A Pub In France And A Friend For Life

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Alex Corvus

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alder Wood, 14 ¼" Essence of Basilisk Skin
Going to make this short and sweet. I want to get Alex RPing more and for that, I need him to have a friend or two. Preferably at least one female friend. I was thinking that maybe they could be really close and get drunk in his pub after closing hours (he lives in France and owns a pub) and throw silly parties and just generally enjoy life.

Bit more info on the situation:
Okay, you can read more about him in his History (see signature) but this is his current situation and history of the past few months.
Early in 2026, Alex met Liberty Barnett. They quickly became an item and she got pregnant soon after her 17th birthday. Alex then became pressured into doing the only suitable thing, and proposed to her. They wed just prior her return to school (Beauxbatons) where she continues to study. She's due in April. Alex, on the other hand, is alone in running his pub in France, and he could use a female friend (he's had many male friends in the past, and I think a female one would benefit him). Alex is beginning to feel the pressure of his new and sudden life. The thought of becoming a father, terrifies him, and being married is difficult enough for him to deal with.

Alex just needs someone that he can let loose with. Maybe they could get a job at his pub? They can have a laugh and gradually build up a close relationship. Alex never sees his wife, so could use the company. Alex doesn't care for blood status, despite past experiences, and is in fact currently being forced to live a muggle lifestyle (wife's orders). Any age between 17 and 27 is fine, though it'd be cool if they were around his age and attended Hogwarts at the same time as him. (He was a Slytherin).

So, yeah, if interested, please reply here or PM Alex Corvus. :) Thanks x
Hi Beth :)

So I have Cecily Vickers who I created AAAAGES ago and I honestly don't think I've ever used her :erm: I'm going to work on her bio today some since I got called off work and have nothing else to do :tut: Only thing I can give you for certain on her is that she graduated from Hogwarts Scotland as a Ravenclaw and she's currently 23. As I said I'll work on her background a little bit today and then I'll post a link to it in her siggy :)

Ohhh, also before I forget...we need to have Beth and Lola RP some *nods* I had completely forgotten about that until recently so whenever you'd like to do that then just let me know :)
Right then...have her a biography posted up now. The link is in her siggy so take a looksie to see if you think this might work out :)
Katalina Vanderhol said:
Ohhh, also before I forget...we need to have Beth and Lola RP some
Erp! Sorry, I only just noticed I had a reply D:

I think Cecily could work. Although, I can never truly tell until after an RP. :p

I had completely forgotten about Beth and Lola xD *slaps my hand*

Are you up for RPing straight away? I mean, I can start the topics and you can post whenever you feel like (though do let me know if you have no intention of ever posting xD) I'm pretty laid-back about when people post back.

Any preference as to where the topics happen?
If you could start them up and just post the links here then that would be absolutely fantabulous. I usually try to be pretty snappy when it comes to replies, but if it takes me a day or two it's probably because I've had absolutely hellacious days at work and really just want to sleep. And if it's been longer then 3 days just shoot a nudge my way because I'm kinda old and my brain tends to forget things at times xD
I'll start the other, tomorrow, when my brain has stopped melting :p
Alrighty then...have gotten you something to reply to in that one now as well :) And please remember if it's been more than 2 days to simply nudge me along because as I said...my poor brain gets quite bogged down between work and other things and I simply forget things at times.
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