A New Friendship

Iris Anderson

Active Member
Iris Walked Out to the Lake and Stared at the Clearish water . It was Huge ! She Walked a little closer to the Lake and Sat Down Not To far , Not to close to the water . She Pulled Out a Book and started to Read . waiting for something to Happen She Put her Book down and Looked around , There were not many people . She Had thought anybody would want to come down to the Lakefront on a Warm Spring Day Like this , Well , Anyways She didn't care so she Picked up her Book and Began To Read Again

OOCOut of Character:
Im sorry it's Short ! My Mind Kinda Isn't Thinking :)
Three months ago, if you'd ask Crystal what she thought she'd be doing during her second year in Hogwarts, walking around the castle wearing her old clothes when she should be wearing her uniform would not have been high on her list. In fact, it wouldn't have been anywhere on her list. Crystal was strolling in the castle hoping to find her sister, Emerald (who was the one she thought might have her uniform because her mom might have switched their uniforms when she was packing their clothes). Crystal was walking nonstop now. It's like she'd been to every place in the castle, except for the forbidden places. Walking around for three hours nonstop without water can be pretty tiring, so, when Crystal reached the lakefront she thought maybe it was the best time to sit down and relax. So, Crystal sat down at the moist ground. There were a few people, including a little girl who was reading a book. Crystal thought it won't hurt for her to say hi or something so she stood up, walked to the girl's direction, and then sat down. "Hi!" Crystal said with a friendly smile.
Iris Looked Up from Her Book . " Hi !" She said To The Girl That Was Standing There . " Im Iris Anderson , what's your name ? " She asked . Iris Took Her Bookmark and Put it on the page then put her book in the bag . She knew that the girl would be older since she was much taller Than Iris . " So What house are you in ? " Iris asked with a smile . The Girl wasn't wearing a Uniform so she couldn't Tell Which House She was in .
"Nice to meet you" Crystal said with a smile as she held her hand for the girl to shake. "Iris" Crystal said, "That's a nice name". She seems nice. Crystal thought to herself. Crystal likes nice people, especially if she's older than them, she thinks they're cute. "I'm Crystal. Crystal Storm but you can call me Crys" Crystal said with a happy grin. This girl seems to be different. She was not the kind that Crystal often meets. "I'm in Ravenclaw" Crystal said with a shy smile when Iris asked if what house she was in. Of course Iris couldn't identify which house she was in because she wasn't wearing any uniform for Iris to identify. "How about you? Which house are you in?" Crystal asked, wanting to know which house her new friend belongs. Crystal hopes Iris would be in Ravenclaw also, so that they could spend more time together but if she's not she could be in Gryffindor or in Huffelpuff like her sister Emerald and her brother Christopher. She couldn't be in Slytherin because she seems so nice. Crystal thought. But whatever the house the girl was in, it doesn't matter. What matters is that Crystal is gonna have a new friend.
Shaking the girl's hand , Iris smiled . " Thanks ! " She said " Crystal is A Nice name to ! " Iris looked at the Lakefront then at Crystal . " Haha , Ok I'll call you Crys . " Iris Said . " Really ?! I'm in Ravenclaw also ! " Iris said Happily when Crys said that she also was a claw , Iris was excited she knew someone from her own house .

" Oh and i forgot to mention That I'm a First Year , but you can probably notice that . " She said With a Giggle . " Im guessing Your a third year or something Close to that . " She asked , Iris couldn't really Guess what year That Crys was in because she looked older than her so She couldn't Be a first year .
One of the reasons why Crystal was so interested in making many friends is that she used to have only one friend, that's why she wants to have more. "Thanks" Crystal thankfully replied to Iris. Crystal then noticed Iris's bracelet, "Nice bracelet you got there, where'd you get it?" Crystal curiously asked. Iris's bracelet was small, yet beautiful just like herself. "Wow! What a coincidence!" Crystal said, astonished that she and Iris are both in Ravenclaw. "Cute" Crystal said, in reply of Iris saying that she's a freshman. "Uh...No I'm not. You may think I am because I'm really tall but honestly I'm still a sophomore" Crystal said. Many people always guess wrong things about her, that's why she hates being tall because she thinks tall people are old but her father often tells her about this theory that tall people look younger than short ones but Crystal doubt if the theory was true. "Do I look old?" Crystal asked, wanting to know if the theory was really true or it was just some nonsense thing old people says to make people better.
Iris Listened As the girl noticed her Charm Bracelet. " Oh thanks , It's from my dad , he's a Muggle so whenever he goes to other countries for Buissness Trips I Get a new charm That Has to do with that Place !" She said . " Oh cool ! So your a second year ? . " Iris asked . " No your Not really that tall . When My sister was a second year she was taller than everybody and she loved to be tall . I Wish i was Tall , Because When your tall you dont have to stand on your Tippy Toes like i have to when i cant see " she grumbled . Everytime she went swimming her small feet couldn't reach the floor so she would have to go to the shallow end or float the whole time .
"Oh, that's cool. So is your dad a business man or something?" Crystal wanted to know. Crystal's father was once a farmer, he was an active one and also the favorite of his landlord, so after several years, when the landlord died, he gave a part of his land to Crystal's father which his father built a farmhouse and which is the place Crystal currently lives in. Her father also studied medicine even before he got married to Crystal's mother, so now Crystal's father is a successful doctor. "Yep" Crystal murmured. "Really? How tall was your sister anyway?" Crystal asked, she was astonished to what Iris had said. Eventually, Crystal was always the tallest among the girls in her class. Take her freshman year for instance. She was the tallest."Being tall sucks, believe me, but I guess being small is too." Crystal smirked. Crystal was always jealous of her younger sister Carly. She thinks Carly is perfect. She has this beautiful, fresh young face, she has this amazing super straight rebond-like strawberry blonde hair and mostly she's medium in height. Crystal always dreamed of that to happen but unfortunately it won't.

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