A place for peace

Lilyanna Hope

asperger's syndrome | beaux astronomy prof
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Lilyanna had been having quite a good semester so far. She had learnt from the first semester who to stay away from and had been avoiding them ever since. There was only ever one person who she talked to since coming to Hogwarts and she didn't quite like talking to many others. Talking wasn't always something she liked to do and had therefore stopped even trying to acknowledge others. It was just too much effort, especially considering many of the people around her were annoying and idiotic. People like that didn't deserve to be acknowledged and she felt that it was only safe to avoid them at all costs. Who cares if she didn't end up making a friend in her own year by the time she graduated? It wasn't like they would keep in touch after school anyway. Friendships were pointless and Lilyanna could only trust a couple of people.

Lilyanna kept her head down as she walked straight towards the North Tower with her book clutched tightly against her stomach. She lost count how many times she had read it. She had forgot to get a new one during the holidays so was stuck with it until the end of the year. It was a good book so she didn't really mind. After all, there were many other books in the library if she wanted to borrow one of them. But the library was mainly used for research purposes and it would feel unusual to try and find a fictional piece of writing in a place that was full of so much information. She took a sigh of relief as she finally made it to the top of the tower and realised no one was there. There were too many people at Hogwarts but there were too many people everywhere so there was no way she could avoid that. The North Tower was the only place that Lilyanna could ever find peace. She sat down on one of the benches and opened up her book. Her hair fell in front of her shoulders as she looked down, her eyes scanning the page. Hopefully nothing was going to disturb her now.
It was another wonderful day at Hogwarts and Daisy had way too much energy pent up inside of her. The first year had woken up early, and she knew she should be studying, but Daisy just could not be bothered. She knew both her parents would encourage her to sit and study, but without them there to nag her, Daisy did not have the motivation. She had learned everything in class anyway, why was she now expected to sit down and try to shove everything she learned from one year into her brain? It was way too much to ask.
The Gryffindor wished she could have her dog with her, it would make exploring way more fun, and she would feel tons more confident swimming in the lake if Gus was there to look after her. She knew the dog would love to roam around the castle with her, so Daisy occasionally just pretended that he was there with her. Today was definitely a Gus day. The brunette had tied up her hair, put on her shorts, T-Shirt and running shoes, as she would if she were going on an adventure with her dog. She figured Gus might like to do some climbing today, rather than free running outside, and though there wasn't much higher to go, Daisy felt like going up to begin with. "Come on Gus!" She called as she left the Common Room and took off at a jog, up the stairs to the North Tower. Daisy loved running, she loved the wind through her hair and the adrenaline. She could imagine Gus running in front of her, and she followed his invisible tail as they reached the top of the stairs and rounded a corner. The image of Gus quickly disappeared when a girl came into Daisy's view. She was just sitting there by herself, reading. How bizarre! Daisy trotted up to the girl and stood in front of her. "Hi! My name's Daisy. What's yours?"
Lilyanna looked up sternly when a pair of loud footsteps disturbed her. There was nowhere in this castle where she could spend some time by herself and it frustrated her that there were so many annoying people at the school. The noise was coming from a girl who didn't look much older than her. She walked over to where Lilyanna was sitting and Lilyanna raised an eyebrow at her as she introduced herself as Daisy and asked for her name. She seemed to be very happy about something, or was she just always that happy? How could someone ever be so happy? There were many things to be sad about and Lilyanna found it very hard to ignore them. She supposed that it was perhaps a very good acting talent that the girl had and Lilyanna was very interested in how she did it. Why was she even up in the North Tower anyway? There was nothing to do up there other than read, study or simply admire the stars and it didn't look like Daisy was going to do any of them.

"Do you have to make that much noise?" Lilyanna snapped, closing her book shut and placing it next to her on the bench. "My name is Lilyanna Hope and I really don't like noise." With that, she angrily folded her arms across her chest, hoping the girl would walk away so she could read her book again. There was no way she'd be able to read with such a loud person in the room. She wanted to ask the girl a million questions about what she was doing and why she decided to walk over to her, but she simply just looked at her with pursed lips, not feeling in the mood to start an argument with her. It made Lilyanna want to try and find another place for some peace and quiet.

Sorry this is a bit late!
Daisy flinched, shocked at the girl's response. She had yet to actually meet someone rude and mean at the school, something her mother had warned her against. Her mothers words were something along the lines of not everyone being as crazy as Daisy, which Daisy didn't completely understand but she was sure that this girl was going to explain it to her. The brunette girl wasn't even making that much noise, she had just introduced herself, so she wasn't sure what had gotten this girl so wound up. "Ok babes, take a chill pill, I was just introducing myself." Daisy winked with a grin, before moving forward and sitting next to the girl. Her only thought was that maybe she should hang out with the girl a bit more, maybe that would make her a bit more friendly. After all, not everyone could be all rude, and once the girl saw that Daisy meant no harm, or wasn't actually annoying, they could have great fun together. Hopefully not reading. But even if this girl got snarky, Daisy had dealt with a few muggle bullies outside of HNZ, and her favorite way to deal with them was just to wind them up even more. "I heard the library is actually the best place for no noise. Did you know we had one at this school? If you hate noise, that's probably where you should be." Daisy stated matter-of-factually. "You're a first year too right? I've seen you in some classes. Geez are you nervous for the exams coming up?" Daisy asked, turning her body so she was fully facing Lilyanna.
Lilyanna couldn't believe how Daisy was acting. Did she really just call her 'babes'? Did she really think she had some sort of power over Lilyanna? It made her want to hit her or cause her any type of pain. There was never such thing as a 'chill pill' either which just made Daisy look silly when she told Lilyanna to take one. Lilyanna moved over on the bench to keep some distance when Daisy sat down next to her. There was no way they could ever be friends but Daisy was already acting as if they were. Better yet, she tried to give Lilyanna advice as if she was stupid and Lilyanna was definitely not stupid. Of course she knew there was a library. How else did she get the books to study? She could feel her face burning red with anger and quickly stood up, taking her book with her. "Just shut up!" she shouted, turning around to face her. "Until you came, the North Tower was much more quieter than the library. I'm NOT stupid and I do know there is a library. Do you actually think I'm dumb? I've read almost half of the library during my time here and I can assure you that that is where I spend a lot of my time. Do not ever talk to me like that ever again." She could feel her eyes starting to water and looked away from the girl, hoping that she didn't see it. The library was the perfect place for peace but it involved other people being there as well and Lilyanna didn't really like many people. Any excuse to get away from people was a good one.
The Gryffindor should have seen it coming, but she still jumped when the girl shouted at her. The girl was so twitchy, and obviously so easy to wind up and if Daisy wasn't being yelled at, she might have laughed. She couldn't believe that Lilyanna had gotten so upset by someone going and talking to her, and it made Daisy wonder if maybe there was something else going on. Although Daisy wasn't usually one to apologize, she felt bad that the girl had reacted in such a way because there was obviously another reason she was upset and Daisy was just the tip of the ice berg, the final straw, the... whatever else her mother said. The First Year Gryffindor stood up as well, but tried keeping her posture open so the girl could see she wasn't a threat. "Lilyanna, you should calm down, I didn't mean for you to get so upset. It was more me being surprised. I don't usually go to libraries, this is by far the biggest one I've ever seen! How in Merlin's pants have you read half of it? That's an incredible thing to do. But if you want to stay here and keep reading by yourself, I mean I guess I could keep running. Maybe next time. Later babe." Daisy said, before readying herself to run again.
Lilyanna stood and listened to everything Daisy said. She was glad that she apologised and Lilyanna could feel her breathing start to slow down and her face turn back to a normal colour. She knew that Daisy did not mean to hurt her but something told her that Daisy might have still said what she said on purpose to try and be sarcastic or make Lilyanna feel bad. But not many people liked Lilyanna anyway and she couldn't blame them. She didn't know what to do when Daisy turned around to leave and felt a crack in her voice as she tried to speak. "W-wait. she said, a bit confused with how bad the situation was turning out. "I'm sorry too." She looked straight down at the ground, not wanting to see how Daisy was going to react. For all Lilyanna knew, she now was probably eager to find any excuse to get away from her.
Daisy paused and turned around when they girl called out for her to stop. She wasn't sure if the girl was going to hex her or yell at her again, but Daisy did disturb her, so she figured she'd let her have her say before literally running away, maybe to find Gus again and try to enjoy the rest of her day. However when Lilyanna apologized, Daisy smiled and turned back towards her. Daisy technically hadn't said that she was sorry, she did want to keep talking and she probably would do it again, but she supposed it wouldn't make the mood any lighter if she pointed these things out to Lilyanna so instead she wrapped her arms around the girl into a big hug. "It's okay hun!" Daisy said, before pulling back, keeping her arms on Lilyanna's shoulders. "Are you trying to study, or do you really just not like noise?" The Gryffindor asked, hoping that it wasn't the latter because Daisy was generally just a noisy person, so their friendship probably wouldn't work out that well. She was sure she could help Lilyanna have more fun though, she seemed so angry for no apparent reason.
Lilyanna was glad that Daisy didn't keep walking when she told her to wait and was quite taken aback when she pulled her into a hug. Lilyanna didn't particularly like people invading her personal space but tried her best not to snap at the girl again, simply because Daisy was only trying to apologise. She stayed frozen as she hugged her and still felt quite crowded even when she pulled away, still keeping her arms on Lilyanna's shoulders. "I just... I don't really like noise and this tower was probably the only place I could think of besides the library for some quiet." She kept her eyes on the ground as she spoke, not wanting to make any eye contact with the Gryffindor in case Lilyanna was to snap again. She felt quite bad that she had acted the way that she did but hopefully it made Daisy want to think before saying things which would have probably made the situation turn out a lot different if she did.

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