After the ball..

Fenton Longestine

Well-Known Member
12 1/2" ash and willow mix with thestral hair core
Fenton listened as she told him about her christmas plans and then explained his own to her. As they strolled slowly and for a brief time silently he smiled when she began to hum softly. Turning his head slightly he kissed the top of her head before moving back from her.
"You keep humming and we could almost start dancing here" he chuckled, catching her about her waist and extending his other hand in anticipation of hers.

"Remind me in the morning at breakfast to give you your present before we leave" he grinned, "now sing so we can start dancing" Fenton winked wickedly at her waiting for her to begin.
When he commented on the humming Trista stopped and laughed, before taking his other hand. "Well alright, I don't have the best voice but it doesn't really matter." she said before she started to sing in a soft voice that was similar to a bell. The two of them were moving slowly around the lawn, no noise aside from an owls hoot in the distance and her voice. The stars smiling down upon them, a wind blew by, causing her to lean into the nearest sourse of heat even more, Fenton. Sure she had been thinking about it for a few weeks now but something about all of this paired with the lakes soft waves lapping gently upon the shore caused her voice to get quieter and quieter as the song went on. By the end she had her head laying on his shoulder, whispering sweet lyrics into his ear. "I love you Fenton." she ended, nuzzling her face into his neck.
The dance was unbelievably slow, agonising in its closeness. Fenton could feel every curve of her against him and it was driving him insane. She moved her head at first to lay upon his shoulder, he let go of her hand and placed it on the small of her back moving her closer still to him. They were barely dancing now, more body swaying in time to the rustle of the leaves, the gentle lapping of the ripples from the lake upon the rock edges, the hoots from owls and their breathing. She had stopped humming earlier to sing a song instead and he could quite happily have listened to her sing forever when her face creeping closer to his neck, her breath sending shivers across his skin. A tightening in his entire body as his hands clasped her tighter. Three words she spoke and he tried not to freeze, tried not to make any irrational movement.

He turned his face to look at hers and cupping her face more roughly than he intended in his large hands he kissed her. It was unlike any of their previous kisses, there was a hunger and urgency behind it. Breaking from her mouth for just an instant as he looked into her beautiful face, Fenton knew he couldn't say the words she wanted to hear. He had to be sure of them first. Had to for them to mean anything to him, to her. His long fingers curled into the back of her hair pulling her face close to his again as he claimed her mouth just as forcefully as before. He wanted her there was no denying that much, he wanted her like a raw ache inside of him.

A hand slid down her neck, down her collar bone cupped the delicate folds of her gown as his urgency for her squeezed the flesh beneath. His mouth continued to blaze across hers then began its slow descent of her neck.
"I want you" he muttered into the soft flesh behind her ear, "Merlin only knows how much I want you right now".
Trista knew the instant the words had escaped her lips she had said them too soon. Hell, she hadn't even meant to say them yet! Even if she did mean them the timing was off and if her mind hadn't already alerted her to that Fentons next actions did. Even though he didn't freeze his body did stiffen up the slightest bit, something that if she hadn't had her head on his shoulder she wouldn't have noticed. His hands made their way, rather roughly, up to her face and before she could open her mouth to apologise for springing that on him his lips crashed into hers with an unfamiliar force, well... unfamiliar from this guy anyways. After the inital shock wore off she found herself responding almost competitively.

As he pulled back she looked into his eyes and saw the hazel orbs she had come to love so well lost in a a filmy fog of emotion. But she didn't observe much before they were kissing again, the fact that he hadn't returned her sentiments was the last thing on her mind, hands roaming anywhere and everywhere before finally settling in a nonhelpful way. When his kisses, warm against her now blazing hot skin left her lips her breathing was deep and shaky. An odd flood of shock at his next move and where his lips decided to land next caused her to jolt, knocking her off balance. They both came crashing down on the ground in an instant. Of course she couldn't go the whole night without making a meeting with the ground somehow.
Fenton was not normally so rough, not normally so eager it felt like his hormones had decided to flip their lid completely. As their bodies fell to the ground, he tried to twist himself enough so that he at least took the majority of the hit. He wanted to laugh at their situation but didn't instead his hands pulled her too him again, his mouth found hers as he rolled them over so that he was now on top of her.

His mouth broke from hers for a moment, his breathing haggard. He was behaving like a bloody animal and with Trista of all people.
"Damn it!" he swore loudly moving from her and sitting himself up, he felt extremely uncomfortable . His pants felt ridiculously tight and leaning forward to conceal just how much he had been willing to take this, Fenton swore again.

"Sorry Trista. I shouldn't have.. sorry" he ran a hand through his hair looking out towards the lake. Why did he have a knack of ruining a perfectly great moment.
Without missing a beat Trista quickly found her way back to him, she would make time to laugh at her clumsiness later as Fenton already had her back inhis arms, mouths crashing together again. The fact that they were on the ground barely running through her mind. Ground that should have signaled 'Hello! You're on the lawn and could be caught at any moment!'. Soon she pinned to the ground under him, yes he had definitely chosen the right distraction, her normally sharp mind was suspended in a hazy fog.

Once he pulled back she took in the cool night air, shaking her head to snap the world back into focus which came back with such sudden clarity she almost got a headache as he seemed to realize what he was actually doing. Immediately he started cursing and apologizing to her and she shook her head, but was wise enough not to lay a hand on him just yet. She propped herself up on her elbow before moving to a sitting position. "Don't Fenton..." she started, "Had I really wanted to stop you I could have found a way." she continued her face still a heated shade of red, this fact was emphasized by the red on her dress. "That was fantastic... Only we were kind of treading into dangerous territory towards the end." she added looking thoughtful. My only change to that would be... Not on the lawn next time! she thought.
Fenton continued to breath in deeply until at last he felt calm enough to face her, her words nearly tore him apart as he grabbed her hands in his.
"I don't want.. " he struggled to find the right words, "I don't want us to do anything stupid. I don't want us to be the couple that end up with tons of regret. I want to make you happy but not by sliding around on the grass with you. You're more to me than a quick roll anywhere."

He scratched his head before reaching over and picking up his jacket that had fallen in a ball to the ground fixed it over her shoulders once more. He placed an arm about her and pulled her in close to him, resting his head on hers.
"I don't want to mess up with you" his voice was a whisper now as he held her tight.
"I don't want us to either Fenton..." Trista started, agreeing with him wholeheartedly. Her logic was forcing it's way back to the surface, not liking being kept in a box in the back of her mind like that. Her lips curled up in a smile as he spoke, he really did care about her, even if he didn't yet love her. "This has been an amazing night..." she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "What you did just then reinforces what I said... Now don't worry, I won't be too upset if you don't say it back tonight. Silence is better than a lie... which is what most guys would have done tonight. Thank you for that..." she ended, giving him a light kiss on the cheek and leaning back against him.

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