a summer date

Tara Sitara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Tara was looking forward to today, she got up early and took a while to get dressed, and look nice. she let her hair down and, due to it drying in a braid, it was wavy. she got dressed. and made her way down to the lake and sat down under a willow tree, she was smiling like a cheshire cat, for teday shw was spending time with er boyfriend.
she picked a few flowers and placed them in the lake, and blew them out with a slight flick of her wand, and watched as they made patterns on the water, and waited for Dymetris to arrive.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry its a little short
Dymetris, was given word to meet his girlfriend down by the lake this afternoon. Wearing an off yellowish to orange shirt, with a baggy denim jeans, and some nike white tennis shoes. Dymetris look presentable enough to see Tara now. He had just one more thing than he be good to see Tara. He wrapped his hair head ban and finished his attire by wearing a matching hat to his shirt. He was doing all this not only to always look nice whenever he saw her, today he was going to ask Tara about the Yule Ball. It was coming up soon, and he wanted to ask if she wanted to accompany him. It be the last thing they do before the year is over. School vacation will separate them for a week or two and than he'll see her again.

With a yellow sunflower from the garden and a basket full of fruits and chocolate, he was ready for their get together. It will count as their second date, but really it felt so much like the first. The nervousness and trillions of butterflies fluttering inside his stomach made it felt like a first date. It got worst when he saw her waiting down by the lake, and Tara wearing something he ordinary didn't see many girls wear here. It look beautiful on her, he couldn't stop looking the moment he laid eyes on her. Growing near, he spoke, "Hey Tara, you look great" he lean to kiss her innocently on her lip. It last three seconds, he was sill not use to it, but he like it a LOT when they kiss. Here got you this from the garden this morning. They were coming in well and maybe thought of you" he spoke with a sheepish grin. He held the small basket of frutits and chocolate. He got this from the kitchen, thanks again for the house elfs who were nice enough to prepare that for him too. He thank them by helping out but was told he shouldn't be helping. Eventually he was dismissed with a polite smile.
Tara Turned around at she sound of a very familiar voice nearby. her whole face lit up at the sight of her boyfriend. she stood up and kissed him lightly on the lips. she felt a tingly sensation run down her spine. she hadn't known him long but she was surprisingly comfortable around him. "You look great yourself" she said back, smiling. she loved spending time with him. she took the flower he had got her "thank you, its so pretty she said as she tucked tit into a fold in her clothing. she nodded her thanks, and hugged him. and as she did she realised that he was holding a basket. She looked at the content and felt like she was dancing with excitement. "That looks too good to eat" she said almost shaking with excitement, today was going to be an amazing day. "I bought some sweets, I hope you like coconut" she said picking up the plate from where she had left it. what do you want to do today? she said, not caring much what they were dong as long as she got to spend time with her boyfriend. she leaned in closer to him, glad to have met him in the common room when she had.
Dymetris felt his own face glow, the blush rose against his cheeks bones. Causing the boy the smile wider by her thoughtful comment and the kiss they shared together. "No, I don't think I look that great" he said less confidence. "My styles a lot different from people that I know back home, so they always said I look weird some in a good way, other don't bother saying anything" he shrug, fixing his starter cap with his left hand. The hat was one of many Dymetris collected besides headband. They came an variety of colors to match any t-shirt he was wearing that day. His favorite out of the bunch, was a navy cap with the Letter 'B' stitch in gothic writing. The 'B' stand for Boston red Sox, a team in Boston, Mass. It had been a gift from his relatives who travel too like his parents.

"Yeah the house elfs hook me up with this fruity arrangement. It has chocolate covered strawberries" he lifted the cover from the weave basket to show her the fruits. "No I don't mind coconuts" he replied. "We can do anything that you would want, I really don't care" he hug into her, his arms falling at safety part where it didn't seem defensive. "I just want to spend this day with you and ask if you like to be my date for the yule ball next week? he asked her. He knew he was going to take her, but he decided to ask formally. She may not want to attend the yule ball, so it was polite for him to ask. Why wouldn't he? I t will be fun, or he'll make an his best effort to make the evening fun for the both of them.
tara faced Dymetris and smiled "your style isn't common, but it suits you. and you look good" she said. she knew that her style wans't normal eater but she found most people liked it, or a least didn't mind, that was one of the advantages looking indian.
she looked at the fruit basket, and smiled again. "Well the house elves have done a very good job, it looks too good to eat" she said taking one of her sweets and giving one to Dym. they wont from they were more thai, but she had had them once on holiday to Deli. "How about we have a picnic, and then go into Brightstone later if we feel like it. she said knowing that today was a Brghtstone weekend. she felt his arms around her, and hugged him back.
when he asked her to the yule ball she leant in closer and put her head on his shoulder. "I would love go to the yule ball with you" she whispered, loving every moment she spent with Dymetris. Some where in the back of her mind she was trying to think about what she was going to wear, but she shut that part up as soon as it started, as she would sort that out when it cam to it but right now she was enjoying herself to much.
"Thanks" he cleared his throat, nerves were acting up again. "That sounds like a fetching idea. I live not so faraway from the village. Maybe we might bump into my parents along the way" he said pausing just thinking about what that would be like to bump into Maleena and Asenka. A picture played in his thoughts, he was getting nervous now. They would probably judge her without knowing Tara like he was doing slowly by dating her. "Wait...I forgot, they might not be around this weekend. A letter arrive few days back.." he said in a distant tone.

"Let's just hang here for now, brightstone village will be fun later" Dymetris took her hand into his and sat down by the lake, where a checkered quilt was expanded out. The texture of the quilt rub soft against his skin, as he sat there with his arms extended to his back. he let Tara, sit right next to her, first he wanted to enjoy the lake's view. He would swim in it, if there weren't any mer people or a possible squid occupying the lake. "So far, how's your week been going?" he ask, they were in separate years, meaning different classes during the week. He saw her more during command room hours, but half the time he wanted to sleep rather than talk to anyone. School can be very tiring for anyone young like Dymetris and Tara.
"you said they owned a hairdressor in brightstone, so maybe we will see them she said, wondering if sgter two months he had told his pairents that they were going out, she wasnt sure, and his expression didnt gice it away. "its a shame that they are out of town, but i'm sure you will get to see them plenty over the holidays." she said upon hearing that they were away. she would not be going home over the holidays, as it was only a two week break, and there was no way she could get home if she had wanted to, she had no passport, so the muggle authorities still thought she had never left india, even though she had spent two years in new zealand, and even a little time in london, and if she could make it to india it would be winter and her vilage would be isolated anyway.
they turned back to the lake and she saw that the picnic blanket had already unpacked its self, she sat down next to Dymetris. and looked out over the lake. the summer sun was glittering off the surface and there was a slight breeze to that rustled the leaves, al of a sudden she was back where she was in their last date, a place of pure bliss. "my week has been pretty good, but it has just got a lot better, how about yours?" she said reaching out and feeling his hair, she had seen a lot of people with dreadlocks, but had never quite known what they were like close up. "What does it feel like to have hair like that. she said, hoping it didnt sound rude, she was just curious.
Dymetris face brighten up. "My weekend was exhausting but it was well worth it for the upcoming events. I like having a break from school work and having time for you too" he sighed happily in content. It's not like they didn't get to spend some hours with each during the week. It was usually right after dinner or during dinner when they sat next to each other talking about everything in life. Somedays he just wanted to hibernate and sleep the school days away. His goal in becoming an Auror after Hogwarts was slowly taking it;s time. Kinda driving the kid mad, than again he would be rushing the good times he miss with Tara. There's never to rush youth years, those were the time to enjoy yourself, once your seventeen it's all over.

"Well my parents deal with them" Dymetris chuckle, he let Tara feel the texture of his dreadlocks. They were getting rough actually, time to get them twisted again. "All I have to do is wear them in a pony tail or wash them off in the bathroom with the big pound looking tub. They are heavy especially when I'm flying, otherwise I don't mind them" he said watching his hair slip between her fingers, the hair rough made anyone fingers tingle. He wrap one dread around her hand, his hair smell like a mixture of melon and ivy. He washed in the beginning of this week. He had to take care of it, or else his parents will be force to cut if off. "Lot of work, but I like it. I bet you never met many with dreads?" he question her, laying a little back against a tree nearby to feel level enough to hold her up.
tara was glad that she could spend some time with dymetris, sire they spent some time together but it was always whilst doing other stiff, like eating or working, plus there was always other people around. "I cant wait until the holidays, even the second year work is a lot, I am not looking forward to fifth and seventh year" she said, wondering if there was any magical way to pause time on today.
she as she felt his hair she realised that they felt rough, and she thought that they must be itchy, "That doesn't sound too bad, but they must be annoying on a broom she said. "there are quite a few people in india with Jatayein but many of them are backpackers, climbing in the mountains, and the rest are priests." she said using the hindi word for dreadlocks. she hand really known anyone well to ask about their dreadlocks, and the priests couldn't talk about them.
She opened the basket and set out some food. taking a chocolate covered strawberry and eating it slowly, chocolate first and then strawberry. It was sweet and tasted lovely. then she took some onion bhajis out of her bag. she smiled across at him.

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