A toast to a new start

Sirius Snape

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sirius was out for a normal walk today. It was a beautiful day today, sunny sky and a pretty hot weather, nonetheless, he was enjoying it. Taking a walk towards the lake front, it was one of his favorite spots to be at during a hot day. He could work out there, go for a swim and even flirt with girl's if there were any. Being born as a regenerated individual, it felt great to him that he was finally enjoying his life. Slowly walking along the shore of the lake now, he thought about his new friendship with Hoshi. It was a little mysterious as to how their last encounter turned out, but then again, Hoshi was full of surprises to him. He kept walking along the shore of the lake, lost in his own thoughts.
Summer meant that Hoshi became a bit more colorful. She was still a goth at heart but when days like this came up Hoshi couldn't help but bring up her beach gear. On the edge of a particularly deep edge of the lake there was a pair of green heel sandels with cherries on the gaps and a loud green shirt. Hoshi was swimming in the sparkling water of the lake. She was under the water when she saw a shape above the water. Slowly Hoshi got a little closer to the surface and came out with as much force as she could muster.

Hoshi meant to splash the person that was there. She was feeling very playful at the moment and couldn't see any harm in making someone kind of angry at her. "Oh I'm so sorry..." She said with an honestly sorry look on her face only to see Sirius there. Hoshi grinned. "Oh it's you well it's ok then." She said jokingly then dove back under the water, giving Sirius a look at her neon green bathing suit and her splashing foot.
As he walked along the shore of the lakefront, him being in his own thoughts, he heard something that was close by. He didn't know who it was or what it was, but it really didn't matter to him right now. Almost instantly, he heard something someone coming out of the water and splashing him. He turned around only to notice that it was Hoshi, who was swimming inside the water. Was it a mistake that she did this or was it because she did it on purpose? It upset him a little more when she said that it was just him and that it was ok, Sirius wondered is she even had little amounts of respect for him? "You will pay for that Hoshi." said Sirius with a chuckle. He was now all soaked in water and he had only choice and that was to dive in the water and go after Hoshi. Instantly, he took off his shirts, pants and luckily, he had his shorts on that he kept on before going into the water. As he dove in, he looked for Hoshi, trying to find where she could be. He knew Hoshi was sneaky, so he had to keep up his guard.
The water was murky as always but Hoshi could see well enough to know that Sirius had taken to the water. Hoshi came up for more air then dove to lose herself in the water just enough to come up to the side of Sirius and run her fingers down his side. She was tickling him. Hoshi then pulled another dissapering act this time using the green water as her cover. It had been a long time since she had played with anyone like this. Then again people would say that she was to old for such things. Still she liked it and the fact that she was fooling around like this with a relatively cute boy didn't hurt either.
As he dove in the water, he was searching left and right for Hoshi. He felt as if this was some sort of searching contest to find Hoshi. Nonetheless, he still had to get back at her for splashing him, one way or another. As he kept searching, he felt someone touch his side and instantly he looked towards that side, but noticed that someone had touched him and disappeared. It was really funny how this was turning out to be a pretty fun game for him, it was as if you find Hoshi, you win the game. He was running out of breath, so he went to the surface and got some fresh air. After doing that, he dove back in and started to search for Hoshi. He just wished that it wouldn't have been so hard to find her, but she was a sneaky. He started to swim faster and faster. He just wished that Hoshi would come out and actually talk to him, instead of just hiding.
Hoshi turned back around and caught Sirius from behind. She used the force she had pushed off of the lake bottom with to bring him up with her then backed away. "Nothing like a swim on a hot day." She said as if she hadn't done anything. Sirius hadn't found her but he had stayed in the water with her in it so that was a good thing. "Soooo how are you doing?" She asked as she started to swim on her back. Hoshi had gotten a bit of her fun but knew she would miss her time to talk to him if she kept going away like that. She could play games with him later.
Still trying to search for Hoshi, he wandered his head left and right trying to find her but no luck. All of a sudden, Sirius felt someone grab him from behind and then instantly he flushed out of the water. Taking a breather, he noticed it was Hoshi who had done it and listening to her say that it was a good day for swimming and acting like she hadn't a thing to him. Not minding anything since Hoshi was only trying to have fun, Sirius left the thought of him being a little annoyed that his clothes were wet, and just wanted to have a good time. "Yes Indeed, it is a good day for swimming." replied Sirius with a smirk on his face. "I'm doing good, just was in my own thoughts when you attacked me." said Sirius with a laugh. "What about you?" asked Sirius with a smile on his face.
Hoshi laughed and sprayed water in Sirius' face. "I was swimming along when a target came around. It's not my fault I attack what I like." She said with a mock innocent look on her own face. The water felt nice on a day like this but knew that she was going have to shower when she got back in just in case something got on her skin. She was only greatfull that she had found that charm that prevented her from getting burned out here. "So tell me what was going on in that Ravenclaw brain of yours." She asked smiling wide.
(( OOC: Sorry for late reply, I've been crazy busy. ))

Trying to forget what had happened earlier, Sirius just wanted to enjoy his time. being splashed in the face with water, rather than getting angry, Sirius just smirked and laughed a little. "Target huh? I'll need to keep that in mind next time I see you going somewhere." said Sirius with a smirk on his face. Hoshi really thought that she could always outsmart Sirius in everything, even by calling him names and what not, but Sirius was a reborn individual, with more capabilities and everything. "Nothing much really, just normal thoughts. What's happening in that Slytherin head of yours?" replied Sirius with a smirk.
Hoshi nodded. "Yeah a target. Don't worry though I have a few targets around school so I won't be going after you all the time." She said jokingly. Sirius really did seem to be a changed man but for some reason Hoshi couldn't help but mess with him. Hoshi was about to answer his second question with 'whats normal for Sirius these days when her breath caught in her throat. For a moment it seemed like she had swallowed a bit of water and had started to choke on it. Then it was clear that it was something else. Hoshi went to the very edge of lake where she could and catch her breath for a moment. Muggle asthma closed up the air ways but it wasn't like that for Hoshi. Her airways where alright it was her blood that was regretting the air. Hoshi looked around for an explanation and saw that a set of students where practicing the incendiary charm on papers. The resulting smoke was making it seem like Hoshi was indoors again.
Sirius wasn't really in the mood for any fighting today. It was a beautiful day, enjoying the waters, to rather forcefully enjoying the waters, but then again, he was spending the time with Hoshi, getting to know her a bit better, which made things all that much easier for him. "Uh huh." said Sirius with a smirk on his face. Sirius knew Hoshi better than she thoughts he knew her. She probably still thought that Sirius was the same goofy kid with the same attitude, but no, he was a really change individual, with new personality and everything. Looking at the water and seeing leaves fly across, he suddenly noticed Hoshi was choking on something. Sirius didn't see her eat something or drink something, but then again, Hoshi was always full of surprises. 'Could this be another trick by Hoshi? Nah.' thought Sirius to himself. 'What if there is something wrong with Hoshi? I have to help.' thought Sirius to himself again. Even though Hoshi maybe full of surprises, he still wanted to help her get through it. Sirius then saw Hoshi feeling a little better as he placed his hand on her back, pushing on her back to help in some way. "Are you alright Hoshi? Do you need anything?" asked Sirius with a worried face. Even though Hoshi maybe mean to Sirius sometimes, but that didn't mean Sirius had to be.
Darl had never been a goody kid. Darl had been a house judging nitwit that Hoshi got no end of pleasure tormenting. Yeah she may have reinforced the idea of a Slytherin but she got pleasure out of showing him just how she could best him in every single way even though he was mean to be a 'wise old Ravenclaw'. Sirius on the other hand was a sexy, upright, actually smart individual who seemed to be able to keep up with her even though Hoshi was still sure that if she pulled out some of her best tricks even the new Sirius would be running around in circles that she had drawn. Sirius actually seemed like a lot of fun.

None of this seemed to be going through Hoshi's mind as she was sitting on the lakes edge struggling to catch her breath. "Them." Hoshi managed to choke out. She reached out her right arm to point at the students that where burning papers. "Make. Them. Stop." She gasped and wheezed. "Please" She wheezed out using the last of the air that had been stored in her lungs. Hoshi was turning blue as if she where going into hypothermia.
Sirius started to feel very worried and wanted to resolve the issue that was happening with Hoshi. As much as he may not have liked her, he was beginning to like her and his hatred towards her was changing in every way and with that, he felt as if he had a responsibility to help her, in any way possible because they were friend's now. Hearing Hoshi barely speak out and pointing to the people that were burning papers not too far from them. Sirius instantly turned his attention towards the other student's.

He started to walk towards the other student's were and put one of the against the tree hard, catching him by the neck and saying to him, "Do you know what the hell you're doing? Look at her over here. She's struggling for air." said Sirius in a serious tone. The boy responded to Sirius in a positive manner and apologized, and when Sirius let him go, he went off with his friend's back to the castle. Sirius took out his wand towards the papers that were burning, and used the Extinguishing Spell to stop the fire and let everything go dry. Hurrying back to Hoshi, he came to her level and said, "Are you ok?" Sirius really wanted to make sure that she was ok because they were friend's now and friend's looked out for each other.
It wasn't only the fact that she was struggling for air. It was because he pointed at Hoshi Watanuki. Hoshi was well liked around the school because of her wild antics in the classes that she had showed up to and the way she dressed. Hoshi was the icon for all teenaged rebels under her year. It wasn't so clear now but when she was in earlier years Hoshi's pranks where epic. She had often wondered if this wasn't the reason that a lot of people didn't like her. Then she let it go as their problem not her's. As the smoke cleared and Hoshi was able to breath again. The two ran by her and gave Hoshi a waive before looking at Sirius and nodded. They would have done the same for Hoshi Watanuki.

Hoshi nodded at Sirius when he came back. "Yeah I'm fine now. Don't know why that keeps happening. Whenever the air around me gets polluted I don't know why." She said looking down. Hoshi was starting to think that she was sick. Very sick but she didn't want to go to the hospital wing. She didn't like it much in there for some reason. Hoshi had even shattered her own leg once and was out of the Hospital wing even though they had said that she had to stay. There was just something about that place that didn't sit right with her.

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