A Place To Think

Alexander Fontaine

Abused | Victoire ♥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 Inch Unyielding Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
There was a lot to be considered when you had a kinda-sorta girlfriend outside of the school. Alex knew that she was by no means his real girlfriend, and Alex knew that there was also a very good chance that she never would be. He was confident, however, and he believed that if he just played his cards right he would be able to win her over and he would get his happily ever after. It was still tough to think about, especially everything over the last couple of years where she had been with Jean.

Alex sighed at the thought, and his features showed signs of anger. He would never forgive Jean for the way that he had acted at the end of it, and he couldn't believe that anyone would treat her like that. Alex sat at the top of the North Tower, and even though he definitely found it more than a little bit scary, he was quite happy up there and he found it an extremely great place to think. He loved the fresh air that you came across at the top as well, and he would miss this place after he had graduated.
Darcy was feeling restless after having spent the holidays at Hogwarts. It had been her choice, well her whole family's choice, and she had rather enjoyed her stay at the castle, but now that all the students were back, she felt a little crowded. She decided to leave the confines of the dungeons beneath the castle and go somewhere where she could get fresh air. A lot of things had been on her mind and she hoped the fresh air would give her some clarity.

The Slytherin took her bag up to the tower with her, unsure whether she was going to write a letter to her brother or do some sketches, or simply read - her mind was so scrambled she couldn't even decide what to do, so she had taken her entire bag. She could decide once she reached the top of the tower, except when she got there she saw that someone was already there. "Oh, sorry, didn't meant to disturb you," she apologized politely. She was going to turn around and head back but she had just climbed all the way up from the dungeons and she was not particularly looking forward to making that entire trek again so soon so she hesitated at the doorway, wondering if perhaps the boy would be on his way out or whether they could co-exist in the quiet place.
More often then not, Alex enjoyed the company of others. There was a lot to be gained in having somebody to talk too, and he longed for the moments that he could spend with Victoire because she was always seemed to just get him, and she was always willing to listen. He pushed those thoughts away for the moment, and concentrated on the girl who had just arrived behind him. Lucky for Alex, she hadn't startled him, because there was always a chance that he could find himself tumbling off the tower if he wasn't careful. Not that Alex would ever let himself be that careless, but he was sure that there was people who'd get a kick out of scaring others when there was always that chance.

He gave her a smile. "Feel free, company is always welcome." He said with a chuckle. He hadn't seen her around, which meant that she at least wasn't in his year, but there was always a good chance that she was and Alex just didn't know. His NEWT year kept him busy, and he was sure that it was the same with every other student. "My name's Alex, Seventh Year. How about you?" He asked, deciding that it was more often then not a good idea to just ask what you wanted to know, as most people were welcoming.
Darcy smiled appreciatively when the boy didn't send her away because she really felt like being at the tower. She didn't have the guts to sit on the tower the way the boy was but she leaned against the open wall. "I'm Darcy, nice to meet you," she introduced herself, stepping over to shake his hand since he was so polite. "Fifth year, Slytherin. What house are you in?" she wondered. Ever since transferring last year she was finally beginning to see the difference between houses, not that she judged people based on that alone, but she could finally tell the characteristics of them. Once she had shaken his hand she stepped back and settled in her spot against the wall. "What brings you out here?" she wondered innocently, tucking her red hair behind her ears as the wind blew softly.
Alex hesitated slightly when she mentioned that she was a Slytherin, he had heard a lot of bad things about the house and he'd experienced a lot more bad things during his time at the school. However, she didn't seem like that bad a person, and Alex didn't want to seem rude by judging her before he got to know her. He gave her a smile. "Hufflepuff." He stated. He turned to look out over the grounds when she asked why he was out here. There was a lot of reasons, really. He loved the view, and not to mention it was a great place to stop and think about everything. It was quite peaceful, and he needed peaceful sometimes. "It's just a nice place to be, really. What brings you up here?" Alex asked, with a smile.
Darcy smiled when he said he was in Hufflepuff and said, "My kid sister is in that house." Darcy followed his gaze and looked out over her shoulder at the scenery as he said that he just liked being here because it was nice. She turned around fully to rest her elbows against the top and looked out. She closed her eyes and breathed in the air softly then looked over at him. "Same really," she said, smiling. "It gets a little stuffy in the dungeons, just wanted a bit of fresh air," she chuckled. "Glad it's not winter," she added, as that would've stopped her from coming up here.

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