🌹 Rose Giving Ahead of the Rest

Milo Frogg

I Think I Will Cause Problems On Purpose
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
07/2048 (14)
Yellow Rose for @Aine Thompson

Milo didn't know how exactly Marnie had managed to out maneuver him into delivering roses yet here he was, on Valentine's day with a bucket of them and a frown. He'd been waiting outside of the Charms room before class, eyes stuck on what appeared to be a singing paper rose that someone had goofed up enchanting and left out in the hall- unless they had actually intended it to start comparing their loved one a 'smite summer's hay'- when he spotted the Head Girl leaving the class, jerking himself out of his reverie.

"Oi, Aine, what's the point of you and Marnie having me run around with all these when you could have just taken your own roses yourselves," he griped, holding out the yellow rose he had for her impatiently.
Aine couldn't help but crack a small smile as she was approached by a younger boy - Milo, Marnie's brother, she understood - complaining about the rose deliveries. "I mean, we could have, but it's kinda like wrapping up a present for yourself and putting it under the Christmas tree. You know it's there but you can make a show of getting what you want in front of the whole family." She gave a small smirk, feeling actually kind of a little bad about how much people had to walk around. It was probably good exercise and a way for people to meet new faces, at least. She just hadn't expected to be quite as popular as she was, apparently. "Thanks, Milo. I really do appreciate it, and I bet Marnie really does too."
Milo listened to Aine skeptically as she tired to explain her reasoning, deciding it sounded like a load of bull to him. Who put their own presents under the tree? "Right.. So this is all to show off for my benefit then?" He asked her dryly, handing over the yellow rose and its note. "Yeah yeah, Marnie owes me big time," he said before pausing and thinking on it. "You both do," he decided with a bright smile. Having the head girl owe you a favour was always a good thing after all, right?

Dear Aine,

Thanks for all your hard work, it's noted and appreciated.


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