Admiring the Waters

Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member
Andrew sat on a large rock beside the lake, his legs soaked in the water till his ankles, a magical camera around his neck and his diary in his palms. Looking at the calm waters of the lake he remembered those days when he used to learn swimming with Caina, his best friend. It had only taken six months for his world to change, Again.

Caina had left without any message and hadn't replied to his owls. He wasn't able to figure out what had become of her and there was no way he was in contact with her cousins. To lose a best friend whom he had admired very much, although he never revealed it to her yet his heart had always know how much he fancied her. She had been his partner throughout since he broke up with Zazuka and after two years of strong friendship, here he was again without a best friend.

Chuckling at his own sorrow he took a picture of the cliffs and the sunset together with the lake view from where he sat. Photography, Swimming, Qudditch, Studies or dance, no matter what it was, Caina had been there with him and how he missed her now, he wanted to tell her yet the truth of her absentism stung Andrew every moment.

Writing in his diary about his thoughts he wondered if his life would ever be like before with his best friend gone.
Katheryn was casually walking around the lake. She was dressed comfortable but nicely. She had nothing to do today as her exams were over. Kiera was too busy with her own perfect life to care about hanging out with Kat. The young red haired girl sighed.

Across the way, Katheryn spotted a friend, Andrew Burke. He didn't look happy and it caused Kat to frown. She didn't like to see any of her friends upset. Katheryn made her way to him. "Hey AB! Mind if I join you?" she asked with a sparkling smile. She hoped it he would say okay. She was awfully bored.
Andrew looked up as he heard a familiar voice. Smiling back as he watched her smile, he said "Yeah Kat, come right away". Indicating a rock beside that of his own he asked "Is it okay if you soak your legs or should I come to dry land?"he asked her. He knew girls had their issues of manicures and high heeled sandals but he had always felt Katheryn being a simple one among the kind. How true that theory of his was, was yet to be known.

"How have you been?" he asked her. Andrew and Kat were classmates and even out of class friends. Andrew was more than glad to receive such a good company right now. "How did your exams go? Mine went quite well except for Astronomy. I stink at it" he admitted grinning broadly. Everyone, according to Andrew liked stinking on Astronomy except for a few chosen Ravenclaws he knew.
Katheryn grinned as Andrew said she could join him as he pointed to a rock beside him. She was wearing heels but she slipped them off. Kat laughed. "I don't mind joining you where you are." she said, not really caring if she got wet. Kat wasn't the type of girl to get squeamish or worry too much about her appearance. She was a lot like Kiera in that respect.

Katheryn walked down and sat by Andrew, dangling her legs in the water. "I've been good, no complaints today." she said with a smile. "How are you?" she asked, happy that she had run into AB today. She had missed seeing him over the last few weeks. "My exams went well I suppose. I think I'm going to drop Astronomy after this year. I hate it." she said with a shutter. Katheryn remembered why she liked Andrew. He was easy to talk to.
AB grinned as she said she didn't mind joining him in the water. Andrew remembered his first chat with Kat in the library. She was a very nice and kind girl no wonder she was in Hufflepuff. After that they used to chat and stuff in class but AB considered the idea of getting close friendship with Kat. It sounded good. "I am good" he said with a smile. "Just feeling a bit lonely since Caina left but I get some company now and then" he told her frankly.

There was no use in hiding that he wasn't lonely and sad at times."Even I hate Astronomy, it was great to know that this was the second last exam on the subject" he said with a grin. Nearly everyone hated it and it was good to know. Maybe someday they would get the subject out of the syllabus someday or no Professor would be willing to take the subject of hatred.

"So what else? How was the yule ball, Christmas and your holidays?"he asked Kat wondering what her family did this summer. He had heard from somewhere that her sister was very outgoing, talented in swimming and everything. He wondered if Kat had the same skills or different ones which he was yet to discover.
Katheryn nodded her head as Andrew said he had been lonely since Caina left. Kat hadn't ever talked to the other girl but she had see her around the school and knew who she was. She knew what it was like to be lonely though. For some reason, she didn't have many friends. "Yeah I know the feeling. Kiera is my best friend but she is always busy with Head Girl duties or classwork or something." she said honestly. It would only get worse now that Kiera was married to James Potter. She wasn't looking forward to it though she was happy for her older sister.

Katheryn laughed as he talked about Astronomy being taken out of the course work. It was something unlikely but it would be a blessing to them all. "I wish." she said with another musical laugh. "Watch them wait until we graduate before they get rid of it." she joked back with him.

Katheryn grinned as he asked about her holidays and the Yule ball. It was all quite interesting but the best part of it was supposed to be a secret. "Well I went to the ball with Rukevra and that was fun. It was lovely in the Hall. I hadn't been since my first year but it really was a good time." she said, happily. It had been a spur of the moment decision but everything had worked out nicely. "Christmas wasn't all that eventful for me. I visited my Dad's in California before heading to my mom's house here in New Zealand. She finally had her baby. A beautiful little boy." she said, happy about her half-brother. Now, Kat was no longer the baby in the family. "Oh and Kiera got engaged." she said, knowing it wasn't the whole truth. The couple had announced their engagement after they were married in private. Kat thought it was quite romantic.
Andrew was glad that Kat was able to understand exactly what it was that he was going through at the moment. He never knew that Kat was so attached to her sister and considering her as a best friend. It must been hard for Kat he thought. he laughed with her on the Astronomy joke. He considered the subject as a joke and there was no hope for him so luckily he didn't care.

"Is Rukevra in our year?"he asked unaware of the guy Kat talked about. Maybe, he's a transfer. "Wow that so cute, I love babies" he said with a smile happy for the Kingsley family. They had a lot of happening now that Kat said that there had even been an engagement. "Who's her fiancée?" he asked not wanting to give Kat the options 'Alex Cullen or James Potter'. That would have been rude. Everyone has their relationships that are to be kept personal and not made fun of.

Sadly, not many considered it this way. The recent daily prophet had made fun of Kiera and Potter's affair together with writing a lot of crap about their headmistress.Of course, AB didn't believe it like some of his friends. "I went to the ball with my friends and the holiday was boring for me except the weekends when we arranged dinners and things like that" he told Kat a bit about how his summer had been.
Katheryn nodded her head at his question. "Yeah he is in our year but he transferred from Durmstrang. He's a Gryffindor here." she explained. Kat hadn't know the other boy for very long. She had met him and gone with him to the Ball out of no where. Katheryn grinned as he said he liked babies. "I do too. My stepdad is so pleased. It's his first child." she said with a happy smile. Her family situation didn't bother her like it would some people.

Katheryn looked at Andrew as he asked who Kiera's fiancee was. That whole situation was tricky. She knew everyone was well aware of the love triangle Kiera had been stuck in. Kat could see how much her older sister loved both boys but in the end one of them was just someone she couldn't live without. Katheryn did feel bad for Alex. She rather liked him. "James Potter. She is getting married in August." she said brightly.

Katheryn was still undecided about James. She didn't know the older boy at all. However, if he made Kiera happy, Katheryn was happy. She listened as AB told her about his summer. "So you stayed here then?" she asked curiously. Kat wanted to get to know the boy better.
Andrew heard as Kat briefed her on who Rukevra was. There were many transfers these days and it was hard to keep track of them unless they were good friends or in your house. "Thats really sweet. You'll be having fun in Winter too then with all your relatives and everything" he said as Kat mentioned her sister was marrying James in August.

"Oh No, I went to Mal's place but its boring there with only two of us. I helped her at the store in weekdays and got off at weekends" he explained Kat. He would have died if he were to stay back at school. Each and every part of the castle reminded him of Caina and only if he was wanting to sucide he would dare spend time in lonliness.

"So have you decided on your dream Profession?"he asked Kat. Many teenagers like himself were confused between options when it came to serious future thinking. Andrew was stuck between joining the Ministry and a position as a Healer. Now that the sixth year came near it was high time they choosed the subjects they wanted to continue with that would inturn influence their carrier.
Katheryn shook her head at Andrew's words. "Of course I will have fun at the wedding but I expect to be bored mostly. We don't really have any family besides my parents and siblings. All of Kiera's friends from school will be there though." she said, thinking about how her sister would be stretched thin with all the guests, plus her new husband. It didn't seem like it would be much fun for Kat.

Katheryn was interested as AB mentioned a Mal. She hadn't heard him say anything about her before. "Is that your sister?" she asked curiously. She wondered what this Mal did that required her to have a shop. It intrigued Kat.

The red head let out a groan as AB asked if she had her career picked out. She shook her head vehemently. "I have no idea what I want to do. I'm looking at the ministry, and possibly Quidditch. I have even thought of going back to the muggle world to be an actress." she said, not sure if wizards had things like that."I really haven't anything set yet. Do you already know?"Kat asked, her blue eyes showing her worry. Was she behind? Should she have chosen a career already?
"But of course her friends will like you too" he said showing her the optimism in the part of being with Kiera's friends. When Kat asked if Mal was AB's sister, he shook his head letting out a small chuckle. "No, she's my godmother" he told her thinking how it was that he had not told her about Mal yet. He was under the impression that everyone knew Mallory Malkin.

"Well, I am an orphan, rite" he begun explaining Mal's chapter the way he knew it.He still remembered the day when he had first met Mal, how he'd been rude to her and how she had been so polite. "She was my mom's bestie and so she became my godmother. I live with her from five years and she owns Madam Malkins so I help her during holidays"

"If you'd be an actress,I would surely be the first one to ask for an autograph"he said with a grin. "And I suppose that's the most exciting carrier" he said with a smile. Surely Kat had the looks and the figure for being an actress. "I was thinking on a Healer or Something at The Ministry"he told her.
Katheryn nodded her head. "Yes, her friends are nice enough but still they are her friends and not my friends." she said, thinking that she would feel like an outsider. Most of Kiera's friends were Gryffindors that she didn't know well but at least Caysi would be there to entertain her.

Katheryn listened with fascination as AB told her about his family situation. She hadn't realized he was an orphan. Kat smiled kindly. "Well at least you like her. She sounds nice though I haven't ever been in Madam Malkins. I might have to check that out." she said, her blue eyes sparkling.

Kat laughed as he said he would ask for her autograph. "Being an actress would put all those dance and singing lessons to use." she said, still laughing. When she was younger, she had been in several muggle commercials but nothing big. Her father didn't feel it was right for children to be in the lime light. Kat nodded her head. "I think you would be good as a Healer. It seems like a good career." she said, thinking he would be good at that.
"I love Mal" he told her with a board grin. Just then an idea came into his mind. "Hey Kat, are you free next week during the weekends?"he asked her hoping she would say yes. AB was tired of loneliness and being bored. Maybe next week when they'd have their Brighstone weekend they could visit the village together and AB would introduce Kat to Mal.

The sun was going down behind the cliffs. As the last rays of sunlight shone on them, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful Kat's hair looked. He got distracted for a second or so as he gazed at her. She is very good looking and such a kind and polite girl he thought with a smile.

It was then that a thousands of bats flew over them coming out of the forest to find their prey. They caused such a racket as they flew bringing AB back to the present. He chuckled looking at the bats "Wouldn't it be fun if we could fly without brooms?"he asked her.
Katheryn turned her face towards him as he asked if she was free during the next weekend. She nodded her head. "Yes, I am. Why?" she asked curiously. "What's going on then?" she asked as her blue eyes sparkled with interest. Kat wondered what he wanted her to do. She assumed it was with him. She needed someone to take her away from the boredom of the castle.

Kat glanced out over the lake. The sun was beginning to set, turning the sky a beautiful shade of orange mixed with pink and yellow. The sky made her long for her paint set. It would be a very pretty scene to paint. She got lost for a moment in the perfect view they were witnessing. A breeze blew through the air, ruffling her red curls around her face.

Just then, a large flock of bats flew over head, making a loud ruckus. Kat wanted to cover her ears at the noise but refrained. She turned and smiled at Andrew as he spoke. "That would be quite fun." she said grinning now. "I love flying!" she said with a sigh.
"Thats great"he said smiling at Kat. "Well I was thinking we could hangout in Brighstone and you could even meet Mal?"he said wondering if Kat would be up for hanging out with him. He was ready to spend a day in Brighstone having butterbeers, shopping and spending some time with Mallory.

"So hows the Hufflepuff practice going for the upcoming matches?"he asked Kat. "You know I couldn't play in the first match because I had a knee surgery, it was sad but now I am ready, making the team practice more hard" he told her with a smile. "What position do you play again?"he asked having forgotten the Hufflepuff team members and their positions in the game.
Kat's face lit up with excitement as he invited her to spend the day in Brightstone with him.That would certainly cure her boredom for a time. She nodded her head. "That sounds like fun. I would love to spend the day with you in Brightstone." she said honestly. "And I would like to meet Mal." she added, grinning at AB.

Katheryn smiled slyly as he asked about Hufflepuff's quidditch team. "Oh Hufflepuff is coming along nicely. We beat Ravenclaw." she said proudly. Kat frowned as she heard him mention his injury. She was surprised she hadn't heard anything about that. "What happened with your knee? Are you alright now?" she asked with concern. "I used to play Keeper before I left school for that year but for the past two years, I have played Chaser. What about you?" she asked, unsure.
Andrew smiled as Kat agreed to come. "I'm sure it will be fun" he said grinning at her. As she mentioned Hufflepuff beating Ravenclaw, AB thought from his Captain-ish point of view. Of course they must be having some good in them to beat last year's Champion team, he said in his mind. "Well, I went Mountain Climbing and there was this last peak full of jagged rocks. As I was climbing my knee bone dislocated and I was with muggles thus the help came late at such high altitude" he explained Kat who seemed very worried on the matter.

"Yeah, I am totally fine" he said with a smile. "St. Mungo's Healer saw to it and made sure I got rest and didn't fly for a while" he said with a frown. Not letting AB do something he was passionate about was a very big mistake the bossy Healer had done. "He said it's okay now and it will be normal so I can play" he added with a smile.

"I play Chaser" he told her. He would certainly love to play seeker but it seemed that Slytherin team needed teamwork to score goals and Henric and himself had proved to be the best on that aspect. Thus, they had decided to choose another seeker and train them from time to time. "In my second year, I used to play seeker" he told her remembering the way he had won against Makato Black in the tryouts and was made seeker.
Katheryn listened to his explanation for how he got hurt. It sounded pretty awful but at least he was okay now. It pleased her to know he was safe. Kat grinned at him. "Good. I would hate to take advantage of your injury when we play Slytherin." she said teasingly. Then she thought of something else and frowned. "Just keep that vile Henric from hurting me. He nearly pushed Kiera off her broom last game." she said shaking her head.

Katheryn looked at Andrew, kindness in her eyes. "I've never played seeker before." she commented. "I like Chaser though. Its more fun than playing keeper." she said, thinking outloud.
Andrew laughed as Kat said about taking advantage of his injury. "As if. I wouldn't be allowing Slytherin to be weak because of me" he said grinning at her. As Kat mentioned Henric pushing Kiera off her broom he couldn't control his laughter anymore. "Wow!" he said between his laughs. "I should have seen that" he said smiling. "He's getting better at it day by day" he said showing Kat her tongue.

He knew Henric had his evil play planned for every game without the need to be told. He hardly got them in trouble because his plans were always strategically put thus never ending up in a mess. It was always a benefit for Slytherin to have Henric and he was their priceless asset. "I know keepers are to just wait and watch until the Quaffel slowly comes...." he said his sentence in a slow speed making the importance of the 'slow' in the whole thing.
Katheryn crossed her arms in front of her. It slightly angered her that he would laugh at the fact that Kiera could have gotten hurt. Kat was very protective of her family. "I said he almost pushed her off. She's too good for that piece of trickery to get her. Nasty Slytherin could have hurt her." she said, as her eyes flashed. "I won't fall for it either." she said turning her nose up.

Katheryn look out at the sunset. It was a clear evening, not too hot for the summer. Another breeze swept across the cliffs, blowing her red curls in her face. She ran her fingers through her hair, getting it out of her face. Her temper had already cooled. Kat turned back to AB. "Sorry, I just don't like to think of anything happening to my family. Kiera's had enough threats lately to worry about threats on the pitch too." Kat apologized in a soft voice.
Andrew was still laughing when Kat got angry simply by the fact that she was taking it all seriously. "Okay, I understand" he said between laughs and then slowed down. "Won't happen again" he added with a smile. The sun had completely sunk behind the forest and it was very dark that he could hardly see her.

"I suppose we should go back to the castle" he said getting to his feet and brushing off the dust from his clothes.

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