Abby Hayes

Abbigale Raven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Very Conservative
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Professor Abbigale Jinxx
I let it fall, my heart,
And as it fell you rose to claim it
Abbigale Raven
Name: Abbigale Jinxx
First Name Meaning: as a girl's name is a variant of Abigail (Hebrew), and the meaning of Abbigale is "father of exaltation".
First Name Origin: Hebrew
Last Name Meaning: as a girl's name is a variant of Jinx (Latin), and the meaning of Jinxx is "spell".
Last Name Origin: Latin
Nickname?: Abby
Nickname Origin: Shortened version of her first name.</COLOR>
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me
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Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Food: Mexican
Favourite Dish: Tacos
Favourite Season: Summer
Favourite Month: July
Favourite Holiday: Christmas
Favourite Time: Nine in either the morning or at night
Favourite Country: New Zealand
Favourite Animal: Horse
Favourite Number: Three
Favourite Sport: Quidditch
Favourite Writer: Jane Austin
Favourite Place To Be: At Home with her kids
Favourite Smell: Chanel number nine
Favourite Flower: Roses
Favourite Fabric: Lace
Favourite Metal: White Gold
My hands, they're strong
But my knees were far too weak,
Least Favourite Colour: Orange
Least Favourite Food: Chinese
Least Favourite Dish: Fried Rice
Least Favourite Season: Winter
Least Favourite Month: December
Least Favourite Holiday: Easter
Least Favourite Time: Around Mid night
Least Favourite Country: Egypt
Least Favourite Animal: Rat
Least Favourite Number: Twelve
Least Favourite Sport: Football
Least Favourite Writer: Christopher Branwick
Least Favourite Place To Be: The Dungeons
Least Favourite Smell: Heinz Light Beer
Least Favourite Flower: Lilacs
Least Favourite Fabric: Irish Linen
Least Favourite Metal: Bronze
To stand in your arms
Without falling to your feet
Date-Of-Birth: Thirteenth of June, Two Thousand and Four
Age: Twenty Seven
Place Of Birth: Las Angeles
Current Area Of Residence: Hogwarts, New Zealand or Auckland, New Zealand
Birth Parents: Henry and Jessamine Hayes
Heritage: American
Starsign: Gemini
Element: Air
Ruling Planet/s: Mercury
Symbol: The Twins
Stone: Aquamarine
Life Pursuit: To explore a little bit of everything.
Vibration: Intense mental energy
Secret Desire: To be ahead of the crowd
About Starsign Cancer: In ancient Greek mythology, Gemini's ruler - Mercury, was the light-footed messenger of the gods who darted back and forth across the heavens delivering news - which might explain why those born under the sign of the 'Twins' are always on the move; thirsty for knowledge and new experiences. Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject. It's just that variety is the spice of their lives!

In Astrology, Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that don't have the 'gift of the gab' are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages. In love, they look for a partner who can keep up with them mentally and physically! And, to quote Oscar Wilde, "there's one thing worse than people talking about you, that's people not talking about you." Whether Geminis like it or not, people are usually "talking about them". Together with Scorpio and Virgos, they are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes this is a subtle form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives. The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large.

Another reason Geminis evoke so much interest is many born under this sign are multi-dimensionally talented. In money matters, some Geminis are very adept and quick at making it...and spending it too. Many Geminis are involved in international financial wheeling and dealing. They love the adventure and game playing involved in out-thinking other people. Gemini's can be very haphazard about their financial affairs too, with many of them ending up in divorce courts mainly because their partners have become tired of living on the edge of a financial precipice.
If you were born on the first or last day of a Sun sign, in astrological terms you were born on a cusp. If that's the case, you will probably benefit from reading your own Sun sign and the Sun sign that ends or begins right before or after your date of birth. For example, if your birth date is 22 December, your Sun sign is Capricorn, but you probably have some Sagittarian traits as well.
Chinese Zodiac: Monkey
Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 7
Equivalent Western Sign: Leo
Element: Metal
Colour: white, golden, blue
Yin/Yang: Yang
Direction: north, northwest, west
But there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew.
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 10
Weight: 54.78 kgs but it fluctuates between 54 and 56
Dress Code: Abby's Styles
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Divorced | Interested in Someone
Who?: Jasper Magonus | Ciro Raven
Skin Tone: Fair
Skin Type: Smooth
Hair Colour: Blonde
Dyed?: No
Natural Colour: Blonde
Hair Type: Straight
Hair Length and Thickness: Long and Thin
Eye Colour: brown
Eye Description: Deep and Caring
Playby: Britney Spears
Distinguishing Marks: Birth mark on the back of her neck
Health Status: Healthy
Allergy: None
Blood Status: Half Blood
Blood Type: B Positive
All the things you'd say
They were never true, never true,
Educated At: Beauxbatons
Wand: Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Wand Description: Ebony is obviously striking in its pure color. It represents strength and generates unsurpassed magical energy. The Holly handle is the symbol of life, vitality and immortality and is perfect for use in spoken spells.
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Good Habits: Taking notes
Bad Habits: Talking alot
Strengths: Her family
Her husband
Her friends
Likes: The colour green
Dr pepper.
Weaknesses: Her father
Her Children
Dislikes: Clowns
Death eaters
The colour orange
Interests and/or Hobbies: Cooking
Watching Sports
Additional Skills: Cooking
Graduation: Graduated in 2022
Current Job: Professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts New Zealand
Theme Song: Theme
Beliefs: "There are no stupid questions, just stupid people"
Boggart: Clowns, Abby has a deep fear of clowns.
Patronus Memory: Her Patronus memory would be the day she got married
Veritiserum: "I secretly worry how Jasper is handling his new life."
Animagus: t would be a leopard, because they are graceful.
Patronus: Her patronus is a mouse, a door mouse.
Languages: English and French
Accent: American
Piercings: Her ears
Tattoos: None

And the games you play
You would always win, always win.
Personality: Abby is a kind and sensitive person. She likes to have fun and she isnÂ’t afraid to speak her mind. Though she is never mean to anyone. She loves to say that she is an only child, even though she loves her brother. Some times he can put people off.
History(Before School):
History(During School):
History(After School):
List Of Rps:

But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name!

</i> Lyrics



Henry Hayes: Pureblood Wizard. Henry is a strict man with strict rules for those around him, he follows stereotypes and protocals. When Abby was growing up, he would always call her Abbigale, even though she went by Abby, he though it right to call his daughter by her full name and not be a 'fake' name, as he would put it. Henry is a very hard man to please and was forever saying that Abby and her brother could be better and how disapointed he was of them. He has a second son that Abby and her brother know nothing about.


Jessamine Hayes: Muggle. Jessamine is a quiet bookworm, she can be quite harsh when angry and is just as strict as her husband, she ran a strict house when Abby was growing up, she had set times when Abby and her brother would do everything. Abby was close to her mother and loved her a lot, though her mother could be insufferable at the best of times, Abby still managed to find her fun. Jessamine knows of and accepts her husbands second sons exsistence, but will not accept her own sons homosexuality or Abby's distance from her.


Austiin Hayes: Half-blood Wizard. Abby likes to think of Austiin as a goldfish, simply and predictable. When Austiin and Abby were growing up, they hated eachother, Austiin would constantly find ways to upset or cause Abby to be injuryed in some way, he truly was a horrible older brother, he didn't protect her from bullies or comforted her when she was upset. As they got Austiin and Abby's relationship changed, and they became much more supportive of eachother. Now they are very close and they even live together, though Abby is thinking of moving out. Austiin and Abby often go to eachother for advice on things and Austiin is always providing a shoulder for Abby to lean on.


Tommy Hayes: Muggleborn Wizard. Tommy is Austiin's adopted son, he is a quiet boy, but is demanding and dramatic. He is quite spoiled by Austiin because of his troubling past, and Austiin is a softy when it comes to children. Abby dislikes Tommy because he is quite a mean boy and does not mix well with other children, but sometimes he does have his moments of kindness, especially when with animals.
The Rest Is Still Unwritten
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Martial Status: Seeing Some-one
Whom? Jasper Jinx
Nicknames? She calls him Jinxy and he calls her honeybear
Why? Theres no real reason. They are just pet names.

Template by moomblossom @Caution2.0​

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