A New Experience

Jeremy Thorne

Emergency Dept Healer | Hattie's Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
It was already the end of the second week of his Healer training and Jeremy was beginning to wonder about his career choice. For the first week, he hadn't even seen a person. The man had been made to fill out paperwork in triplicate and then been shown around different parts of the hospital, but not any of the wards. Instead, he had been shown to a lab where he had to help prepare Wolfsbane potion. It wasn't the most interesting work but Jeremy knew how important it was. He had gone to school with a werewolf and knew how important she considered the potion. Still, Jeremy yearned to be doing triage work, curing poisons and fixing spell wounds. The elderly Healer he had been helping seemed to feel the need to constantly remind Jeremy that it wasn't all combat wounds and unforgiveable courses as if he could see Jeremy's thirst for that type of action in his eyes. Perhaps he could. The recent graduate had been extremely happy to be accepted into the training program and had spent much of the last month getting settled into a small studio apartment in New Zealand. He knew that money would be tight for a little bit and had been grateful to his dad for giving him some money as he made his way back to New Zealand.

This week had been slightly more exciting with Jeremy being moved to a different section of the hospital. He feared it was because the elderly Healer, his name was White, was on vacation. Jeremy had been determined to make the most of this transfer, hoping he wouldn't be returned to his old area when the man returned. At least here, he was out of the dusty basement and he had the opportunity to see patients, though he still wasn't ready to treat them for whatever reason. Instead, he had been preparing medications, making sure that each client's cup had the proper medicine and dosage. Again, he knew it was important work but he would be grateful to at least give a cup to a client and say hello or something. Here, at least, there was another, older Healer-in-training. He had been around for almost a year, he said, and he actually got to go out there with patients. He kept reminding Jeremy to keep at it and he would be trusted more soon enough. So, Jeremy had worked and worked and worked. Just as he was getting ready to clean up and head to lunch, one of the Healers burst into the room and grabbed Jeremy. As he followed at a jog, the woman informed him to head upstairs because a unit was short staffed. He was told that another Healer would be able to direct him more once arrived. Before Jeremy could ask any questions, she was gone and the former Ravenclaw was headed upstairs to something. He didn't even know what unit he was being sent to or what Healer he was supposed to ask for. He could only hope that the person was expecting him.
Patricia by this point was well adjusted to her job and she had experienced a number of busy days in the wards that she would switch being on a regular basis, based on her areas of expertise. Patricia, when she started her training, realised that she couldn't be happy with just one area of expertise and had been lucky enough to work in a number of wards that grabbed her interest and St. Mungo's had let her rotate the wards every so often during her training and would let her decide if she wanted to do something more specific or continue what she was doing. Thankfully the training programme was a couple of years long so she had plenty of time to decide but right now she couldn't imagine doing anything other than what she was doing. Ever since she was young she loved to mutli-task and doing one separate thing often bored her so she had to have variety or pressure to help her perform better, more so especially when she was under pressure; she loved the thrill of it all, and where better to be under pressure than in a hospital. While the young healer in training had experienced a number of busy days in the hospital so far there was nothing worse when they were short staffed. With staff having to go to different departments for whatever reason, people being sick (which she found ironic for healers), Patricia hated not being able to give her patients enough care when they needed them. For some reason today there were an extra large number of random injuries coming in, like the equivalent of a muggle ER, something Patricia was familiar with when she was a child. So for today Patricia was just helping to diagnose what certain patient's ailments were and treating them or for the more specific injuries etc, directing them to the correct ward because for some reason people seemed to side track the reception area where they would be directed right away.

At one point in time when Patricia had a moment to breath she sent an request to the HR department to try and send up at least an extra body to help relief some of the staff who at this point was doing over-time, it was also ridiculous that Patricia seemed to be the most senior staff member on the floor at the moment and she was still in training, but taking the lead was something she enjoyed doing. Getting a letter back she was relieved when the person informed them that someone was on their way up now. Walking towards the elevator Patricia waited for the person to arrive. They had only said their name was Jeremy Thorne, a new hire, but at this point Patricia didn't care who helped, it wasn't exactly hard as they were just diagnosing them at the moment and doing minor healing, nothing too time consuming. Seeing a younger boy get out of the elevator, slightly confused looking Patricia took a shot in the dark. "Jeremy?!" she called, bridging the last bit of the gap between them. "Sorry to take you away from your training but nothing like firsthand experience to really show you what the job's like, eh?" she said with a smile as she started to walk towards the ward again. "By the way, my name's Patricia Styx. If you have any questions ask me, don't worry, I'll stay close." she said reassuringly, she remembered the first time she went on the floor on her training; it was exciting, but scary.

"Unfortunately it is nothing too exciting at the moment. Just talk to the patient, take their details and help diagnose the problem. If you can, heal the problem, give them the potion. But refer them to the right ward for the more specific things." she rambled off quite quickly, hoping he was able to keep up. "Any questions?" she asked, with a smile, grabbing him a clipboard and quick notes quill so he could keep his hands free for spell work and not having to waste time writing.
As the elevator opened, Jeremy's blue eyes glanced around. He heard his name and quickly turned in the direction of the voice, which belonged to a woman he had seen before. She had been Head Girl sometime before, though how long exactly he didn't know. Nodding his head so she would know she was addressing the proper person, Jeremy took a step closer to her. He followed closely as she set off, the excitement growing as she mentioned firsthand experience. "Definitely" he said, a small smile crossing his face as he looked around and noted how busy the floor was. He was sure to not be bored here, and if he was, he probably wasn't busy enough. Jeremy was glad that she was going to keep near because he was sure that he would have tons of questions for her. "Nice to meet you" he replied, keeping pace with the older Healer easily. The recent graduate listened to her carefully as she described what he would be doing. It didn't seem too difficult but he was sure that attention to detail would matter with this. He was glad that he had taken time to study the map of the hospital when he had been down in the basement. He was sure he'd have little trouble re-directing people to the correct ward.

"Um...no, not yet." Jeremy was sure he would have a ton of questions in just a moment. He looked over Patricia's shoulder and saw a teenaged girl who was holding onto a cup. He had the feeling he would be finding out what was in that cup in just a moment. Glancing at the clipboard that was hovering beside him, Jeremy gathered that this was what he was supposed to use to take notes. He was glad because his handwriting was wretched even when he took his time. "Should I take this line?" he asked, heading over to the teenager. After asking her the general questions - her name (Emily), her age (16)- Jeremy found out what was in the cup. He had to take a deep breath and compose himself before he pulled his wand from his pocket. She had evidently splinched herself as she tried to leave her boyfriend's house so his parents wouldn't know that she'd been in the house while they weren't home. Since she wasn't licensed, she hadn't known the importance of concentration, which resulted in her leaving a piece of her ear behind. Her boyfriend had apparated it to the hospital for her. "Ok...let's see if I can fix this up for you" he stated, tapping the piece as he muttered the incantation. Glad when it worked, Jeremy turned, looking around for a bandage. "Bandages...bandages...bandages" he mumbled to himself as he opened drawer after drawer, finally discovering it in the last one he checked.

He quickly put the bandage on and gave her a tiny vial to help deal with the pain. With a warning to not apparate again until she'd taken some classes, Jeremy looked to see who was next. It seemed it was an elderly man who quickly said that he was waiting for the lovely lady Healer to help him. Jeremy looked at the man confused at first until it dawned on him. He had looked the man over quickly and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with him. Jeremy's blue eyes looked to Patricia, an amused expression on his face. He stepped over to her and whispered to her, "I don't know that there's anything wrong with the old man but he seems to want you to tell him that." Jeremy waited to see what Patricia would want him to do.

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