A new person to meet

Logan Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Logan was sat infront of the lake on a huge rock. He had a book in his hand studying for his next lesson. He liked it by the lake, it was his favorite place in the whole school and the running water that calmed him and he found it very peaceful. Logan looked up from his book and threw a stone into the smooth water. He smiled as the water rippled.
Briar had just been for a run around the lake and was about to take a breather under one of the trees when she saw a stone skim from under another. she ran over to the tree and sat down under it only to see a guy about her own age sitting and reading. "hi, im Briar" she said hoping that she wasn't too busy.
Briar shook Logans hand. she looed around and picked up a stone and skimmed it, it went far across the lake. "what are you reading? she asked, trying to make conversation.
Logan shrugged. " Just something on potions. I dont think i know that much about them so im just getting up to scratch. So what were you doing here? Im guessing you were exercising judgin by the rate of your breathing." He smiled at her hoping that he wasnt being too. " Did you know that the more exercise you do the larger your heart gets, and the larger it gets then the stronger it is so it beats less and pumps out more blood." He giggled slightly. " Sorry i will shut up now." He felt his face turn red
Briar looked at the the book and once he said what he was reading she recognized the potions book. "i am just going for a short jog he said realizing that the lake was quite large and she had gone very fast for a twohoof. she leaned against the tree as she listened to the boy talk. he seemed to know a lot about things. i wonder how large my heart is she thought "I dont mind, it's interesting" she said as he said that he would shut up. she just needed a rest before she started again full speed. she needed to exercise more. she tried to think of something to say but couldn't think of anything so she lay back and looked up at the sky through the branches.
Logan laughed. " Most people find me boring when i start talking like that. I dont even know that i do it sometimes. It just a habbit." He closed his book as he dog eared the page so he could find it later on when he got back to reading it. " So what house are you in? Im a Ravenclaw." He smiled proudly."
Briar laughed as logan said that others thought he was boring, she wasn't surprised to hear that he was in ravenclaw, only one of them lot would be studying so early in the term. "Oh, I'm in Gryfindor" she said sitting up again. she knew the students here came from far and wide, and this inspired her to ask the next question. "wheres about do you come from? its just everyone here comes from all over the place."
Logan smiled as she said that she was in grffindor. She didnt realy fit the Slytherin type or the Hufflepuff type eigher and as he hadent seen her in the common room the last house was Griffindor. " Well i was born and raised in New Zealand so im not too far away from home. What about you then?"
briar smiled, locals were hard to come across here. "cool, I come from Europe, I have been here a few months and it i pretty nice but i prefer my home. but hogwarts isn't too bad as it has huge grounds. she now was the one babbling so she stopped and skimmed another rock into the lake.

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