a waning relationship

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Briar headed into beightstone on the saturday morning of the brightstone weekend looking forward to the day ahead. she hadnt heard from her eyfriend since she had saayed there over the summer, apart from one not saying they should meet over the brightstone weekend. she had sent him the dates and now she was heading onto the village. she hoped he was okay, as the lack of contact bothered her. was it because of what they had done over the holidays? had he been hurt? or had he drunk too much to be able to write? every other thing that seemed to enter his mouth contained alcohol, she had realised that when he had had cider with his breakfast, apple juice was normal breakfast drink, apple cider showed a slight problem. she sat on a low branch of a tree to wait and although she didnt want to sit down she knew that if she was standing she would pace or something she really wasn't the patient kind. she fiddles with the edge of her cardigen, drummed on her legs, swung her legs, broke thin twigs into chips. her energy was peaking as the moon was waining an a few days until a new moon and sitting was not what she wanted to be doing. she looked up and down the paths hoping to see her boyfriend rounding the corner. she wasn't sure why she was so fidgety, even more so than normal. maybe it was what he sister said whenever she talked about him that made her anxious to prove her wrong, or maybe it was the fact that he had hardly contacted her in two months after they had spent the night together in his flat. either way she just hoped that he would turn up this year (unlike when they were going to meet up the same weekend last year) and she wouldn't be left waiting alone in the cold.
OOCOut of Character:
not my best I'm afraid.
Dederick travel momentarily normal to Brightstone Village. He took his time, hardly ever was he in a rush or did he care about getting there soon. There was something about today, that held him back from moving any faster anyways. He crossed the streets, a wizard whizzed by him in a chariot of horses, it's like stepping into another time age. Dederick found that strange. He looked back once and kept moving. He reached the sidewalk, one that connected to the outskirt of the park. It wasn't long before she came in view and his entire body went tense. For no reason really, there was no reason to hate her she would always be apart of his memory even when he did not care for or ever had care for her in the same way she did about him. A few meters away he stop looking in her direction. "Hey, ummm got your letter, and there's something I wanted to talk to you about so I came" he started off slowly.

He needed to tell her why and why he was coming to this conclusion, because if he drag it on anymore it will only be worst for her. Selfish. He knew he would be destroying something that would be potentially good in the long run. What's good for him is never was best, he lower his gaze to the ground.
Briar saw quite a few people walking through the park. some on their own, some walking dogs, some pushing prams, some in groups. however it took her a few moments to recognise her boyfriend walking towards her. he looked different. his usual short hair was longer, almost down to his shoulders, and there was something else about him that was different though she couldnt put her finger on it. she dropped out of the tree and walked towards him, quickly but not too quick. "Hey Dee. you look different. how have you been?" she said as she approached him, she was really happy to see him again. I have something to tell you. when I got back to school I found out that I am this years head girl." she said excitedly, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him. she had missed him whilst she had been at school. however as soon as she held him she realised that he felt tense. "what's wrong?" she asked her demeanour dropping. she didn't want him to be hurt, he didn't deserve that. she let go and took a step back so she could see him fully. then she realised that was wrong, his expression he didn't seem to be normal, it was more withdrawn than usual, and some how more calculating. she hoped it wasn't anything serious that was wrong with him, and he was just in a thoughtful mood.
She kissed him, he hardly respond back. He would wrap his arm around her quickly and let her go. This was going to be the worst part of knowing his true feelings. He wrecked his brain all night wondering if or how he was going about this. There was no better way then just saying it and get it over with, if he had the guts to say without fawking it up. How could he think that? Breaking up with her was fawking up, so then just say it?! "That's really great, I'm happy for you but there's something I really need to talk to you about" there was a bench, gates, everything and the park nearby. He couldn't find a distraction good enough to focus on so when he would say he would not be looking at her. It was no use, she was looking right at him. He closed his eyes and shook his head, the newly long hair swayed as he shook it. He sighed heavy and then open his eyes. "I can't be with you anymore, I'm not in love you and was never in love with you Briar. Do you understand? I'm just seriously fawked up, my head messing with me and I can't get to a place where I can love you as a person. I'm sorry, I just can't ever love you. I don't feel anything for you at all" he says sadly, it what the best he could do without gritting his teeth and/or overreacting she had to understand why, she had to know the truth. Forget lying and keeping it all inside, he was gonna let sh!t out and let it all explode in his face. He was selfish and he knew that, it was one and many reason why Briar and him could never be.
Briar felt him not responding o her hardly at all and knew that it was not right, there was something major wrong. she still hadn't picked up the hints though, she wasn't the best at reading people emotion wise. maybe it would have been better if she was, it would have certainly been easier for both of them if she was. but that isn't who Briar was, she was a doer not a reader or a feeler. he congratulated her on her promotion she smiled in thanks but she could tell his mind was elsewhere, "Thank you. It was a bit of a surprise, and i think half the students hate me, but thats half the fun of it don't you think" she said her enthusiasm dropping towards the end when she realised he wasn't paying attention. he was looking at almost everywhere else but at her. "look. whatever it is that's on your mind, you had better say it. I promise I wont judge you for it. and if it's that bad I am sure we can figure it out together" she said. remembering all the times he had not judged her when she had said things. It seemed like that worked because just then he shut his eyes shook his head slightly before looking at her. he heard what he was saying. though the words, meaning and implication seemed somehow disjointed in her head. and it took her a few moments to figure it out. how was she not meant to judge that? she put her hand up to her face and pushing it across as it trying to smooth her thoughts out. "yes i understand" she said, she felt like someone had deflated her.
she looked down she didn't want to look at his face, right now his shoes were more more appealing. "It was all a lie? from the start? you feel nothing? everything we did, Everything you said was a lie? Everything we've gone through?" she said biting her tongue she could feel herself heating up and starting to shake she tried to push it back. she didn't want to make a scene here, she had made more than her fair shair of scenes in the past. she would save the emotion for when she was alone, or work it out of herself. she was trying not to judge and to stay rational, but he was making it hard for her. she then stopped, took a deep breath then looked him in the eyes trying to make this next question carry as much power as she could. "why?" she asked. knowing she was tempting fate by asking, but she wanted to know.
Okay maybe he had some feelings for her in the beginning and maybe he felt that she was the closest person he let get attached to him, but when breaking up with someone, in which he has never done before, all he could respond is in his harsh shallow ways. When people get mad and they never like the side of him that get so intense, he noticed the reaction. They step away and learn to avoid him at all times. Dederick was new to liking someone, someone that was like him, someone who was disconnected with their emotions. But he was sure if the feeling he's been caring around were untrue, forcing himself to love someone is not Dederick. It's not in him to love and if he ever did find someone he truly love he hope that he'd be honest with his feelings and never have to go through this again in his life. As far as he knew, he was damn to never feel like that ever again.

"It was guilt, I bit you and I couldn't find a way to repay you back..." he looked away touching the side of his face, he felt so very uncomfortable right now, there just no way how he would get out of this fast. He wanted to back out and runaway now, but all his willpower was slowly decreasing, he felt stuck and force to surrender to this stabbing feeling on his chest. It was guilt. "All I wanted was to help you until you were okay with the whole werewolf situation. You did way better then I expected, better then I could ever done in my entire life. What happen, happen and if there was a way I could've had stop it I would've done it. I was just trying...trying to feel the same way you felt about me. And I can't..."
Briar heard what he was saying and found it hard to believe. guilt. "you didn't need to feel guilty. It was an accident. as much my mistake for inviting you to my cam as yours. and you certainly didn't need to repay me" she said soothingly. feeling slightly bad at being mad at him. however as he continued talking she felt a wave of hot energy surge through her. causing tingling in her fingers that she had come to associate with the minutes before the full moon. she bit on her tongue harder trying to push it back. but it was getting harder. soon a metallic taste filled her mouth. the taste of her own warm, infected blood. she held it back for a few more seconds like a firework whose fuze had been lit there was no going back, and what had been said could not be unsaid. you just had to wait for the explosion. It came bursting out of her a thousand miles an hour. "Dederick Cullen. You were the one who started the whole relationship in the first place on your boat if you remember right. Or was that a lie too? were you even then just taking pity on me. Feeling sorry for me after biting me. I didn't want sympathy or excuses. I can take care of my self, but I thought that we had something. If you really wanted to repay me you would have told me the truth, and not lead me on. made me fall for you then made me feel like an Idiot" she shouted so loud that it echoed around the park causing birds to fly from their trees to somewhere safe and caused people to look at them both. she didn't care, she was making a scene, but he deserved it. she out her hands on his chest and pushed him with as much force as she could backwards, and that was a lot of force as she as fit and her quidditch kept her arms strong throwing the quaffle across the pitch, as well as all the other exercise she did.
Dederick fell back a little in his steps, she was strong but it took a lot to bring him down. "See why did I even bother coming today, you're a waste of my time" he spat in her direction. "All I kept getting was your damn letters all the time, you wouldn't stop you wouldn't leave me the fawk alone! You know what, fawk! I don't love you, it was all a lie, get through your head, I came here so you would know. I'm not going to bullsh!t anymore! If I'm wrong let me be wrong because that's just the way I am, if you can't deal, that's better for me Briar. I felt sorry for you and that was all. Bye" he grit his teeth and turn around to walk away. She can do the hell whatever she wants now, she was none of his concern. He was free to be himself and that's all he cared about.
Briar couldn't stop herself now. she had snapped. all the stress that had been building up inside her had been set loose and she was being tossed down stream on the rapids. "If you think I'm the waste of time then you are just selfish, and i am glad that I can finally see that in you. you didn't have to reply to the letters. or you could have just told me to stop but no. you kept feeding the lies. she drew out her wand and pointed it at him. "tell me one reason why i shouldn't curse you here and now" she said. not as loud, her voice now full of venom. she watched him get up. half of herself was willing her body to curse him, hex him whatever. the other half was pleading with her to lower her wand and get the hell out of there before she hurt him. in the end neither won and a murder of black crows erupted out of her wand. and wen't squawking away. she then did lower the wand and turned taking a couple of steps away before reaching into her bag. she drew out an apple she turned back around and threw it as hard as she could at him. aiming for his shoulder blade. somewhere she knew from experience hurt. before running full pelt towards the best place she knew to vent her anger. somewhere that she had done it before and she knew she wouldn't hurt anyone. The quidditch pitch.

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