Abel Jonathan Farley

Abel Farley

Active Member
[sub]Everybody's got their demons, even wide awake or dreaming,[/sub]
[sup]I'm the one who ends up leaving, make it okay,[/sup]



Abel Jonathan Farley

[sub]See a war I wanna fight it, see a match I wanna strike it[/sub]
[sup]Every fire I've ignited, faded to grey,[/sup]


FULL NAME: Abel Jonathan Farley
ETYMOLOGY: Abel meaning "breath, vapour, breathing spirit", --- Jonathan meaning "gift of God", --- Farley as a habitational name, consistent of 'fern'+ 'leah', meaning woodland clearing
PRONUNCIATION:Abel being pronounced as AY-bel, --- Jonathan being pronounced as JAHN-u-thun, --- Farley being pronounced as FAR-lee
WHY: His mother chose the name Abel because it's a name she had always loved. When she found out she was going to have a boy there was no doubt in her mind about what his name should be. The name Jonathan was picked by his father. It was common for men in his family to bear it as a second name, so it wasn't a tough decision to make.
NICKNAMES: Although the name Abel is already quite short itself and doesn't really need an abbreviation his dad often calls him Abe. His sister on the other hand likes to tease him by calling him Abey. His friends from his Muggle sports team always called him Farley.
BLOOD STATUS: He's a Half Blood wizard, his mother is a witch whilst his father is a Muggle.
ROOTS: Abel is 1/2 Irish and 1/2 British. The British side comes from his mom, whilst the Irish side is because of his dad.
CURRENT RESIDENCE: The Farleys are currently living in Auckland, New Zealand.
LANGUAGES: He isn't one to be good at languages so he just speaks English. He's very skilled at understanding a lot of different dialects though.
DOMINANT HAND: Abel is left-handed, a trait in which he follows up his father.
ALLERGIES: He's allergic to peanuts and has had quite a couple of hospital visits because of it
OTHER CONDITIONS: Abel has Heterochromia. A condition in which there is a difference in eye color between a persons eyes. In his case his right eye is fully blue, but his left eye is partly brown.
WAND:Curly 14 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Length. A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style. Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood. Alder wands are best held by those who are kind and helpful and becomes a loyal and trusted helper itself when controlled properly.
Core. Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.
Flexibility. Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.</COLOR></FONT>
[sub]But now that I'm broken, now that you know it,[/sub]
[sup]Caught up in a moment, can you see inside?[/sup]


D.O.B: Born on the 24th of April, 2031
PLACE OF BIRTH: Dublin, Ireland
ZODIAC SIGN:Taurus: Powerful and reliable, Taurus is the first when it comes to harvesting the fruits of his labor. They love everything that is good and beautiful, and they are often surrounded by material pleasures. Stable and conservative, Taurus is among the most reliable signs of the zodiac. Stubbornness is a trait that is forcing him to expel things to the end, in order to comply with the standards. Taurus can be overprotective of their loved ones. They are great in making money and they will stick to their projects until it is successfully completed. Bulls are often known for their stubbornness, but it can also be interpreted as a complete commitment to the execution of tasks. This makes them excellent workers and great friends, because they are always there, no matter what.
HOUSE ASTROLOGY: Taurus, the nature-loving bull, is a natural sign for Hufflepuffs to be born under. These wizards tend to specialize in herbs and nature spells, also in the husbandry and preservation of magical beasts. Their gentle good natures, open friendliness, hard work, patience, and politeness endear them to most everyone they meet. They like their magical workrooms neat and tidy, and prefer peaceful occupations to dangerous or aggressive ones.
ELEMENT: Earth: The element of Earth is attached to the signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and it also rules the Second, Sixth and Seventh Houses. All the earthy metaphors are appropriate here: salt of the Earth, feet firmly planted on the ground and so forth. Those graced by an Earth sign in their horoscope are practical, grounded and dependable. These folks don't take big risks; rather, they much prefer a sure thing. Much like the elements are considered the building blocks in nature, Earth signs are the builders of the zodiac. To these signs, creation is a tangible proposition. The element of Earth also confers a sense of duty, responsibility and reliability to those in its sphere. These are the people you can count on to be there when you need them.
PLANET: Venus: The Taurus is under the planetary rulership of Venus and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, the influence of Venus is twice as strong within your being. Venus is the planet of harmony, which explains for your appreciation of beauty, social warmth and your sense of values. Your unique planetary power makes you the most loving of all the Taurus Decans. To be loved and to give love are amongst your strongest desires. Once you deem a relationship to be worthwhile, you fully commit yourself to it. You display the same faithful qualities in all your dealings. As you appreciate the finer things in life, you have developed exceptional taste.
[sub]'Cause I've got a jet black heart and there's a hurricane underneath it,[/sub]
[sup]Trying to keep us apart, I write with a poison pen[/sup]


PLAYBY: Dominic Sherwood
HEIGHT: Abel is about 5'4 tall, but he's still growing. Men in both his mothers side of the family as well as his fathers are all rather tall, so he is estimated to be quite a tall guy as well once he's fullgrown. He is used to doing a lot of Muggle sports and figures he's alright.
WEIGHT: He isn't sure of his weight, never really bothering to hop onto the scale and see.
HAIR: Varying between light ash blonde, honey blonde and brownish blonde. It's about medium length and he likes it that way. He isn't one to cut it short.
EYES: Abel has baby blue eyes, well for the most part of it, something he definetely inherited from his mothers. His left eye is about one third brown because of his heterochromia.
BUILD: Abel loves to play football and rugby, which is why he's glad that he's got quite the athletic build.
VOICE:He has a pleasant, soft voice which is combined with a clear, British accent.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Abel's got a scar across his right upper arm from when he fell from his bike when he was little.
[sub]But these chemicals moving between us,[/sub]
[sup]Are the reason to start again,[/sup]


FIVE WORDS: Protective, honest, relaxed, loyal, caring
LIKES: Muggle sports; he likes football but his heart will always be set on rugby. Other than sports he's also interested by the art of transfiguration. He likes to goof around with his friends as well.
DISLIKES: Abel dislikes people who are full of energy all of the time, they can get on his nerves real easy. He also isn't a big fan of studying, he's an intelligent guy and would rather roll through his classes without doing much than working hard to get high grades.
STRENGTHS: Abel is a very honest person, a trait that can be categorized both as a strength and as a weakness as it can be interpreted as rude sometimes. He's also a very relaxed guy, it isn't in his nature to worry about things too much or to be energetic and excited about erverything all the time. Being both loyal and caring proves for Abel to be a great friend, always there when people need him the most and always sticking up for others.
WEAKNESSES: One of his weaknesses due to him being so loyal and caring is that he can get a bit over-protective at times. Abel would do anything for his friends, however sometimes they can get a bit tired of him wanting what's best for them. He can also be a bit hot-headed. Once someone gets on his nerves he'll try to stay calm, but there are times at which he just can't help himself.
PATRONUS: Zebra. Stubborn, confident, capable. Zebra as a totem teaches us to look at opposing viewpoints to every situation, to try to look at things in novel ways. Zebra people can often seem obstinate and argumentative, but also have the ability to work through problems that would have stumped others. Zebra medicine helps us to think outside the box, stand out as strong individuals , and appreciate our personal uniqueness.
BOGGART: Spiders
ERISED: Himself as an Auror
AMORTENTIA: The forest, the sea, pancakes
PERSONALITY: Abel (most of the time) is a kind and generous person. He's a caring person and would never try to mess with someone's emotions, which is the main reason of why he can be rather over protective from time to time. Abel is extremely loyal to his friends and family and would always place them before himself, no matter the consequences. He'd rather have himself get hurt than someone else. His honesty is something that can be good from time to time because he is a strong believer of speaking the truth, but it is also something that could get him into some tricky situations. Other than that Abel is a relaxed and laid backguy who gets along with everyone really. He's a big goodball ad loves to joke around but he also knows exactly when to be serious about things.
[sub]Now I'm holding on for dear life, [/sub]
[sup]There's no way that we could rewind,[/sup]


BEST FRIEND: At the moment, his sister
FIRST CRUSH: Not applicable yet
FIRST KISS: Not applicable yet
FIRST RELATIONSHIP: Not applicable yet
CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: Not applicable ..yet
THOUGHTS: Not applicable yet

[sub]Maybe there's nothing after midnight,[/sub]
[sup]That could make you stay,[/sup]


EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand, 2042
HOUSE: Abel was sorted into Hufflepuff House. He didn't have a lot of expactations or thoughts about which house he wanted to get sorted in, but it still came as a surprise.
THOUGHTS: Him being him Abel figures he'll be okay, not matter what House he's in. He would've liked to be together with his sister, but it didn't come as a surprise to him that she got placed in a different house. They aren't a lot alike.
Sorting said:
Abel hadn't been overly excited to got to Hogwarts, but he didn't dislike it either. As long as he could just roll through classes, without a lot of work, like he had always done things would be fine. Something he was looking forward to was seeing what sort of people he'd meet. Hopefully there were some relaxed people for him to hang with, because he already knew he wouldn't be able to stand hanging around with fully energetic people all of the time. Standing somewhere in the middle of his soon-to-be fellow first years Abel turned his head, looking for his sister. They had been together on the train, but he had somehow lost her on the way towards the castle. However, he was sure she'd be fine. She was a tough one after all.

As soon as the group of students made their way into the hall Abel could see some of the kids surrounding him getting more and more nervous. Sure all of them seemed to be at least a little nervous, but some of them just looked like their life would end if they didn't get sorted into the house they figured suits them. To be honest the boy himself hadn't even thought about what house he would be in yet, he wasn't one to worry about it. He'd just wait and see. "Farley, Abel!" The words rang through his head and his feet seemed to automatically make their way towards the stool. As he sat down he finally spotted his sister. She kept a straight face, but Abel could see right through it. She was nervous. Why wouldn't she? She was next after all.
"You belong in...Hufflepuff!"​

[sub]But now that I'm broken, and now that you know it,[/sub]
[sup]Caught up in a moment, can you see inside?[/sup]


FATHER: Elliot Jonathan Farley
RELATIONSHIP: His relationship with his father is a bit of a bumpy one. There are several fields on which the two just don't agree and this often leads to them having arguments. After an argument Abel wouldn't talk to his father for a few days.</COLOR>
MOTHER: Evangeline Noelle Farley
RELATIONSHIP: Abel has a good relationship with his mother. She's the only person he would bother with his problems, because he knows she doesn't mind and will always help him out. He strives to make her proud.</COLOR>[/td][td]
ADOPTIVE SISTER: Evanna Leila Farley
RELATIONSHIP:Even though she isn't his sister by blood Abel has a great relationship with Evanna. He's her confidant and he trusts most in the world. He knows that she's not always as happy as she pretends to be and that she's struggling, which is why he's protective over her.</COLOR></COLOR>[/td]

[sub]'Cause I've got a jet black heart and there's a hurricane underneath it,[/sub]
[sup]Trying to keep us apart, I write with a poison pen,[/sup]

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EARLY YEARS: Abel was born in Dublin, Ireland. He was the only child of his parents' and they loved him unconditionally. He didn't see a lot of his parents' families and even less after they moved to New Zealand. Abel and his parents have always lived in the Muggle world, because that's where both his mom and dad felt comfortable. Having a dad who's a huge sports fan caused him to learn a couple of sports whilst growing up. Once he grew a bit older his love for football and rugby grew bigger, turning him into as big of a sports fan as his father. Abels parents would have loved another child, but due to circumstances they couldn't. Eventually they took in a seven year old girl, the same age as Abel, just before they moved to New Zealand. Abel wasn't sure at first if he liked having a sibling and sharing everything he had, but he soon started to warm up to her.
<COLOR color="darkslategray">-----------------------------------------------
[sub]But these chemicals moving between us,[/sub]
[sup]Are the reason to start again,[/sup]

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<COLOR color="darkslategray"><SIZE size="50">5SOS - Jet Black Heart​
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