After seeing Dad

Madlyn Ateara

Part Giantess (7'6) 🦉 CoMC 3-4 🦁 Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Chayton's ❤
Madlyn frequent visit to the north tower were more constant now that her father was teaching at Hogwarts. He seems to be getting along fairly well with the students, but she felt like her mom must feel alone with dad here and only little Jackie staying home with her to keep her company. Mom wrote a letter the other day reassuring Madlyn that everything was fine, yet she felt a bit more sad for her mom to be there without her father around.

With the subject in mind, it had Madlyn thinking about relationship in general. She really liked Joe Walker and when he told her he did too, it felt great. It felt nice to be more simpler. Just nice. Relationship was just a whole big issue that everyone seems to understand but Madlyn. She like that someone actually liked her, but she was new to the idea of wanting to be with someone. It was all but a massive puzzle to her. Honestly she kept putting the wrong piece together in the wrong place.

The towers were nice to think. She could be here as long as she wanted, and think about her future and other important matters like school work. This term she was doing better, her favorite classes end up being muggel studies. It was fascinating to see what her sister maybe experimenting now in New York City. Madlyn smile, Mandela face crept into her thoughts, She miss her sister, they weren't that close, but still Mandela will always be the oldest between them. Gazing down from the towers, the night was fresh and a little chilly. With a sweater covering her arms, she felt nothing but the fresh air caressing her face. It was really nice up there, great view for anyone to enjoy.
Briar headed up to the stairs. she was heading up to the battlements she liked looking out over the grounds and surrounding area at night, especially from outside. she jogged up the stairs to the north tower and was just about to head up to the owlery however she saw a silhouette against a window. she could tell instantly who it was. she walked over to her friend and sat next to her. "Hey Madlyn. How are you?" she asked. sitting down next to her. breathing in the fresh night air. she had brought her broom for a little night time flying but she left her broom propped up against the wall.
Someone out of the blue decided to enjoy the view with Madlyn on this chilly but settle evening. She look down seeing Briar take up the space besides her, her bright red hair still was a factor she needed to get use to seeing now. Briar had always had strings of red hair, it just seem much brighter than normal. Though it suited the wild and craze Gryffindor little friend. "Hey Briar! What;s up? Bored too?" she asked her friend. Madlyn length fell against the wall, while she too sat besides Briar, the two friends always felt comfortable around each other. "I'm alright, just bored. This weather not bad but I like it to be a little warmer, you know" she replied nonchalantly.
Briar nodded at Madlyn as she spoke. "yep, i was just about to go for a fly she said, she knew the north tower was not the normal place to start a flight from but it was easer to head up a tower than out the front door, plus she liked the feeling of falling before the broom caught her. "I quite like this weather, i prefer the air crisp. she said "any reason you are up in the tower? its not the most unboring place in the castle, at least there is always something going on in the common room" she said jokingly, she was always up for a little fun and an adventure, but she also enjoyed spending time with her friends more.
"Not that I don't like the cold brisk air or anything, but I like to you know go out more. Knowing me, I probably catch a cold or something" that was unlikely to happen. Madlyn immune system was solid, it's just the blood. One of a part giant that makes her that more bearable against anything that comes her way. "My dad teaches here actually, I just got through visiting him. He's the new Astronomy professor. I'm not sure if you knew that, but I hadn't told anyone that he was here till now." she smile somewhat. "He's really nice, maybe you'll meet him during your lesson" she added.
briar nodded, she hadn't been ill for as long as she could remember, she had however had a lode of accidents, and injuries. "I wouldn't put you as someone who would fall ill easily. she said winking. she herself had spent enough time outside in the to build up her immune system. "I don't have astronomy this semester. but i think i may have seen him around the castle, he seems pretty nice. Is that who you got your tallness from? she asked, knowing full well that Madlyn was part giant. "so what have you been up to recently? she said realising that she hadn't seen the girl much this semester.
"Yeah he's the one I get all my tallness from" she laughed uncertain for a minute. "Mom rather small for me to get it from her, it's rather funny seeing them together.." she laughed, and her mind went running else where. The sudden face of a shy puff boy came to mind, peeking down Madlyn fiddle with her hand. A ring lace around her thumb made of silver and another from fabric lace her index finger too. Both had symbols written all about it. "Trying to stay away from trouble, ever since that weird meeting with the others in our house, I've been trying to stay away from that now. I have no choice but too and hanging around with my good friend Joe." she said casually, like it didn't matter to her. When it did and all, how can it not. First crush a big deal, but she was a freak. A good freak cause she'll scare anyone who tried to put her down!

"What about you? What you've been up too?" she ask right back.
Briar laughed slightly with Madlyn. she noticed the other girl briefly zone out, but she didn't mention it. " Joe, what is he like" she asked as she didn't now many of the students in the year below hers, then in reference to the meeting they had had in the common room she nodded yes, i don't know whats happening with that, but i met a snake the other day, and she seemed quite nice, and she was being picked on by a claw." she said, still a little surprised, by that. "i have been mainly outside like normal, brushing up on flying for quidditch" she said. she kind of never bothered with classes. the way she grew up didn't focus on reading. she had started to realise just over a year ago that she couldn't keep up that well in class due to that. she enjoyed the magic part, and had got over her dislike of it. but she didn't write much, so she knew that she had to focus her energy on something she could do, and sport and flying was her strength, so thats what she focused her energy on.
"He's a fourth year puff, extremely nice and funny" Madlyn smile, "I had thought you would know him through your lesson, but he's cautiously shy and nervous around girls" she chuckle. [Madlyn in truce can say a million good things about Joe and how he's too funny. And how she may have a little crush on him, but the words were stuck. Than she thought Briar not your typical girl and Madlyn could say the same thing bout herself. It's that simple fact that makes you think no guy would like them in that way, or something. She refuse to accept the fact, it seem more an opinion. There's always someone for somebody, but Madlyn? So Confusing ! "I've never talk to anyone besides other houses, I think Slytherins just don't like me" she shrug not caring. "But my dad would ground me if he thought i would start trouble with them, he's strict about my magic and capabilities around normal people" moreover her mom, but they thought in the same level.
"I think i know who you are talking about" Briar said, he was in some classes with her, and she usually spent much time in class day dreaming and watching the other students. she only really paid attention in practical classes where they were using magic. as few people knew, she couldn't write very well, and it took her a lot of effort to read. however she could read people pretty well, especially Madlyn her closest friend, and she could tell that the girl liked the boy more than she was letting on. "I guess that is always a problem, with being so big. and now your dad is here i don't suppose you can get away with much, at all any more" she said.
"I've always knew my limits, I can't just say because he's here I never knew them from the beginning. But you know that whole Slytherin anti-group they were like recruiting us in? That kind of stuff I much rather avoid" she brush her messy hair out of the way, it was tangle but in a bun part of it. The front forelocks hung at the side of her face, she pushed them way back, behind her ears. It's been getting messier and messier, the whole brush thing never been Madlyn favorite thing to do. She suppose magic can clear this mess up. "I can't anyways, I'm trying to like get perfect status next year. I would never picture myself striving for pointless status like perfects, but for some reason I think I'm trying to prove a point" she said looking down at the schools ground. A loud point that needed to be seen!
OOCOut of Character:
sorry i took so long

briar nodded, "yes, i don't think i will join if it ever got off the floor, sure i help anyone who needs help and i don't mind sticking up for myself, but i am not into randomly fighting people because of where the sorting chose to put them. its a quarter of the school" she said. she picked up her broom. she really wanted a fly, flying at night was a lot different than during the day, the air was fresher and sweeter, and the world flashed by a lot quicker. "I can see you being a good prefect" she said, "but please don't give me detention when you catch me in the forest, or out of the house at night" she said, she was joking, she usually wouldn't get found unless she wanted to. she looked over the edge itching to feel the night air rushing past. but she did't want to offend Madlyn when they were part way through a conversation.
Madlyn nodded agreeing, she towered over the bricks sills of the open windows. She know better than anyone else not to judge someone by colors or looks, she had to deal with it growing up. She didn't have a problem, mainly because her family were always over protective of her and her friends back in Ireland did the same, just like Briar they watch out for her. Not like she needed watching out, worst can just be hurtful when someone says it and not think twice in how it would make someone feel. "Hey are you trying to skip out on me now?" Madlyn caught Briar and the yarning of wanting to flee the towers on her broomstick seem tempting for the fiery red head. "Go ahead, might as well go, I'd watch you from here" she rolled her eyes, her lips breaking into a smile, how can she not let her, it's Briar for crying out loud. The girl just naturally hyper.

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