Abathyn Dahlia Dalmoir

Abathyn Dalmoir

Well-Known Member
Abathyn Dahlia Dalmoir ; i need no more healing, for i can't stop the bleeding
<SIZE size="50">
the basics:
full name- Abathyn Dahlia Dalmoir
nickname- Abby
birthdate- 13 May 1999
favourite colour- Silver
heart songs- 'Golden Ship' by Gin; 'Face Down' by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
family members- Jaimee Alyson Dalmoir (eldest daughter), Laani Jessica Dalmoir (youngest daughter), Melodie Ann Lowe (oldest cousin), Sia Riversend (younger cousin)

history in a nutshell:
Abathyn is 31 years old. She cannot remember her first 10 years of life, instead possesing a twisted fantasy of a happy childhood. When Abathyn turned 15, she became pregnant with her first child. Her parents forced her into an abortion, and Abby never trusted the male species again. At the fragile age of 18 Abathyn left her home and moved to an apartment in central Wellington. She began to trust people a little more, but allowed a few to get too close. She killed her first boyfriend after becoming pregnant for the second time, and wondering if the Aurors were after her Abathyn moved to a cave in Doubtful Sound, fully furbishing it in preparation for her little girl. Jaimee Alyson Dalmoir was born on the 7th of May, 2021. Abathyn lived in the cave with Jaimee for 2 years, rarely coming out of the self-enforced quarantine zone. In the winter of 2023 Abathyn came out of hiding to meet her family. Her cousin Melodie Ann Lowe quickly became a close friend. After hearing about the engagement between Melodie and Adam Bomonti, Abby took it upon herself to organize the whole wedding. Abathyn had barely started when she discovered she was pregnant. In the spring of 2023 Maddiie Hollawarth (then known as Marlana Dalmoir) strayed near to the cave where Abathyn lived, with absolutely no memory of who she was, and was taken in by Abby. Marlana lived in the cave for around 3 months. At the 6 month point in Abathyn's pregnancy, Abby tracked down Mark Finnigan, the father of her second child. She beat him up and left him for dead in a lake. Laani Jessica Dalmoir was born on the 12th of August, 2024. Ater Laani's birth, Abathyn met her second cousin, Sia Riversend. She offered to take in the girl during her times away from Hogwarts, and Sia accepted. When Laani was three months old, she became poisoned by dirty bathwater. Abathyn panicked and took her to St Mungo's, and after a while at the hospital Abathyn decided that to properly be in hiding from the law she'd need to be away from her children. It was the hardest thing ever, but Abathyn adopted out her children to Dympna Bella-Donna, hoping that they would be safe. Abathyn remained hidden for a few years, accepting that Jaimee and Laani would never return to her when her sixth letter was ignored. Come the Spring of 2027, Abathyn shifted her belongings to a beach cottage on the peninsula of the Otago Harbour.

important roleplays of year 8:
Taking a breather Abathyn meets her cousin Melodie for icecream and a catchup. [Obsidian Harbour]
Back home again After icecream the trio come back to the cave. [AAtWW]
Ghost wandering Melodie meets Adam, but is found by Hunapo. Abathyn comes along to try and save her (unfinished roleplay). [Brightstone]

important roleplays of year 9:
The Dalmoir residence A bit of a surprise wanders into the area of Abathyn's cave, the start of something great. [AAtWW]
Tears, smiles, friends and a wedding. The wedding of Melodie and Adam in the first Brightstone weekend, will all go well? As the groom becomes later and later things become even more dramatic. [Brightstone]
Wait.... Is that...? No it can't be. Hold. On. Oh. OMG IT'S YOU! Abathyn meets her younger cousin Sia on the girl's first Brightstone Weekend. Important questions will be asked (unfinished roleplay). [Brightstone]
So long, farewell Melodie moves out of the cave, and Abathyn is actually going to miss her. [AAtWW]
The third girl. Laani Dalmoir is born prematurely in St Mungos (unfinished roleplay). [St Mungos]
Come on darling. For me? Laani swallows the accidentally poisoned bathwater and is rushed to St Mungos. Will she be okay? [St Mungos]
Everything gonna be alright Maddiie has had her daughter, now Abathyn and Melodie rush to see her. [St Mungos]
I've made up my mind. Abathyn finally decides that her children aren't safe with her, and Jaimee and Laani are adopted out. But is all as it seems? [Obsidian Harbour]
Dying Day Melodie has gone insane and Abathyn is there for her, for a little while anyway. But why doesn't her younger cousin trust her?? [St Mungos]
When Fingers Point Abathyn runs into Adam on her way to pick up Sia and Eliza-Beth from Hogwarts to visit Melodie. Wands and Words may clash. [DPotA]
Revenge for the Fallen Abathyn returns to the Dark Part of the Alley to confront Adam again, this time backed up by Izaak. [DPotA]
Aloha (Greetings!) Abathyn goes to Hawaii to visit Maddiie, but ends up breaking down emotionally, realizing what a wreck her life is. [The Americas]

important roleplays of year 12:
I've Been a Fool, More Than Once, More Than Twice and I Hope I Never, I Hope I Never Have to Cry, Again The trainwreck of Abathyn's life crashes once more as she becomes drastic and is taken to St. Mungo's, only to find out the true reason for her erratic actions of the past few years. [Oceania and St. Mungo's]</COLOR>
<COLOR color="black">[this biography template is one of my own design]
star sign- Taurus
your element- Earth
your ruling planets- Venus
symbol- The Bull
your stone- Emerald
life pursuit- Emotional and financial security
vibration- Determined energy
taurus secret desire- To have a secure, happy and wealthy life/marriage.

[thanks to psychic guild for this information]

birthflower: the Lily of the Valley
birthflower meaning- sweetness and humility
taurus characteristics- Affectionate, Reliable, Ambitious, Practical & Patient

[thanks to birthstones for this information]

Abathyn does suit Taurus deep down, she is very family-orientated beneath her mean exterior.
the supplied template

the basics
character's name- Abathyn Dahlia Dalmoir
character's birthdate- 13th May 1999
blood status- Half Blood
wand- 13" Willow with the essence of Boiled Snakeskin
educated at- Homeschooled
occupation- None at this point
country of origin- Auckland, New Zealand
currently located- Doubtful Sound, New Zealand

hair- Medium length, brown hair, usually tied/clipped back with front bits hanging around her face.
eyes- a grey-blue colour, on a good day Abathyn's eyes are surrounded by mascara, but otherwise they are left makeupless.
height- Abathyn is slightly taller than an average kiwi woman, but Abathyn doesn't tower over people.
style- Abathyn's style is warm (she lives in the NZ backcountry, it has to be), comfortable, and generally colours that won't get too dirty from assorted kid-messes. She wears a black cloak when she is out in public though, as she doesn't venture into muggle territory she doesn't need to worry about it. She always wears long sleeves to cover up various scars and her Dark Mark.
other distinguishing features- Abathyn has a Dark Mark on her left forearm, but it is always covered by her sleeve. She has a faint, yet large scar on her neck and wears a plain silver band on her right index finger. Abathyn is left handed.

a little deeper
personality- Abathyn has almost got a split personality, she considers her family to be the most important things to her and is kind and loving towards them, albeit some odd ideas and the occasional wish to be alone. She openly grieves if her family are near her, but hides her emotions when she is in public. Abathyn is very prideful, she had a strict upbringing, sometimes to the point of abuse as punishment. This is the way she sees the world; she considers them to be against her and she has some major trust issues. When someone gets on the wrong side of Abathyn, they had better look out. She has a track-record for loosing her temper and is not afraid to use her wand to kill.
special talents/abilities- none as such
history- [coming soon]
family- [coming soon]

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