the basics - I'm who I've got to be
full name;
Abathyn Dahlia Dalmoir
date of birth;
13th May 1999
favourite color;
heart songs;
'Golden Ship' by Gin; 'Face Down' by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
family members;
Jaimee Alyson Dalmoir (eldest daughter), Laani Jessica Dalmoir (youngest daughter), Melodie Ann Lowe (younger sister), Sia Riversend (younger sister)
- Abathyn has been out of contact with her family for a few years, and her children have been adopted. She does not intend to regain commmunications with them and would rather start a new life from the drama that is her previous.
my school years - these pigs are after me, after you
schooled at;
- Abathyn was homeschooled by her adoptive parents until age 13, when they decided they couldn't be bothered anymore. A tutor was hired and Abathyn had to work to be allowed an education, taking a job at a muggle chip shop then having the money transferred to galleons once a month. Abathyn was very a bright student, with her tutor she was finally tested a bit. Her adoptive parents didn't like the idea of Abathyn being even slightly intelligent and fired her tutor when she turned 17, but by then she had already learnt enough to get by. Abathyn was sent away from home and told to look after herself from here on in, but educated herself with books she bought out of her own wallet with a preference for Dark Magic- somehow this appealed to the abused, neglected young 17 year old more than anything else. She was going to make them wish they'd never adopted her.
magical strengths;
non-verbal magic, patronuses
patronus form;
new zealand tui
none at the moment
home is where the heart is - run away, like it was yesterday
Abathyn has a cottage on the Otago Peninsula, but is currently an inpatient at St Mungo's.
Abathyn lives alone, but is in a ward at St Mungo's for the forseeable future.
this is what i see - and we could run away, if we could run away
basic appearance;
Abathyn has shoulder length brown hair, with slight ringlets. It is usually scraped back into a quick, loose ponytail to keep it out of the way. When up her hair has usually got loose bits framing her face. Her grey-blue eyes, on a good day, are surrounded by mascara; Abathyn has low self esteem with her appearance and tries to make herself look better, when in reality she is pretty enough as it is. She is slightly taller than your average Kiwi woman, but isn't one to tower over people. She generally dresses warm and practical (so long as it's black- a very practical colour); being a mother of two she has little time to be constantly washing up the kid-messes. Even with the children away she still dresses as she did with them around. When out in public she wears a clean black cloak; muggle eyes are no problem here as Abby hardly ever ventures into the muggle world.
distinguishing features;
Abathyn has a Dark Mark on her left forearm, but it is generally covered by her sleeve, even in Summer. She wears a plain silver band around her right index finger, given to her by her cousin, Melodie, on the eve of the failed wedding between Mel and Adam. Abathyn is left-handed, and has a faint- yet large- scar on her neck from a childhood 'accident'. Her eyes are darty and have a certain depth of pain to them, showing that not all is perfect in her masquerade. There is a scar on her wrist below her Dark Mark from a suicide attempt.
and a novel for my psychology - run away from here
- Abathyn is a sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder. She has an unstable mood, is impulsive in making stupid decisions and terrified that she will never see her children again. While some days the world is bright and she is excited about her role as a Death Eater, other days Abathyn is just waiting for the world to end. Abathyn's feelings and mood swings are reminiscent of Bipolar Disorder, and cause self-loathing and self-destruction. She was diagnosed with this in November 2027 after an impulsive suicide attempt.
Abathyn Dahlia Dalmoir; gravity don't mean too much to me
<FONT font="tahoma">the basics - I'm who I've got to be
full name;
Abathyn Dahlia Dalmoir
date of birth;
13th May 1999
favourite color;
heart songs;
'Golden Ship' by Gin; 'Face Down' by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
family members;
Jaimee Alyson Dalmoir (eldest daughter), Laani Jessica Dalmoir (youngest daughter), Melodie Ann Lowe (younger sister), Sia Riversend (younger sister)
- Abathyn has been out of contact with her family for a few years, and her children have been adopted. She does not intend to regain commmunications with them and would rather start a new life from the drama that is her previous.
my school years - these pigs are after me, after you
schooled at;
- Abathyn was homeschooled by her adoptive parents until age 13, when they decided they couldn't be bothered anymore. A tutor was hired and Abathyn had to work to be allowed an education, taking a job at a muggle chip shop then having the money transferred to galleons once a month. Abathyn was very a bright student, with her tutor she was finally tested a bit. Her adoptive parents didn't like the idea of Abathyn being even slightly intelligent and fired her tutor when she turned 17, but by then she had already learnt enough to get by. Abathyn was sent away from home and told to look after herself from here on in, but educated herself with books she bought out of her own wallet with a preference for Dark Magic- somehow this appealed to the abused, neglected young 17 year old more than anything else. She was going to make them wish they'd never adopted her.
magical strengths;
non-verbal magic, patronuses
patronus form;
new zealand tui
none at the moment
home is where the heart is - run away, like it was yesterday
Abathyn has a cottage on the Otago Peninsula, but is currently an inpatient at St Mungo's.
Abathyn lives alone, but is in a ward at St Mungo's for the forseeable future.
this is what i see - and we could run away, if we could run away
basic appearance;
Abathyn has shoulder length brown hair, with slight ringlets. It is usually scraped back into a quick, loose ponytail to keep it out of the way. When up her hair has usually got loose bits framing her face. Her grey-blue eyes, on a good day, are surrounded by mascara; Abathyn has low self esteem with her appearance and tries to make herself look better, when in reality she is pretty enough as it is. She is slightly taller than your average Kiwi woman, but isn't one to tower over people. She generally dresses warm and practical (so long as it's black- a very practical colour); being a mother of two she has little time to be constantly washing up the kid-messes. Even with the children away she still dresses as she did with them around. When out in public she wears a clean black cloak; muggle eyes are no problem here as Abby hardly ever ventures into the muggle world.
distinguishing features;
Abathyn has a Dark Mark on her left forearm, but it is generally covered by her sleeve, even in Summer. She wears a plain silver band around her right index finger, given to her by her cousin, Melodie, on the eve of the failed wedding between Mel and Adam. Abathyn is left-handed, and has a faint- yet large- scar on her neck from a childhood 'accident'. Her eyes are darty and have a certain depth of pain to them, showing that not all is perfect in her masquerade. There is a scar on her wrist below her Dark Mark from a suicide attempt.
and a novel for my psychology - run away from here
- Abathyn is a sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder. She has an unstable mood, is impulsive in making stupid decisions and terrified that she will never see her children again. While some days the world is bright and she is excited about her role as a Death Eater, other days Abathyn is just waiting for the world to end. Abathyn's feelings and mood swings are reminiscent of Bipolar Disorder, and cause self-loathing and self-destruction. She was diagnosed with this in November 2027 after an impulsive suicide attempt.
Abathyn stared in the plain, wooden mirror, watching her reflection carefully. She remembered the stories she had heard about witches in her childhood. No boils, no warts, no pointy nose. With a faint smile she stood up, gliding absentmindedly to the woodburner and picking up the photo on top. Tears threatened to burn her eyes, just as they had done on many occasions, but Abathyn sighed. Converting her misery to other uses, as she had gotten used to doing so often, Abby put the photo face down and moved out of her dim bedroom. The hallway was cold, and the kauri walls were lined with pictures of waving children. She turned her back and began to run away, apparating into the forest outside and sprinting, just for the hell of it. There was the tree that Abathyn had found Maddiie at, she ran faster. There was the stream that she'd found that first time she was here, she crashed to the ground in front of it, kneeling on the stony edge. You can't run away from memories, she reminded herself. Tears weren't coming anymore. She had wept enough. Abathyn stood up bravely, clutching a stone in her closed fist. She threw hard, and the stream bubbled and splashed wildly at the impact.
Abathyn had turned her back enough, wept herself to sleep too much. It was nearing time to face the music, soon she would need to do something. She had holed up in this unforgiving forest for long enough, keeping herself alive with minimal care. She made that decision, all those months ago, and it was her mistake that she would have to fix. Trudging up the slight slope wearily, she realised how worn out she was. Maddiie had been right, Abby had neglected herself too much. Sometimes you get to the point where you just can't ignore life any longer, and Abathyn should be past that now.
She turned once more, apparating into her cave. Shaking off the effects, she wandered down the hallway, looking somewhat lost in a hall of what once was fun and games. Reaching the kitchen, she sat down and began to write a lengthy letter of sorrow and apologies to her cousin, now that Melodie (hopefully) remembered her again.
Abathyn had turned her back enough, wept herself to sleep too much. It was nearing time to face the music, soon she would need to do something. She had holed up in this unforgiving forest for long enough, keeping herself alive with minimal care. She made that decision, all those months ago, and it was her mistake that she would have to fix. Trudging up the slight slope wearily, she realised how worn out she was. Maddiie had been right, Abby had neglected herself too much. Sometimes you get to the point where you just can't ignore life any longer, and Abathyn should be past that now.
She turned once more, apparating into her cave. Shaking off the effects, she wandered down the hallway, looking somewhat lost in a hall of what once was fun and games. Reaching the kitchen, she sat down and began to write a lengthy letter of sorrow and apologies to her cousin, now that Melodie (hopefully) remembered her again.
<SIZE size="50">entire template made by me
please ask questions!
any lyrics by My Chemical Romance
Abathyn's history has changed slightly
from when I first wrote this, but
not drastically.
thanks for reading!
<i></i>please ask questions!
any lyrics by My Chemical Romance
Abathyn's history has changed slightly
from when I first wrote this, but
not drastically.
thanks for reading!