After classes

Briony Harper

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
As soon as the bell rang signaling the end of classes for the day, Briony rushed outside to be in the sunshine. It was becoming the last days without snow, for the weather was becoming colder and colder with each passing day. The leaves upon the trees were turning brown and falling on the grounds, making it a beautiful sight to behold. Briony wanted to cease these last days and actually be able to enjoy the outside without lots of robes to keep warm.
There were many students outside, yet it was not crowded as of yet. Briony chose a spot under a tree, and sat down looking out over the lake. The squid's tentacles were visible, for it was splashing around in the water. She thought about going for a swim, but decided against it, her fear of the giant squid to great. A perfect afternoon. She thought, closing her eyes and dozing off slightly.
Sasha smiled. It was a nice day and she had gone straight outside after classes. She continued to walk towards the lake. She only remembered to look where she was stepping when she almost stepped on a girl sitting down. The girl looked about her age, probably another first year. She would have probably tried to go unnoticed, but she was in a great mood today, and hoped that it wouldn't be bad when she started being herself for this girl.

"Hi, I'm Sasha," she said."Hufflepuff first year. It's great out, huh? There are going to be fewer of these nice days, though. Best enjoy them while we can."

Just then, a leaf fell from the tree the girl was sitting under in to Sasha's hair . She picked it out and examined it, identifying what type of tree it came from. Then she let it slowly fall to the ground, like a parachute.
Briony suddenly opened her eyes when she heard footsteps and a voice close by her. She didn't recognize this girl, perhaps they'd never spoken before. "Hello!" She greeted with a cheerful smile. She had about fell asleep. Perhaps this girl could be a friend to her. "I'm Briony, a First Year Ravenclaw." She introduced herself. "It is very nice out. I'm kind of torn whether I want it to stay like this or it to snow so we can build snowmen."
Sasha continued to smile. "Nice to meet you, Briony," she said. "Same here. But it's a good thing that the weather decides on its own. Because if I chose the weather, it would be sunny one day then the next it would be snowing. I'm indecisive like that." She remembered when it would snow at her old home and she would get a ton of snow shoved down her back. She shivered a little at the thought. It wasn't going to happen this year, at least. This thought relaxed her.
"Nice to meet you too." Briony agreed cheerfully. She laughed at Sasha's next comment. She could definitely see what she meant. Today she was enjoying the weather but if she could control the weather, tomorrow would probably be a massive thunderstorm with lots of rain and lightning. "That would be fun.... But, everyone here would hate us so much if we could control it... I'm indecisive too."
Sasha was excited. Another friend, and she could be herself around her. It was tiring to hide who she really was all the time. "True," she said, smiling. "No way that everyone would be happy. Because some people love rain, some people hate it. Same with all forms of precipitation. And some people like windy days, others hate them, all of that."
"Why don't you sit down?" Briony asked with friendliness. It was a bit weird to stare up at the girl when sitting down. She wanted to get to know Sasha and finally have a friend here, instead of the occasional acquantence.
Sasha nodded and sat down. "Right, sorry about that, not usually in these situations," she said. "So," She paused and took another leaf out of her hair before continuing. "I've been looking for a good book to read. Do you know any? I mean, I have to do something when I'm not meeting new people and stuff. And I love to read, so I usually do that."

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