Admiring The Water

Vanessa Parker

Well-Known Member
Vanessa was just sitting and admiring the water. It was sparkling so beautifully. She felt relaxed and happy. Vanessa was thinking, too. Thinking about friends, enemies, life. She was hoping she would meet a friend, not an enemy. But she would be fine not having met anyone at all. The water was mesmerizing and she started to become in a world of her own, she noticed nothing in the real world. She felt like she was drifting through the sky, feeling the breeze on her face. The wind was blowing lightly outside of her world. She was so busy in her own world that she didn't notice someone was walking near her.
Tohoru was walking along the water. His thoughts far from where he was, he was happy with Eden right? She was perfect and his family adored her they had made her a Koshiba and his father a man who liked no female had seemed very takein with her. He had given Tohoru the Koshiba K to give to Eden which he did when he formally asked Eden to join the family she had said yes but now that the term was starting she was in class and yes he was in class with her but when class was over Eden vanished to look up things and not tell him about it. He knew he should be happy that she was doing so well but something was not right. Not watching where he was walking Tohoru walked right into a girl who had been sitting. Trying to catch his balance but failing Tohoru felt his self falling foreword. "Hey watch out." Tohoru said as he crashed into the girl.
Vanessa snapped out of her own world quickly and saw the boy about to fall on her. She was dazed for a second and she didn't move out of the way. He fell on Vanessa, but it didn't hurt. Just a little bump. She was glad she stopped him from hitting the rocks on the ground. Those things were really sharp and they would definitely hurt. "Thanks for the warning," Vanessa said. "I had been so busy thinking I didn't notice you coming over here."
Feeling someone catch him to stop him from hitting the rocks. Looking at his savior. "No problem, I like giving warnings before I do a face plant into rocks in hopes someone will save me or get out of the way." Standing up and sticking his hands in his pockets he looked at the girl she was a bit younger than he was but not as young as his sister Lilith. "I was thinking myself and I'm guessing I should stick to doing one thing at a time. If I'm walking I'm not thinking and if I'm thinking I should not be walking and it counts double is I'm near sharp rocks and water."
"That's probably a good thing to stick to," Vanessa said. She realized that she hadn't actually introduced herself yet, so she did. "I'm Vanessa." She looked at the boy who had fallen on her and saw that he looked a bit older than her, probably a third year. She was glad she wasn't the only one who thought and sometimes went in to another world sometimes, if that was what he had been doing. "What's your name?" she said.
"It's nice to meet you Vanessa. I am Tohoru. You may have heard of my twin Hoshi but dont worry her and I are nothing alike. I tend to follow all the rules she likes to break." Looking out into the water Tohoru let his mind wonder for a moment and than came back to the real world. "So what where you doing out here on your own. If you dont mind me asking."
"Nice to meet you, too, and I don't mind at all," Vanessa said. "I've just been thinking about life as it is. It helps to think when the view is so great. So how are you?" Part of her mind had still been in her own world, then it suddenly came back to earth. She wasn't paying attention to her own world anymore, she had her full attention in the real world.
"Its good to know your doing good. Im doing alright I know I have had better days thats for sure. I came up here to think and I have gottin no closer to finding an answer than when I started." Tohoru took a seat on the ground and slowly strached out.
((Sorry it took so long I had to travel home and get alot of things takein care of.))

"Im not to sure on what the answer is going to be or what it would be. Its alot of things but really just one simple thing. It's hard to explain whats going on inside of my head. I think it would be easier if I just made you pocket size and stuck you in my brain." Tohoru shook his head if this girl did not think he was crazy before hand she sure did now.
"Well, I hope you find the answer," Vanessa said. "Sometimes I see someone do something that seems strange to me, and I wish that I could find out what was going on in their brain." She hoped that Tohoru didn't think she was weird for this comment, so she added, "Like if someone teases someone for no reason, I wonder why they do it."
"You would have to ask my sister Hoshi that one she's the bully in the family I tend to avoid her when we are at school she gets hooked up with her little goth gang chicks and I cant stand them and there childish games." Picking up a rock Tohoru flung it and watched as it skipped 7 steps before sinking. "It's Eden my girlfriend she all caught up in classwork and her job and cheerleading and extra secret lessons with Professor Black I dont know whats going on with her. It's not like I think she is doing anything bad I just dont know where I fit into her life anymore." Tohoru shook his head he did not know this girl but he felt like he could trust her.
"It's very easy I can teach you come here." Picking up a nice flat rock Tohoru held it out palm open. This was alot more peaceful than anything him and Eden ever did as of lately.
"It's easy like this." Stepping behind her and placing the rock in her hand. Tohoru gently brought back her hand snapped it foreword at the last moment watching as the rock went flying.
Vanessa watched as the rock flew out of her hand and skipped on the water one...two....three times and then it sank. "Wow, thanks," she said with a smile. She found another flat rock and tried it herself. This time it skipped one...two...three...four times and then it sank to the bottom of the lake. She was happy that she had caught on so quickly to a new skill.
Tohoru clapped softly. "Not a problem. It helps stress and when you run out of rocks just arico them back to you just do one or do at a time or your going to get hit pretty hard." Smiling Tohoru liked how peaceful it was without Hoshi and Eden.
"Your presence is all I need I don't think you know how it is to have a twin who is always doing silly things with her childish friends and a girlfriend who you live with but you dont really like anymore but have no choice but to be with due to the fact she is already a part of the family." Looking over at her Tohoru smiled she was really quite pretty in a shy sort of way.
"I try to be one of those people that does things just to make someones day a little more easy. But a poem would be nice." Looking around and noticing how pretty it was Tohoru started humming a little song his mom used to sing when she would tuck the twins in. "It could be worse I could hate the girl. I just dont like her like I used to she is changing and so am I."
((sorry for the delay, I had to go to basketball practice and for some reason it didn't log me out))

"Learned How To Skip Rocks
From A Really Nice Guy
His Name His Tohoru
He's A Sight For My Sore Eye

He Is An Awesome Friend
The Sun Sets Every Night
And I Sleep A Little Better Knowing
He Made My Smile Creep Into Sight

So If You Need A Good Friend
Just Go To Tohoru.

She hoped that Tohoru would like this poem. She thought he was a nice person, and he would be a good friend in the future.
((It's fine been wondering around doing random things. Was dealing with a family breakdown on here.))

Tohoru listened to the poem she really was a sweet girl maybe even sweeter Eden could ever be. Tohoru what are you doing with this girl you need to run far far away before you made a fool out of yourself. "It was very pretty for a good girl like yourself.... I mean good and pretty should be switched.... I mean... O forget it. I liked it alot." Tohoru grinned sheepishly he knew this girl must think he was an idiot now.
Vanessa quietly laughed at how he was speaking. "Glad you liked it," she said. She really was happy that he hadn't started laughing at her poem. She knew that he wouldn't have done that, but she was still a bit embarrassed to be saying her own poetry out loud. She hadn't really made up the poem, she had taken what Tohoru was like and put it in to a poem.

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