🌹 Rose Giving A Sennamental Rose

Milo Frogg

I Think I Will Cause Problems On Purpose
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
07/2048 (13)
Yellow Rose for @Senna Overby

Milo hadn't actually been expecting to find Senna up in the towers but he'd looked just about everywhere else and with her also apparently delivering roses it seemed as likely as anywhere else to look. "Oi! Senna!" He said, catching his breath as he skirted away from the stairs. Next time he was just going to wait at the bottom of the stairs, Milo decided. "Tada, rose for you," he said, producing the yellow rose for her with decidedly lack-luster enthusiasm.
After giving up on her shouting tactics Senna had already seen quite a bit of the castle, still looking for the last few people on her list. She was glad to catch a little break when someone was apparently looking for her, snorting at the way in which he presented the rose. "Having second thoughts about signing up for deliveries right now?" Sen joked before taking the rose from him. "Thanks, Milo."
Still catching his breath, Milo did his best to level Senna with an unimpressed look before straightening back up, digging around for the note to go with Senna's rose. "Yeah sure, if by 'signing up' you mean my sister forced this on me," he groused, finally finding the parchment with a triumphant nose and slapping both into Senna's open palm. "Voila, Valentine's and all that."

Thank you for being my friend all of these years. I appreciate you a lot.

Senna snorted when Milo mentioned his sister forcing him to deliver roses. She would've loved to be a spectator when that conversation happened. "Well you're obviously having the best time." She added before he slapped both the rose and the note into her hand, taking a second to read and appreciate the latter. "But hey, keep up the good work, buddy." Sen grinned, unable to keep a straight face regarding Milo's mood about rose deliveries.

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