A More Formal Search

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Larissa Sedgwick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Beth / Bethy
Sexual Orientation
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
I have received offers, here and there, though most of these offered characters have either gone inactive, ended up in a relationship or just never roleplayed with Larissa. Yes, I have finally decided to accept the fact that the roleplayer for Larissa's original 'final' is not going to be coming back any time soon (it's been about half a year since the 'final' account was online). So it's time that I set out to find the ideal person for Larissa. If anyone has made offers already that they intend to go through with, then I'm sorry for forgetting, I haven't had much sleep. Anyway, on with the Plot Development thread.. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you need to. I am trying to find the ideal guy for Larissa and I can't do that without explaining myself fully. I do hope the below helps.

Larissa Mortion Sedgwick

Larissa Sedgwick has never led a particularly trouble-free life, anybody who has met her will know that, though there is a lot more backstory to this which I have purposely not posted in her background topic as this would spoil many of the things to come. I have added some things of her past, the biggest being about Samantha. This is a segment of the Larissa's life that she avoids talking about to anyone and, in an ironic twist, is a contributing factor to her becoming a Death Eater in training (approved). Anyway, all of that aside, Larissa has ended up living in Germany with Mark and his sister, Clara. (You can read in more detail about her life building up to the move in location in her background topic, link is in signature) Larissa had originally attended Hogwarts in New Zealand, and had become a Slytherin prefect. Just prior to her fifth year starting, Larissa had been telling Mark how her mother physically and mentally hurt her, and of all the things in her past, blaming her mother for the death of her father and the imprisonment of her step-father, Grakul Gellantara. This resulted in Larissa not returning home at the end of her fourth school year, and instead hiding out at her old house. After a couple of days, Mark turned up at the house and explained how her mother and brother had died at his hand. Larissa did go back to Hogwarts for a month or so, but ended up transferring to Durmstrang and moving in with Mark. However, Mark and Larissa never made their relationship official and with Mark working all the time, Larissa gradually became lonely. In her sixth year, she had arranged to have dinner with Mark during the time students could visit the local village. Unfortunately, he had never turned up, due to work. Andrew, a boy Larissa had attended Hogwarts with and had once had a crush on, happened to turn up, and the two hit it off and ended up in bed together. Naturally, when Adira found out, this caused trouble between the two girls, and Larissa took a beating from her ex-best friend. Larissa also found time, between her fifth and sixth year, to attend the wedding of Liberty Barnett and Alex Corvus, turning up in an inappropriate dress and 'accidentally' announcing Liberty's pregnancy. In the December holidays, Larissa turned up in France to bother Liberty and her husband, for a while. Liberty ended up going into an early labour and in the hospital waiting room, Larissa and Tobias began chatting and ended up returning to the pub that Alex and Liberty owned, to become 'better acquainted'. Larissa spent a week in France before returning to Germany and the mostly empty manor that she lived in. Though she has flirted with many people, Larissa has only ever gone further with the two above, and these were both one-offs. Larissa has never been great with commitment in relationships, because she has yet to find the right guy.

And that's where you come in.

I have been thinking this over for quite some time, now, and there are two different types of men I would be happy for her to settle for: They should (weighing upon 'must') be a Death Eater. Larissa has always loved the dark arts and Death Eaters have been a huge part of her life, whether she has noticed this or not. They could be a Death Eater because they love it or for the sake of convenience. Whatever. Naturally, this means that I am not accepting muggles or muggle-borns for Larissa. This person needs to be male for, you know, babies. I will discuss the 'number of children' situation with the 'final' on a more personal scale, but I'll just say that she's not going to be having twins or any form of multiples. She's not amazingly fond of children, though these things change with situation.. Whoever this amazing mystery man is, I would like for him to be older than Larissa by at least three years, maximum of (brace yourself) about thirty years, give or take a few. She's always preferred older men, thinking of them as more mature, intelligent and probably richer than younger men (she's not all about wealth, but she is partial to living in luxury) so feel free to prove her wrong. On that note, here is a little more about the personality I would like them to have (doesn't need to be exact, I'm still flexible on a lot of this):

A) Mature, intelligent, knows how to treat a lady, good manners and provides for those in his family who need it. This person should be loyal to her, though this does not necessarily mean that they come running every time she tells them to. They can either be a (mentally) strong male figure of authority, or maybe someone who almost bows down to her (not so fond of the latter). I would expect them to care for any children when Larissa is unavailable to do so.

:cool: This is the personality that not only amuses me more, but would probably make a better husband for Larissa. This person likely does not live in wealth, and probably joined the Death Eaters out of family tradition, pressure or convenience.. Or possibly even stupidity when they were younger. Whatever the case, this guy is likely to be working and has a cheeky side to him. This person would share a more amusing relationship with Larissa, in that they would be interested in her while she is still going through her 'power-seeking' phase. (This will be strongest between her being 18 and 19, I believe) She will look down upon them for a while, thinking that they are not worth her time, though this person should constantly flirt, tease and generally pester the hell out of Larissa until she finally flirts back in a 'go stick your head in a fire' sort of way. Yes, that is her way of saying that she likes him and that's when the relationship should become more, in its own, confusing, way.

As for visual requirements, there are pretty much none; Larissa has, oddly enough, never really cared for other peoples appearances, though she does like men to be at least her height, nice if they're taller. Any hair colour is fine, but I think she's likely to go for dark colours or blonde. They can be as scarred as you like (better yet if they have a really interesting story behind their scars), as long as they allow Larissa to glance at herself in a mirror, every now and then, little Miss Vain will be content. Larissa is one quarter veela and doesn't have amazing trouble attracting all sorts of people. And, again, she's not really fussy. If they have Death Eater views and the right blood status, that suits her just fine.
She'll accept werewolves, part-giants and all sorts, really. She may feel a little challenged by another part-veela, and part-goblins wouldn't really have the height (no offense, lovies). But yeah, pretty much any guy is welcome to offer themselves up for sacrifice Larissa. And.. I think that's everything, but as above, feel free to ask questions.

If you don't want to reply to the topic, you can always PM Larissa Sedgwick.
Further details will be PMed to those interested, on request.
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