Open A Starlit Night

Beata Yakovleva-Ives

cambodian ♦ fashion influencer ♦ goofy
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Curved 11 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
10/2032 (23)
Beata Yakovleva-Ives had been having a hard time sleeping, so she had decided to drag a huge piece of parchment from her dorms all the way to the North Tower to paint. It had been difficult to carry all the stuff, but she made it and laid it all on the floor, and then she spread out the large paper and began preparing to paint. Bee had just got into painting, so she had several tutorial books on the floor as well to help her if she got lost. The girl had an active imagination, so she did no think that she was going to get lost with what she was going to paint. Beata just needed to get her mind off of the fact that he father was not responding to her owls. Her mother told her that it was fine and that he was just busy, but Beata didn't believe it. Something was wrong, and she had known it for awhile. Her father was different, and she needed to know why.
Norton was sending a letter to Gilly, though he knew she wouldn’t want to hear about it but he felt like he’d be doing her a disservice if he didn’t keep her entirely up to date with everything. He had to tell her, he didn’t know why she wouldn’t ultimately see how much fun he was having and then returning to him. Returning to Hogwarts would be the best thing for her. She was missing out her education! Education was so important too! The teen was wondering his way up, stopping every so often as he made his way up to it. He was taking his sweet time, since there wasn’t a whole lot else that he had to do that day, and this was the best thing for him to do. Went he stepped into the north tower the boy immediately spotted a girl from his year, a slytherin - he was sure - just liked Gilly. He noted too that she appeared to be drawing or something, ”Hey, are you drawing there?” the boy asked brightly as he approached her, it didn’t really matter if she wanted his company. He was going to be bright and friendly about it. He was always keen to have a conversation, he liked talking to people and spending the time with them. This girl, even though he didn’t know her was absolutely no different.
Beata was a girl who was filled with emotions, and she needed an outlet for them. She found art to be one of those activities that helped her realized her emotions. She was a fifth year, and it was her most important year, so she needed to be on her best behavior in order to get the best grades that she could. However, she was easily discouraged when it came to her ambitions, which made her a bad Slytherin in her opinion. The girl was on all fours spreading the huge paper out when someone spoke to her. She looked up to see another student in her year. "Yeah. How are you, Norton?" she asked. She was better with first names. She did have a particularly long last name, so she wasn't bad at surnames either. "What are you doing up so late, nightmares?" she suggested as she sat on the ground with her legs crossed.
Norton shook his head at her, ”I’m good! How are you?” Norton wouldn’t admit that maybe he was having a few troubles sleeping because he wasn’t! He was sleeping fine, he was just busy with his studying and writing letters so he didn’t have as much time to sleep as he would otherwise have wanted. He looked at her ”Whatcha drawing there?” the boy asked knowing she’d replied that she was but he was curious as to what she was drawing, ”I don’t get nightmares much anymore! I just had to write and send this letter pronto! No time like the present eh? Do you have nightmares is that why you are here?” he didn’t really feel like she should have to tell him about her nightmares if she was having any but he could figure that she probably wouldn’t mention anything. Or maybe she would? Norton could be a good friend and patiently sit with someone who was having nightmares, he was a prefect after all that was part of the job wasn’t it? That was certainly something that he could do but only if it was required of him.
Beata shrugged. "I've been better, which is why I am up her making a mess." she told him. Bee was a very messy person in all aspects of her life. Her dorm was messy, and she was a messy artist. At Norton's next question, she shrugged once again. "I think I am going to draw a donkey. Jesus did ride into Bethlehem on a donkey, ya know?" she said with a smile. Beata was not a religious person, but Eliza was. Therefore, she had to read the Bible occasionally. Beata shook her head when Norton asked her if she still had nightmares. This was a lie, but she was only partially lying because she was not up in the North Tower currently because of nightmares. "I didn't have nightmares tonight, but I am just frustrated with my parents right now." she admitted sadly.
He frowned a little, he didn’t know that at all. Only maybe a little in the back of his mind did he remember that, but not enough that he really knew what the girl was talking about ”That must not have been very comfortable,” the teen replied with a shrug, ”A broom would be a better thing,” he vaguely was sure he could connect what she was talking about but not really enough or well enough that he could make a knowledgable statement about it. The teen just wondered a little why she was drawing that at all, ”Why are you drawing that?” he decided to ask, seeing little harm in poking a little deeper, especially if she didn’t mind and was giving him answers. He was also rather glad that she hadn’t had nightmares, he wouldn’t know how to deal with those. ”Oh, why?” he could to a certain extent understand why someone would be frustrated with parents, he was rather maybe not frustrated but something close with his dad and his sister. But he wasn’t going to talk about it when he wasn’t particularly sure how to word it well. Word it without being too obvious in his annoyance or feelings towards it, he didn’t quite know what to say about it.
Beata chuckled. She had not ridden a donkey before, but she had rode a horse, which she thought would be a similar experience. "Have you never ridden a horse? I imagine that is it similar. I also think him riding in on one is symbolic more than practical." she told him. She did not realize how religious she came off as, but it did not matter to her. Norton did not seem to mind, and if he did then he'd have to be more vocal about it. Beata shook her head at his next question. "I just like animals, I guess." she laughed softly. She opened her paint set and dipped her brush into the brown and she began to make an outline. "They aren't responding to my letters." she told him in a bit of an annoyed tone. Just the thought of the people who thought she was worth something ignoring her made her annoyed. She hoped Norton did not misunderstand.
Norton shook his head, he hadn’t ridden on one and he couldn’t imagine himself ever doing so, he hadn’t when he’d been living as a muggle unaware of the magical world. Now that he was in it, he didn’t mind it. He liked flying around and travelling by flight was also good, far better than it was to just sit around on a horse or donkey and do it. The boy nodded at what she said about animals, ”I like animals too! Do you take care of magical creatures?” the boy asked with an interested expression. He hoped very much so that this girl was taking it, he couldn’t remember her being in the class, but maybe he just hadn’t noticed at all. The boy sighed a little when she said that her parents weren’t talking to her. He hoped that everything was okay with the parents, that it wasn’t that something was wrong with them. ”That’s not good, are they muggles? Maybe you could try and give them a call at the next brightstone break? Or maybe ask the headteacher to let you go home, or send someone home for you to check on them?” he was thinking of ways that he might check how his dad was doing if he didn’t contact him, though his father hadn’t tended to while Norton was at Hogwarts and even less so now but at the very least with that, he knew why.

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