A Sweet Rose

Patrick Vernier

former hufflepuff & prefect | french
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Straight 11 Inch Swishy Vine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Patrick was having quite a lot of fun delivering the roses for Valentine's Day to everyone. Most of them were from friends and Patrick was glad to see the smile on people's faces as they received roses from them. As the Hufflepuff looked down at his list he was delighted to see a familiar name on it. He knew Xavier from his classes and his house and so knew exactly who he was looking for. As the boy walked into the library, he beamed when he saw just who he needed and made his way over to him. "Xavier." he said, finding the yellow rose and taking it out. "I have something for you."
Xavier knew he needed to improve his grades, and he needed to put his all in his studies. He had completely forgotten about valentine‘s day until he was approached by someone and he briefly looked up at the voice, before he closed his book shut and sent a smile Patrick‘s way. "Hey Patrick. Thank you," he said politely, seeing the yellow rose in his hand. "Do you want to sit down?"
Patrick nodded as he handed the rose over to the other boy. He didn't seem as excited as what other people did and Patrick wondered whether or not that was a good or bad thing. After all, it was only just a rose and would die soon regardless. At Xavier's offer to sit down, Patrick shrugged before taking a seat across from him, his feet dangling above the ground as he placed the basket of roses on the table. It was definitely a break from walking around the whole castle and he was glad for this. "What are you doing?" he asked curiously, noticing the closed book in front of him.

You are such a sweet friend. Happy Valentines Day
Xavier was glad Patrick didn’t mind sitting down with him, and he took the rose, placing it next to him so he wouldn’t forget it. He was unaware that a note was also part of the delivery and he glanced at it, opening it and reading it. When he did, he smiled, getting a weird feeling - a good weird. The second year placed the note beside the rose. "Oh, I was just reading. Studying, actually," he chuckled. "How are the deliveries going?" he asked, nodding towards the roses.

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