has It V.7
[li]I Want To Have Fun!
[li]See You Soon[/li][/ul]

Fifth Year[ul][li]Y19 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs
[li]Late Night Care Package
[li]What Is This?!
[li]Come And Join Heta Omega!
[li]Can't Find Peace
[li]Just Another Day
[li]A Brother's Comfort
[li]Y19 Hufflepuff v Gryffindor
[li]Y19 Prefects Meeting
[li]Ice Cold Apology
[li]Finally! Some Time With You!
[li]Some Yuletide Spirit!
[li]Warm Snowy Cold
[li]Y19 Ravenclaw v Hufflepuff
[li]Tick, Tick, Tick[/li][/ul]

Sixth Year[ul][li]Anything But Talk
[li]Unintentional Presence
[li]Y20 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs
[li]Y20 Prefects Meeting
[li]Y20 Slytherin v Hufflepuff
[li]I'm His ... Girlfriend?
[li]Y20 Hufflepuff v Ravenclaw
[li]Y20 Hufflepuff v Gryffindor
[li]A Hufflepuff Patrol
[li]Some Things Need To Be Seen To Be Believed
[li]Graduation 2036: Spectators and Guests

Seventh Year[ul][li]Twenty One And Counting
[li]Don't Know Why I'm Here
[li]Missing Our Fights
[li]A Little Snow And A Jacket
[li]Oh... It's You...
[li]Y21 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs
[li]Y21 Prefects Meeting
[li]Welcome To Heta Omega!
[li]Drop The Act
[li]Who Am I Kidding?
[li]Detention #4
[li]It's Just Wishing
[li]Hungry? Welcome To The Club!
[li]Scared To Death
[li]Finding You
[li]Y21 Hufflepuff v Gryffindor
[li]Chocolates, Anyone?
[li]Sweet Revenge For The Sweets
<LI>[li]The Unfriendly Mistletoes[/li][/ul]

<COLOR color="#fff">Adult Roleplays:
Alternate Roleplays:
[ul][li]Thoughts 2.0 - What Could Have Been[/li][/ul]

<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="Verdana">Song Used: <I>Long Live by Taylor Swift
I do not own the song used for this template.

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