Aedan Steiner

Aedan Steiner

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Birch 14 1/4", Dragonstone Core
The Basics
Character's Name: Aedan Steiner
Character's Birthdate: 23 October 2016
Hometown: Stanton Island
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Wand: (All the information on it you can provide)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Height: 5 feet 6
Style: Whatever he feels will suit the occasion
Other Distinguishing Features:

A Little Deeper

Plastic Modelling - A surprisingly delicate and intensive activity, Aedan's eye for detail and ability to mentally image objects were born from this hobby.
Reading - Born from the knowledge of his eidetic memory, his need to complement his mental library drives him to read books at a voracious rate.
Listening to Music - Like any other young person his age, Aedan enjoys listening to music, though not of a particular genre. His favorite bands include The Script, 30 Seconds to Mars, Nightwish.

Quiet - Never one to speak unless necessary.
Analytical - Thinks before speaking, and before acting
Calm - As a rule, never allows himself to be controlled by panic
Thoughtful - As he remembers everything, he always does his best to think of others

Aedan Steiner is the middle sibling of the Steiner children. Like his elder brother and father, he is a serious person who takes his roles and responsibilities seriously, with an eye towards the long term. Unlike them, however, he is more flippant with the rules, having no hesitation at making minced meat of them should the situation, he feels, call for it.

Quiet and analytical, Aedan does not make friends easily, but people tend to gravitate to him because of his intelligence and surprising insight for his age. To date he has only opened up to three individuals outside of his family.

Raised by a military father, Aedan is extremely fit for his age, and as fitting for the son of a naval officer, very adept at swimming. He was in the process of learning both judo as well as kenjutsu, but never got past the first rank, or shodan. Though his training was disrupted, Aedan strives to keep his knowledge of both arts intact, as he desires to continue learning during his holidays, should he be able.

Aedan also has an eidetic memory, which renders him generally better able to remember things, though remembering them doesn't necessarily prelude understanding.


-> Father
Name: Renard Steiner
Age: 39
Occupation: Navy Officer
Blood Status: Muggle
Appearance: N/A
History: Born the second son of a distinguished army officer, his parents were unsurprised when Renard too joined the military; any disappointment his father felt when he chose to join the Navy evaporated when Renard proved himself to be a capable and talented naval officer. He met the fact that his son was a wizard with disbelief, though he has eventually accepted the fact and has resolved to support him however he can. Currently serving aboard the HMNZA Otago as commanding officer.

-> Mother
Name: Lily Lane
Age: 37
Occupation: Housewife
Blood Status: Muggle
Appearance: N/A
History: A successful financial planner, Lily's plans of rising to the top of her company were cut short by the arrival of Revan, and the discovery of her innate skills at keeping the house in order. Now she stays at home and looks after the house, as well as little Leliana. The discovery of Aedan's talents didn't cause her to so much as blink, accepting it as part of him. She plays with stocks in her free time.

-> Elder Brother
Name: Revan Steiner
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Appearance: N/A
History: The brilliant elder brother of Aedan, Revan is talented in almost all fields save for cooking. A track team star in high school, he won a scholarship to the Auckland University of Technology, where he currently remains studying Digital Media Design. His reaction to Aedan's magical gift was recorded to be a simple shrug as well as, "I always knew he was a little strange."

-> Younger Sister
Name: Leliana Steiner
Age: 2
Occupation: ... What kinda job do you expect a toddler to have?
Appearance: N/A
History: Leliana is the youngest of the Steiner brood, and the most energetic. Described as a little ball of sunshine, she enjoys running around the open fields behind the Steiner house, and also adores all her elder brothers. Her reaction to Aedan's revelation of magic was to laugh and pull him to play with her.

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