A Talk

Luthor Silverback

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It was bright and sunny as Luthor scowled and looked at the children playing all around him. He sat on a bench in his black dress robes with his hair neatly comb. It had only been a few day's since his eleventh birthday though these days he didn't get out much or celebrate anything. Luthor spent much of his days reading dark books and magic that would be well out of his reach at the time being. That of course would all change once he finally got his letter for Hogwarts and was able to acquire his very own wand. He'd used his raven to send a message to Eden Koshiba so that she could meet with him. He pulled out a large silver pocket watch with different symbols and windy snakes all around the outer covering. It had been a gift from his half brother, sent via owl the day after his birthday. Alexander, Lolita, and Eden had been traveling across the world looking for something that still remained in the dark for him.

If he was a normal child he might've been curious, if he were normal than he may have gotten angry with the lot of them for keeping secretes from him. Luthor however was not a normal boy, he didn't need them around since he had Sigourney and Tin to help him with his studies. He'd also been conditioned to be patient, something he'd been quite accustomed to over the last few years. He was eleven now and would be expected to think and come up with his own plans for the future that was coming. Luthor couldn't simply require on his servants to make things happen for him, he would have to use his own logic and shrewdness to formulate his own plans to ensure that the future everyone including his late father had seen and prepared for him came to pass. That was why he had decided to meet with Eden on this day since he'd decided on his own plan and would need some help in making sure that things happened the way he saw it inside his head. Luthor watched the children played as he closed his pocket watch, Eden was late but it didn't matter as he sat and waited patiently.
It had struck Eden as odd when she had gotten the letter from Luthor. It had been months since she had talked to any of the Silverbacks. One she had been pregnant and two she had been searching America looking for something. What it was she wasn't sure other than it would respond to her and it was of great importance. As Eden dressed carefully for meeting with the young Silverback she wondered what it was that he needed or wanted from her. She had met him once and to put it lightly he had made her wonder if everyone was in face born with a soul.

Eden checked herself in the mirror one last time. Black was her color with her pale skin jet black hair and emerald green eyes she looked stunning. Picking Aine up out of her crib. Eden dressed her all in black as well. She knew that Aine would sleep most of the meeting and even if she woke up she was such a well behaved baby that she wouldn't interrupt the meeting. Looking at the clock Eden saw that she was running late. She hated being late but there was nothing she could do about it. She had been all the way in Washington when she had gotten the letter and had to rush back here to get ready and pick up Aine as well. Apperating to the meeting spot with Aine in her stroller Eden walked over to the bench where Luthor was sitting. "Master Luthor. My apologies for my tardiness. What is it I can help you with." Eden said as she took a seat next to the boy.
Luthor saw Eden as she walked with a baby in a stroller, he had heard Alexander speaking with Lolita about it one day at the Silver Snake. If he was shocked or even angry at the thought of Eden bringing her child with her it didn't show on his blank face. Luthor looked away from her as she began to speaking to him, he looked at the children and then at the sleeping baby that was near him. "It is fine" Luthor said simply enough, however the coldness in his voice did not truly mean that he was okay with the girl showing up late. Luthor turned and looked into her eyes and the green light that seemed to come from them. "Alexander will be showing up soon but he does not have anything to do with why I called you" Luthor said deciding that it would be good to give Eden Koshiba something more to think about as she sat with her baby. Luthor was going to speak with his half brother about something different and so had arranged for him to meet him.

Luthor decided that it would be best not to beat around the bush and just tell Eden Koshiba what he wanted her to do. "Next year I will be attending Hogwarts School and will need your assistance" Luthor explained as he looked back at the other children. "You didn't graduate too long ago and so you must know some Slytherins that could be persuaded to understand who I am before I step through the doors" Luthor said not even deluding any other thought that he might end up in any other house than the one his father was in. "I want you to tell me everything about the school so I can be prepared when I arrive and I want to have a powerful group already assembled so that the school will quickly fall under my domain" Luthor said in a passionate and cold tone. If these things had been said by an average child than it would've came off as something to laugh at but those that knew Luthor also knew that anything and everything that came from him was not a joke and should be taken very seriously. "I don't want some pathetic third year thinking they are even in my league, do you understand?" Luthor asked sharply to Eden.
Eden hated being late for anything. She was always early so her running behind schedule was not okay with her. From the way Luthor said it was fine let her know just how unhappy he was with it. From now on when she had places she needed to be she would have others get Aine ready while she got ready so they could leave at the same time. Eden didn't like that Luthor continued to look into her eyes but she quickly got over it. Hearing that Alex would soon be there. Eden bit her lip it had been a long time since she had seen him. What did it matter anyways? "That's fine." Eden said before pushing him out of her mind.

Luthor didn't take forever to tell her what it was he needed and wanted. As she listened to what it was he had to say. "Lilith will be a seventh year next year. I will have her return to Hogwarts. She was a Slytherin. Nothing like me but she understands that she owes me for talking Alex out of killing her that day and from hunting her down and killing her later." Eden had been very angry when she found out that Lilith had tried to steal from the Silverbacks. It could have cost not only Lilith her life but also Eden's. "What do you need to know about Hogwarts? The Professors to avoid? I can tell you now to not get on Styx's bad side he teach's Defense against the Dark Arts." Eden thought about who could be of help to him on the inside. Lilith of course she could keep the other Slytherins from messing with him. But what he needed was someone who would be there for him once Lilith was gone.

"There is a Professor A'Dare. She teaches Astronomy. She is also the mother of Aine's plder brother. I will have a talk with her. She is scared of what I could do to her and her son." Eden said thoughtfully. They had only met once but the women had been scared of Eden she was sure of that. Eden wanted nothing to do with her but she would deal with her in order to make sure that Luthor was taken care of. "As for studies if you have any troubles in class go to Lilith she has all of my old classwork, homework and notes from all seven years." Eden said wondering what else she could help him with.
Eden Koshiba was quick to speak with Luthor about everything that she knew. Luthor listened and took notes within his head though none of his thoughts appeared on his face. Luthor knew that having an older student around would be beneficial in his first year since it would ensure that the other older students would know his name. "I am not afraid of some professor" Luthor said simply enough as Eden spoke about the defense against the dark arts professor. He would have no interest in someone that devoted his life to weakening the great power that Luthor intended to inherit when he was older. The idea of a defense against the dark arts was laughable at the best of times. If it were possible to defend against it than the dark arts would be lost, that however has never been the case as one dark lord was capable of crushing hundreds of wizards that were taught these so called defenses.

Eden began speaking about a professor that could look out for him, it was a thought that had not immediately occurred to him. "When I intend the school I will speak with her" Luthor said acknowledging that the idea was a good thought. Then she spoke about her school work and that Lilith had them all. "I will not need your old work" Luthor said simply enough since he knew that he was by far more intelligent than Eden could ever hope to be. She had given herself a weakness by giving birth to a child that she could not hope to properly protect. Luthor smirked as an interesting thought came to him, "I wonder Eden Koshiba, what would you do if I demanded that you kill that girl currently sleeping in that stroller?" Luthor said in a very amused and cold tone. "Better thought, what would you do if I got up right now and tried to smother the little thing? Would you try to stop me, even if it would lead to your death?" Luthor asked. He was very curious to see what reaction Eden would have and if she would see how much of a mistake it was to bring her baby with her when she came to meet with him.
Eden made sure that she explained everything she could about the school. Where the secret passages where. Which paintings would snitch on him if they saw him out of bed during the night and which ones would care less. "I'm not telling you to be afraid of the man. He's the head of Slytherin house. He expects nothing but perfection from his students and he enforces all of the rules. Just don't piss him off." Tohoru had gotten on the mans bad side more than once.

"I will speak with her before Lilith returns to Hogwarts as well." Eden needed to make sure that Daisie would do as she was told and not try to hinder anyone's plans. As he rejected her old work Eden waved her hand. Lilith needed it anyways. The girl was smart but she was no where on Eden's level. When Luthor suggested that he would force Eden to kill her own child. Eden felt her blood run cold. No she wasn't scared she was angry. Her eyes started to grow dark the young seer could handle her own life being in danger but Aine as a different story. Luthor asked her what she would do if he went to go and smother Aine. It was amusing for him to think that Eden would try and stop him. There was no doubt in Eden's mind that she would in fact stop him and maybe even kill him. "Luthor, Aine is not just my daughter. For the next eighteen years I have a firm grip on her father. He will do anything and everything I demand of him. If she was dead than he would do nothing for me. I also have plans for her once she is older." Eden said calmly all the while thinking about snapping his neck or even letting Judas attack him.
Tin played with some of the other children while Luthor waited for Missy, he had played with the little ones on a few occasions and did quite enjoy these little moments. Tin looked and saw Master Silverback speaking with Missy but he also saw something with her. Tin's eyes lightened up as he smiled brightly, he pushed a few of the younger children and began running up towards Missy. As the two small children began to cry they were overheard by Tin's loud and squeaky voice. "Missy!" Tin shouted as he looked at Master Silverback who seemed somewhat amused with him at the moment. "Tin has not seen Missy in a very long time, now Missy comes with a Tiny!" Tin said as he ran directly up to the stroller and began poking the small child. "The tiny is quite adorable!" Tin said jubilantly as he turned towards Master Silverback, he had realized that he had said something bad in front of Master Silverback. "Tin guesses Master Silverback wishes for Tin to destroy the tiny now..." Tin said a bit nervously...
Luthor listened patiently and with a cold smirk as Eden Koshiba began trying to feed him some excuse about the girl. The smirk on his face dissapeared as Luthor felt almost insulted by Eden Koshiba's pathetic excuse for why the child had to stay alive. "You didn't answer my question" Luthor said colder than he'd normally sounded. His voice was like a heavy and icy steel plate, hard and unyielding. He wanted the girl to know that even though she might be older than he was, that she was still his property and that her life and now the life of her child would forever be up to him and how he felt at the moment. Before Eden Koshiba could respond however a loud and squeaky voice could be heard yelling from across the park. Luthor turned and looked at the bright green elf as the thing began to run across towards the three of them.

Tin began speaking as Luthor frowned slightly, the elf was quick to catch his own words as he turned towards Luthor and looked at him. Luthor knew that Tin would kill the child if he was told to do so because despite his quirks, Tin was a loyal House Elf. Luthor however sighed, "Are you stupid Elf, we have too many witnesses and besides" Luthor said as he looked at Eden and smirked again "Eden Koshiba has been such a loyal and devoted worker all these years, it's time she receive a reward without having to wonder if the Silverbacks might one day come for it" Luthor said as he stood up and walked towards the baby. "You may keep your child, who knows" Luthor said with a slight shrug indicating that he may have use for it in the future. He turned and walked away from the child and sat back down onto the bench. Eden Koshiba would know that the child she bore was now apart of everything she was apart of. "Did you find the item, Aunt Lolita is looking for?" Luthor asked changing the subject.
Eden knew that if Luthor really pushed it she would have to do one of two things. Do as he said or break all ties with the Silverback family. Eden knew that if she tried to harm the boy she would die so she would run. Leah had found it to much and vanished. Eden was not weak but after all she had done and given up for the Silverbacks she was starting to reach her breaking point. Hearing the high pitched voice of Tin. Eden looked at him. "Hello Tin. Don't poke her you will wake her up and trust me you don't want that." Eden said lightly pushing Tin's hand away from Aine and waving her finger at him so he knew not to try it again.

As Luthor started to talk again Eden was ready vanish. The boy was 11 he couldn't come after her. Tin could try but Eden would kill him and scatter the pieces across the seven oceans before he could harm Aine. As he sat back down and said that Aine would live Eden let out a breath she hadn't even realized that she had been holding. "I'm sure that once Aine is older she would be more than happy to be of use to the Silverback family just like I am." Eden said smoothly letting the subject drop from there. She knew that if she said anything else she would seem weak. When the subject came to the object that was being searched for Eden shook her head. Lolita had given her strict instructions to not tell Luthor to much about it. "I have followed many leads about where it could be. My next stop is the Virgin Islands where the last known person to have the object is said to live. I have found other things that are connected to the object but not the object its self." Eden had known from the start that finding it would take a long time. It was protected by charms so that it couldn't just be summoned.
Alexander appeared in the park and began making his way towards a small group by the benches. He could see his younger brother, Eden Koshiba and her child and of course the House Elf Tin. He hadn't expected all the people to be there when his younger brother had requested a meeting. He smirked as he got closer to the them, his brother did not often request a meeting with him and so he felt that it would be prudent to acknowledge the request. Wearing black dress robes he shot Tin a look as the House Elf quickly went over to the bench and sat next to Luthor. "Good afternoon Miss. Koshiba" Alexander said with a smirk as he leaned in and gave Eden a kiss on her lips, his hands wrapped around her hips while he gave the young woman the kiss that was soon broken. He turned and looked at Luthor who was silent and then turned towards the young baby. "So this is the child that you were expecting" Alexander said as he looked at it.

"I have to say, it is a relief that the child looks alot like you" Alexander said as he turned back and faced Eden. "Not that it's any of my business whom you decide to share your bed with" Alexander said as he looked the girl up and down. "Though you could've given me a call every now and then" Alexander said as he turned away from Eden and turned instead towards Luthor. "How about you and Tin go home and we'll talk there, Maeve is looking for you" Alexander said with a look that told Luthor to leave him and Eden alone for a while. The young boy made no sound or any acknowledgement as he and the Elf dissapeared. Luthor would be mad that Alexander brushed him off for Eden but it would serve him right for inviting the pair at the same time. Alexander couldn't even put it past the child for setting this whole situation up for some twisted amusement as he sat down on the bench. "Come and sit with me, how have you been?" Alexander said amusingly to Eden as he continued to look hungrily at her.
Eden wanted this conversation done and over with. Luthor had gotten what he wanted. When he entered Hogwarts he would have people stationed there to make sure no one dared try to mess with him. As Alex made his way over to them Eden looked at him. Her eyes had long ago went back to there bright green color. "Good Afternoon Alex." Eden said just before Alex kissed her. Returning the kiss and moving away. Eden gave him a half smile before turning her eyes on her once again sleeping child. "Yes this is Aine. Aine Le Fey." Eden said looking at Alex. She was sure that by now Lolita had told Alex about Eden's twin sister and mother.

"I agree it is good she looks like me." Eden said remembering James and how plain he looked compared to others. He was handsome but she had seen better looking men. Eden smirked when Alex mentioned she could have called him. "It works both ways and besides between the two of us looking for the object and you toying with Zuka I figured you had your hands full." Eden said shrugging her shoulders. As Alex told Tin and Luthor to go home. Eden smiled and waved at Tin. Whatever it was Luthor wanted to talk to Alex about I guess it had to wait. Not that Eden really cared she was just glad that Luthor was gone. He was a heartless boy and Eden didn't really care to be around him. As Alex invited her to sit with him. Eden sat a little closer next to him. "I've been alright. Glad Lolita gave me sometime off so I could spend it with Aine. I have a feeling she has already made plans for her. As for everything else I can't complain. What about you?" Eden asked noting the look in his eyes but doing her best to ignore it. Gone where the days when she let her desires control her. Every move she made now was planned she never just did something on whim there was a reason behind everything.
Alexander listened to Eden as she spoke to him, he smiled as his brain thought about what to do with the young girl and what he wanted to do with her. "Well I've been busy, but as for Zuka" Alexander said with a shrug. "She is simply a job, a way for more power" Alexander said as he turned and placed a hand on Eden's cheek. "We don't have the same connection that I have with you" Alexander said as he leaned in and kissed Eden once more. It was a bit more passionate than the previous one but ended quickly enough. Alexander knew that Eden was still unmarried and didn't care if she was seeing someone or not because it didn't really matter to him or to the Silverbacks. He placed an arm around her and held her closer to him as he looked at the baby that she had only recently given birth too. "I think my interest lie with someone else and I'm pretty sure she feels the same" Alexander said as he turned towards Eden and smirked.

The object they were supposed to find could be many things from an ancient dark weapon to a horcrux that needed to be destroyed so no other wizard would be able to rise to power. Alexander suspected he knew what Lolita wanted but could not say for sure. He'd spent a long time working for her and while he did enjoy spending his nights with women from other countries he couldn't help but enjoy his time with Eden more. "You know Miss. Koshiba, I do believe we've never officially been on a date before" Alexander said as he moved his hand and took hers. Alexander did feel a somewhat attraction towards Eden but he did not dare call it love. That was something both of them knew they didn't have the luxury of experiencing while under the influence of the Silverback family. They were allowed to lay with each other but would not be allowed to actually love one another unless they had something to offer to Lolita and Luthor. "What made you want to bring a baby to a meeting with Luthor anyways?" Alexander asked curiously knowing that Luthor probably didn't want to hug the baby and more wanted to throttle it.
Eden liked that Zuka was just considered a job to Alex. When they had gone to school together Eden had liked her well enough but once they had gotten out Eden had seen that she was just a weak girl and Eden hated weakness. Eden liked the feeling oh Alex's hand on her cheek not that she would let him know that. "Of course we have a connection." Was all Eden said. Kissing him back Eden could feel that this kiss was more intense. Before she could get lost in it the kiss was over. Eden was glad for this she wasn't sure if she was ready to go down that road again. Letting herself rest against Alex. Eden could see him looking at Aine she wasn't sure how she felt about that. "Well if your interested in someone maybe you should tell them. You may think they are interested but one never knows until its all put into the open." Eden said smirking back at Alex.

Eden wondered what it was Alex wanted to talk about. Was it about the job they had to do? Eden hoped not she didn't want to talk about it in less he had a clue where the object could be. It had been nice to have this whole month off. Well two months. Eden would get back to work in February. She wanted more time with Aine and a few more weeks to get back into shape. She had lost all the weight but she still couldn't run as fast as she used to. "Your kidding right?" Eden said letting out a light laugh when Alex mentioned that they had never been on a date. As he took her hand Eden realized that he was in fact not kidding. "You know Alex I do believe your right. We could fix that if you like." Eden said leaving the subject in the air. When she was younger she had thought about dating Alex but when he started sleeping with Zuka. Eden had figured that she was wasting her time. "My mother needed a break from watching Aine and I don't trust many people with her." Eden said knowing that she should have left her with Elvera but it had been so long since Eden had taken Aine anywhere that she figured it would be good for the to of them.
Alexander smirked at her answer "I think that we should go on a proper date after we have another night alone together to see if the spark is still there" Alexander said with a smirk as he thought about his last encounter with Eden. "Unless you really want to do things the other way around, I have waited this long to feel your touch again" Alexander said as he looked back at the baby and then back at Eden. He had been trying to impregnate Zazuka for a long time and had decided to quit wasting his time. He didn't mind being with the young witch but it was a bit frustrating having to talk about his sex life with his Aunt and being questioned about his manhood and the possibility that he may not be able to do his job. Alexander was sick of it all and would much rather spend his time with Eden.

"Luthor is all that is important, but Lolita wants many other things that is supposed to help him in the future including the dark object we've been looking for without knowing what exactly it is" Alexander said darkly as he watched the children playing. Alexander wanted to do what was asked for him in order to make both his family and his father proud but if there was nothing that could be done then he couldn't be sure that it was worth the effort. Alexander looked at Eden and smiled "I think we both are in need of a little break from all the darkness that is our lives" Alexander said as he checked back on the baby before leaning over and kissing Eden again. He broke the kiss after a while and smiled "So what time would you like to have our little date?" Alexander asked as he gave her another kiss and turned towards the baby. "I'm sure you will have to have some time to make some arrangements for the child" Alexander said with a smirk as he turned his attention back to Eden.
Eden couldn't help but laugh at Alex. "How about we go on the date first and see where the rest of the night leads us." Eden suggested playfully. They could do it the other way but maybe a date wouldn't be such a bad thing. It had been a long time since she had gone out on a date and she already knew that she liked Alex so what could it hurt? Eden could see that Alex kept looking at Aine. Was there something wrong with her? Eden sat up and took a closer look at her baby. She was still fast asleep.

"It would be helpful if Lolita just told us what we are looking for. That way we could just go and get it instead of running all over the globe without a clue to what it is." Eden said letting out a sigh. She liked working for the Silverback family but sometimes it got annoying. "You know Alex I couldn't agree with you more." Eden saw Alex look back over at Aine and smiled, maybe he liked her. Kissing Alex back Eden felt herself smile just a little. "Whenever is good for you. I can leave Aine with my mother she just needed a break to get the shop in order." Eden said as she let herself rest against Alex a bit more.
Alexander smiled as Eden rested herself against him, it was comforting to have her with him since it was a familiar face. Alexander wasn't sure why it was comforting for him to be with Eden since she was alot younger than he was. There was something about her that did seem to tug at a deep part of him, she was similar to him in the way that they had some needs and desires that people like Lolita and Luthor would never understand. Even after Luxen's memory and Alexander merged together some of his old thoughts still spoke to him. "I think it would be quite alright for us to take it slow" Alexander said as he looked down at Eden. "Wouldn't want to be a bad influence for your daughter" Alexander said with a smirk, considering what type of business they were in.

"I need to go and meet with Luthor but how about we meet up in a few hours and see where the rest of this encounter leads us" Alexander said as he thought about his mission. "I have to be in Mexico tomorrow checking up on a lead about some Aztec Wizards that had a few dark objects locked away" Alexander explained thinking about how he had managed to gather quite a few items. They would have to be locked away in the vault since selling or even using such items could easily be catastrophic and would easily lead all of them to a lifetime behind bars in Azkaban. "I am a bit curious, what ever happened to that true love of yours? Chase or whatever?" Alexander asked as he thought about the problems Eden had with her love life since she'd gotten involved with his family. Along with the problems that he himself had ever since he'd gotten involved.
As Eden rested against Alex her mind started to relax not all the way but enough so that she could close her eyes for a moment. She didn't trust Alex all the way but she trusted him enough to know that if something was about to happen he would at least tell her and than leave her on her own. Or at least she hoped he would. "Slow for now would be good. After the nonsense with James and Selwin I am not trying to rush anything else and I have Aine to think about now." Eden said once again looking at her daughter. Hearing Alex mention anything about a bad influence for Aine, Eden laughed. "She just met Luthor it can't get any worse than that." Eden said still laughing slightly.

As they made plans for later that night Eden sat up. "Sounds good it will give me time to get ready and drop the little one off at her grandmothers." Eden said already planning what she would be wearing that night. Her thoughts where brought back down to earth when Chases name was mentioned. "He's still in Azkaban. Lolita had forbid from from ever seeing him again. You know this my engagement ring is sitting in the glass case in the shop." Eden said coolly. It still hurt to think about Chase from time to time but what could she do about it? Besides now that she had Aine once Chase got out he may not even want to be with her any longer. As soon as she was finished speaking Aine started to cry. "Oh dear she's hungry I need to get her home." Eden said as she got to her feet and kissed Alex softly on the lips. "Come on little one lets get you home." Eden whispered to her daughter as she turned on her heel and apperated away from the park.

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