- Messages
- 11
- OOC First Name
- Raze
It was a peaceful afternoon at Hogwarts New Zealand. Or at least, it used to be. Hurried footsteps echoed around the corridor as a golden haired boy rounded the corner with a mischievous grin on his face. He was clutching a roll of parchment to his chest, as if it was the single most important thing to him at the moment. He could hear his cousin shouting something from somewhere behind him, but he couldn't bother himself to stop and wait for the shorter boy, not when he was trying to run away from him. "Catch me if you can!" He shouted back, immediately regretting it after realizing that he had just revealed his position to his cousin. While Jaskai liked his cousin to the moon and back, Evander Tuuri's wrath was a terrible thing to behold, especially when Jaskai may or may not have stolen his Potion essay. That's it. He didn't really care whether he gets caught or not, but not right now. Not this quick. He merely wanted to have fun, and that fun will end should his cousin get his stupid potion essay back. "You're not getting it back!" He added as he grasped the door to the abandoned classroom and heaved it open, flinging himself into it too hard that he went crashing into a table, barely able to grab hold of a bottle of ink on top of it before it tumbled onto the floor.
"Well that was close," he shrugged, picking up the opened bottle of ink, too caught up with his cousin that he didn't bother to apologize to its owner or even notice the other occupants of the room. He quickly turned around and closed the door, hopefully, his cousin didn't see him. It was all Evander's fault. He should be paying attention to him, not the stupid essay, if he did, then Jaskai probably wouldn't have stolen it. Probably. "Aha!" He exclaimed, pointing at the door, "I told you you wont-" he was unable to finish his statement as the door to his hiding spot flung open and his cousin tackled him into the ground, effectively showering him, his cousin, and probably someone else who was in close proximity, with the ink that he had been holding. He chuckled as he pointed at his cousin's expression before he lifted up his other hand to give his cousin his essay back. "Okay, okay, here's your... oops?" The parchment was crumpled and as he opened it, he found the writings to be barely readable as like them, it had also been sprayed with ink. "That wasn't supposed to happen. Sorry?" He had a sheepish grin on his face. Hopefully, Evander would find the situation to be as funny as he did. He, after all, was just trying to have fun.
<i></i>"Well that was close," he shrugged, picking up the opened bottle of ink, too caught up with his cousin that he didn't bother to apologize to its owner or even notice the other occupants of the room. He quickly turned around and closed the door, hopefully, his cousin didn't see him. It was all Evander's fault. He should be paying attention to him, not the stupid essay, if he did, then Jaskai probably wouldn't have stolen it. Probably. "Aha!" He exclaimed, pointing at the door, "I told you you wont-" he was unable to finish his statement as the door to his hiding spot flung open and his cousin tackled him into the ground, effectively showering him, his cousin, and probably someone else who was in close proximity, with the ink that he had been holding. He chuckled as he pointed at his cousin's expression before he lifted up his other hand to give his cousin his essay back. "Okay, okay, here's your... oops?" The parchment was crumpled and as he opened it, he found the writings to be barely readable as like them, it had also been sprayed with ink. "That wasn't supposed to happen. Sorry?" He had a sheepish grin on his face. Hopefully, Evander would find the situation to be as funny as he did. He, after all, was just trying to have fun.