Adelaide Johnson

OOC First Name
Character's Name: Adelaide "Ada" Rose Johnson

Character's Birthdate: December 19, 2022

Blood Status: Half Blood

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Appearance: Adelaide is an Italian girl with black hair (no bangs) and dark eyes that are almost black. She is average height.
Personality: Adelaide is a very smart, intellectual person. She spends most of her time reading or studying, and loves to learn. She is bossy and a stickler for rules. She hates getting in trouble or disappointing authority. She is a bit of a know-it-all and has some trouble making friends at times.


Sibling(s): N/A

Father: Antonio Johnson
Age: 41
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Relationship: Adelaide isn't very close to her father, because he isn't around much. She scarcely sees him, especially after starting at HNZ.

Mother: Andrea Johnson
Age: 38
Blood Status: Muggle
Relationship: Adelaide and her mother are very close. Andrea loves to read, like Adelaide, and they spend most of their free time together researching or having intellectual discussions.

History: Adelaide grew up in Italy. Her mother homeschooled her in muggle subjects like reading, writing, arithmetic, science, history, etc. When she was 9, she moved to New Zealand with her parents because of her father's job relocation. Adelaide went to a muggle primary school for two years in New Zealand before starting at HNZ. She had trouble making friends and nobody seemed to like her because she was a know-it-all. She hopes it will be different at HNZ.

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