- Messages
- 451
- OOC First Name
- Linda
- Sexual Orientation
- from reality
- Wand
- Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Cedar Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
- Age
- 10/2031
Minerva left the dorm and made her way down to the kitchens, they had been back a day already from the holidays and classes were expected to start that very Monday. She had wanted at first to sit in the common room, goodness knew she had yet to do that since she arrived but there were plenty in there already. So she had decided to just go for a stroll and as luck would have it, her feet took her directly to the kitchens. She smiled at the house elves who turned from their tasks to look at her. She recognised one face from the time that herself and Norton had been here after that awful cake prank but none of the other house elves looked familiar to her. She figured there were plenty of them around and she hadn't really been paying attention the last time, she had been too busy fascinated at the fact that she had gone to the kitchen in the first place with Norton!
"Do you have any vanilla ice-cream?" she asked, adding a 'please' hastily to the end before the house elf thought she was rude but the small creature dressed in a simple cream robe that looked nothing more than a pillow case opened at both ends, smiled happily at her before clicking its fingers and after a crack in the air about them, handed her a large bowl of delicious looking ice cream and a spoon. Minerva grinned and moved to the long trestle table that ran the length of the kitchen, it was laden with fruits and vegetables that she figured were all going to be prepared for later that day. She tucked in happily, wondering about the subjects she'd be doing that term, wondering if she should sit beside Norton ... or Vil, or Sara or any of the students she had met thus far in the next set of classes ... would it be easier to make friends that way? She scooped another spoon of icecream into her mouth, welcoming the chill and looking forward to the crazy brain freeze that she knew would come.
"Do you have any vanilla ice-cream?" she asked, adding a 'please' hastily to the end before the house elf thought she was rude but the small creature dressed in a simple cream robe that looked nothing more than a pillow case opened at both ends, smiled happily at her before clicking its fingers and after a crack in the air about them, handed her a large bowl of delicious looking ice cream and a spoon. Minerva grinned and moved to the long trestle table that ran the length of the kitchen, it was laden with fruits and vegetables that she figured were all going to be prepared for later that day. She tucked in happily, wondering about the subjects she'd be doing that term, wondering if she should sit beside Norton ... or Vil, or Sara or any of the students she had met thus far in the next set of classes ... would it be easier to make friends that way? She scooped another spoon of icecream into her mouth, welcoming the chill and looking forward to the crazy brain freeze that she knew would come.