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Working in New Zealand everyday has become nothing but hardship for the young married man. Dealing with the ministry ups and down, the constant nonstop laboring that goes on around the clock, the stacks of stuffed folders, and every single reported incident detailed to its last period. Hadan would've blown his head off long time ago, if he had that kind of choice to make. If it weren't for his love at home, or in the fields working her hours as an auruor keeping him together, he would've decided that option long time ago. Poor Kasey, if she was to known she married a lunatic, she would've reconsider Hadan before walking down the aisles that day. "What am I thinking?" he let out a stiff sighs, his lips parted to let out an exhausting breath. He was thinking mentally insane, just the stress was to overboard. Not to mention the next season for qudditch starts soon. Portugal not as far from home than New Zealand, still..Hadan had to decide if he wanted to stay working here? Maybe not, his in-laws may become upset with him. But what can he really do about it? He reached to the back of neck, his fingers sliding down his chestnut locks. Sitting outside always help the stress go away, it was even better when he was facing the unique views from the benches outside of brightstones village. Many walk by ignoring the distressed man be, some not noticing the lines of tension crawling at the back of his long neck. On top of it all, he had to think about the child he will be having soon, ugh. Kasey was due in the next few months, her stomach already swelled. Hadan was happy but still, its hard. Least that's how he felt, with Kasey she seem ready and more prepare than Hadan. A second thought came in mind, maybe the baby's arrival causing him stress. It could be it? Hadan not sure, but since the day he's find out, everything seem to go down hill for him. Maybe he's not caught out for this?