Ai Edogawa

Ai Nightray

matriarch • and if this was all we had • 'puff
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core

Full Name:
Ai Akechi Edogawa

Ai - is a Japanese word which means 'love'
Akechi - is a Japanese word for 'knowledge' and 'cleverness'
Edogawa - is taken up from the famous Japanese writer, Edogawa Rampo

Date of Birth:
November 16, 2019

Current Age:
12 years old

Basic Appearance:
Ai is just like any other Japanese with fair skin and brown eyes. She has long, straight, black hair that she enjoy putting different kinds of style on. She has the height of a little over 5 feet. This girl mostly prefers shorts with a t-shirt that goes with it or at times sleeveless tops.

At first, Ai was a mean girl on the outside and would shove almost everyone out of sight. This is fairly because she was scared of separations. She became separated from her parents when they died and she became separated from her friends when they moved to Hogwarts. Ai was scared of getting close to people but them leaving her alone or vice versa.

But now, Ai has changed because after the fight with her brother, being alone at the present is much more painful. She resolved herself to bring out her hidden personality, which was not seen from the girl in a long time. The gentle and caring Ai. Although she would still act brashly and mean to those she had made enemies with, she had tried to become gentle and caring to those she was already friends with and would meet in the future.

Father: Yusaku Edogawa
Yusaku was born from a rich family and was easily able to follow his dreams to become a mystery writer of novels. He has studied both Literature and Criminology and was once a police detective, but he easily gave it up to pursue his dreams. But, in some cases, he was still able to help his friends in police departments once in a while, dropping a hint or two.

He and Yukiko were from the same high school and after he was able to pursue his dreams, he was able to successfully ask her to marry him and she had agreed to do so. Although, Yusaku had passed away, along with Yukiko, in a car accident while Ai and Conan were at a young age.

Mother: Yukiko Akechi-Edogawa
Yukiko also came from a rich family. Being who she is, she showed extreme confidence, talent and skill during her high school days to achieve her dreams. To be an actress. With her skill and her family's connections, she was able to achieve this dream of hers and continued it until before her marriage.

After accepting Yusaku's proposal, Yukiko slowly withdrew from being an actress only accepting projects once in a while. This is to devote herself to being a mother and wife to her family. Of course, her sisters who were jealous of her was not happy with her decision and instead took their anger out on Yukiko's daughter who on the outside, looked like a spoiled child from how she dressed. Yukiko passed away in the same car accident as Yusaku had while Ai and Conan were at a young age.

Brother: Conan Edogawa
Conan was the older twin between the two and was also the stronger and smarter one but only in some aspects. He had grown protective of his twin after she had somewhat shut herself out. He helped her make friends with his closest friends. Conan continuously excelled in school and sports alike.

But, after the fight had started, Conan began to act differently towards his sister, not caring about her well-being anymore. He became angry at her and couldn't bring himself to forgive her. Not only did he not care about her anymore, he was now also able to tell her hurtful words and even inflict injury upon her.

Siamese Cat: Hisa
Hisa was given to her by her parents as a kitten. She has been Ai's companion since she was a child and she never failed to bring the cat to Hogwarts, even if it only stays in her room.

Snowy Owl: Sadie
Ai bought Sadie at the Obsidian Harbour when she bought her own school supplies. She had always brought the owl to Hogwarts even if she never sent letters to anyone. She only brought Sadie to be her companion along with Hisa.

Area of Residence:
Tokyo, Japan

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood


Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Cooking and Baking
Ai loves to both cook and bake as she had started to learn these from her mother personally at a very young age. She likes to follow her late mother's recipes as well as her Aunt Fusae's and is very well glad when she succeeds in making the said dish.

Ai has taken a liking to the subject ever since she was a little kid. She wondered about stars and planets and wants to have an understanding of the world outside of the Earth.

Additional Skills:
Ai has well tried to her best to learn Karate to be able to defend herself. She had already experienced being kidnapped for ransom as the daughter of a once famous actress and a famed novelist. Even after her parents had died, kidnappings also occurred thanks to the expected inheritance for ransom. Because of this Ai tried to learn the sport and did well, earning herself a red belt for her hard work.

Ai had admired Quidditch ever since she entered Hogwarts New Zealand and was determined to join her house team. She earned a straight O during her first year Flying course and was able to join her house team during her second year as a Keeper.

Ability in Karate
Reflexive Thinking

Lack of Patience
Easily Distracted
Gets Jealous Easily

Describe Your Character In Three Words:
Ai, at times, doesn't think first before she acts. Especially if it involves the safety and welfare of those she considers important. She never thinks of what might happen or what might be the consequence, so she intends to just do whatever thing that might cross her mind.

At most times, Ai would prefer to not think of what might happen to her if she suddenly does things that might benefit others more. Although not showing it directly, but by showing it through twisted, mean words, Ai tries to convey what she thinks is wrong with the other person, not even caring if it will lead to her into a fight. Also, if it would protect her friends and other people close to her, she would be willing to sacrifice almost anything just to not lose them.

Ai may be protective and impulsive, but the simplest of things can either make her happy or angry. Even a simple action will put a smile on her face, or maybe the simplest mistakes can make her frustrated or furious.

Favorite Place To Be:
Ai specifically likes the lakefront because of the memories she had spent there. It may provide a great view during different seasons, but it was the time she spent there with her friends and brother that mattered to her more. She had made a friend at the place and also spent a great deal of time with her brother and brotherly figure at the said place.

Genta Kojima - Japan
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya - Japan
Ryuuji Tsukino - Hogwarts New Zealand
Heath James - Hogwarts New Zealand

Ayumi Yoshida - Japan
Kate Moon - Hogwarts New Zealand
Casey Everdeen - Hogwarts New Zealand
Roxan Fairbrother - Hogwarts New Zealand

Hogwarts House:
Ai was probably sorted into Hufflepuff because even though she has a strong front and mean personality on the outside, deep down, she is a gentle and caring girl. Her loyalty lies on those who have her trust and she values hard work before attaining what she wants for herself and for others. Her patience might be thin on others, but she has a long span for those she holds close to her heart.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Quidditch Player
Ai has been fascinated with the sport ever since she entered Hogwarts and learned how to fly. And her liking to the sport had definitely increased when she first experience playing it during her first year when she participated in the Christmas Quidditch Match. Ai wanted to be part of the team and will keep on struggling to be able to play.

Best School Subjects:
After enjoying the feel of being on air, Ai tried her best in all of her Flying lessons and was able to get straight O's in the said subject.

After getting sick frequently, Ai had been constantly failing classes except Divination. She found the subject very interesting indeed as she was enjoying reading the future as one may say.

Worst School Subject:
Even as a child, and not knowing anything about neither witchcraft nor wizardry, Ai has never been good at handling plants. Whenever she tried to plant one, no matter how hard she tried, they would always, always, one way or the other, wilt and die. Even now, Ai has troubles with memorizing names of plants or even procedures on how to handle them.

Extracurricular Activities:
Because of her fascination and liking of the said sport, Ai had joined the try outs during her second year and successfully made it to the team as a Keeper.

Plans For Your Future:
Divination Professor
Because of what had been going on with her life, Ai found Divination more enjoyable than Astronomy as she was doing a real good job at it. She's enjoying learning the different ways to do readings and is more than willing to learn more.

Your Patronus:
A cat symbolizes independence, love, ability to fight back when cornered, mystery, magic and aloofness. These are some of the qualities that Ai possesses in herself. A cat also symbolizes a protector, which can also be seen in Ai who is always willing those she holds close to her heart. She also tries to always be self-assured of what might happen, just like a cat always does. A cat closely represents her personality and qualities.

Your Patronus Memory:
Memories of Friends in Hogwarts
Her patronus can be triggered by the memories of the time she had spent with her friends in Hogwarts as it has been the first time she had made friends without the help of her brother and she treasures them very much. The memories she had gained with them were the happiest memories she had after the death of her parents.

Your Boggart:
Maternal Aunts/Mother's Sisters
Ai's boggart would be her maternal aunts since during her childhood, she was very well scolded by them for being a spoiled child in their point of view. The uttered words to her that she never expected to hear as a five year old child. These had traumatized her for quite a while and even remembering the memories of that time still scares the girl.

Your Animagus:
Ai's animagus would be a cat. This is because she is strongly fond of the said animal and even has one for a pet that she has been caring for since she was only a little girl. She understood cats better than she understood any other animal. And also, her qualities and personality is closely related to what a cat symbolizes.

Mirror of Erised:
Family and Friends
More than finishing school or getting a good job or even being the best at anything, Ai wants to be with her family and friends altogether. She wishes for a complete happy family, together with her parents, twin and even relatives if possible. Then, she would also want to be with her friends, those that she can confide on and learned to trust, after her parents had died.

A Page From Your Diary:
Ai Edogawa said:
Dear Diary,

I had made a lot of friends already. There's Ryuuji-niisan, Heath, Kate, Casey and Roxan. I'm really glad that I met them. I'm slowly making progress into what they call 'getting out of the shell'. It's kind of nice not having to act mean all the time. Although, I might get into another fight if Justin or that Andrea Kelize shows up. I can only imagine what will happen.

Onii-chan and I are still fighting though. I can only call him Onii-chan when I write here since when I talk to others I already use 'Conan' since I know he won't appreciate it too much when he finds out I'm still using 'Onii-chan'. I still can't get over a bit at the fact that he really kicked me with his full power and broke my bone. It hurt a lot. But it hurts more that he called me the way Oba-san did almost eight years ago. I guess I have to get over it soon enough.

Okaa-san and Otou-san's death anniversary are coming soon, but I can't pay my respects to them on that day again since classes here in Hogwarts are about to begin once again. I think they're going to be proud of me since I made a lot of friends. But I think they'll be mad at me that I'm still fighting with Onii-chan and I skipped a whole year in school.

I'm not sure on what to do anymore, but I'm glad you're here. Arigato!
Yours Truly,​


Any questions?
Feel free to post them here and I'll be more than willing to answer them to the best of my abilities.

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