- Messages
- 45
- OOC First Name
- Nicole
- Wand
- Oak 14 3/4", Essence of Raven Feather.
Rowley had been reading in bed after completing her Herbology homework and before she knew it, it was a quarter to twelve! She was the only one awake in her dorm and her stomach was grumbling like mad. She was hungry, extremely hungry. Being a massive grubber, this is a real problem for Rowley you see. Although she loved the Hogwarts food and buffet style meal times, she couldn't quite get used to not having food easily accessible whenever she felt like snacking. She found it odd that in the whole castle, there wasn't so much as a tuck shop! She had heard, however, that the elfs working in the kitchen were always happy to assist you, should you ever feel like a late night visit, and tonight that's exactly what Rowley felt like!
Slipping out of her four poster and in to her tiger faced slippers, she pulled her baggy house jumper on over her pyjamas and tip-toed out of the room, so as not to wake the other girls. The common room was deserted, as she'd expected, and she paused for a moment in front of the portrait hole. Did she really want to be doing this? Sneaking about the castle after lights out, risking serious trouble in search of a munch, in the kitchens whose whereabouts she wasn't entirely sure of? Of course she did.
Off Rowley went, out of the portrait and along to the end of the fourth floor corridor, were she stopped to look around and check if there were anyone on the stairs. It was all clear and all systems go!
Rowley was surprised to find her path to the lower levels completely clear. She had to make no detours and never seen so much as a ghost on her way. This was all good, of course.
Now all she had to do was find the entrance to the kitchens. This was revealed when a portrait bearing a bowl of fruit swung open and a small elf came tottering out. "Oh, good evening, young Miss" The elf greeted her in a high pitched squel "Are you going in?" Rowley looked around herself, hoping the elfs voice hadn't been loud enough to reach anyone. "Good evening to you too" she grinned down at the small elf, "Yes, if that's okay" she answered, and the elf waved her in, closing the portrait shut behind her.
"Wow" Rowley exclaimed, the kitchen was absolutely massive, the surfaces and floor gleaming. All of a sudden five elfs rushed to her aid, asking her what she'd like. Hmm, Rowley thought "Do you know what I'd really love right now?" she asked the elfs, "A simple turkey sandwich". "Right away Miss" One of the elfs said, hurrying of. Rowley felt slightly bad, watching them fuss over her, pulling a chair over to one of the large work-tops for her to sit at and offering her orange juice and shortcake. "Oooh lovely, thank you very much!" Rowley said, taking a bite of a biscuit as the sandwich making elf returned with not one one, but a plate full of turkey sandwiches! "Brilliant, they look amazing, you don't happen to have any ketchup do you?" she asked, of course they did! Sitting there, tucking in to her turkey and ketchup sandwhich and surrounded by helpful little elfs, Rowley couldn't understand why the place was empty. Surely she wasn't the only food nut in the castle?
Slipping out of her four poster and in to her tiger faced slippers, she pulled her baggy house jumper on over her pyjamas and tip-toed out of the room, so as not to wake the other girls. The common room was deserted, as she'd expected, and she paused for a moment in front of the portrait hole. Did she really want to be doing this? Sneaking about the castle after lights out, risking serious trouble in search of a munch, in the kitchens whose whereabouts she wasn't entirely sure of? Of course she did.
Off Rowley went, out of the portrait and along to the end of the fourth floor corridor, were she stopped to look around and check if there were anyone on the stairs. It was all clear and all systems go!
Rowley was surprised to find her path to the lower levels completely clear. She had to make no detours and never seen so much as a ghost on her way. This was all good, of course.
Now all she had to do was find the entrance to the kitchens. This was revealed when a portrait bearing a bowl of fruit swung open and a small elf came tottering out. "Oh, good evening, young Miss" The elf greeted her in a high pitched squel "Are you going in?" Rowley looked around herself, hoping the elfs voice hadn't been loud enough to reach anyone. "Good evening to you too" she grinned down at the small elf, "Yes, if that's okay" she answered, and the elf waved her in, closing the portrait shut behind her.
"Wow" Rowley exclaimed, the kitchen was absolutely massive, the surfaces and floor gleaming. All of a sudden five elfs rushed to her aid, asking her what she'd like. Hmm, Rowley thought "Do you know what I'd really love right now?" she asked the elfs, "A simple turkey sandwich". "Right away Miss" One of the elfs said, hurrying of. Rowley felt slightly bad, watching them fuss over her, pulling a chair over to one of the large work-tops for her to sit at and offering her orange juice and shortcake. "Oooh lovely, thank you very much!" Rowley said, taking a bite of a biscuit as the sandwich making elf returned with not one one, but a plate full of turkey sandwiches! "Brilliant, they look amazing, you don't happen to have any ketchup do you?" she asked, of course they did! Sitting there, tucking in to her turkey and ketchup sandwhich and surrounded by helpful little elfs, Rowley couldn't understand why the place was empty. Surely she wasn't the only food nut in the castle?