A Lullaby To You

Eleanor Hope

former hufflepuff and queen of flowers ♕✿
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Eleanor couldn't believe that she was already in her second year at Hogwarts. She regretted taking advantage of it so much and wished that she had done many more things, despite how much longer she had left at Hogwarts to do all of that. Her second year hopefully wasn't going to be too hard and the only good thing about this year to Eleanor was that it had the least subjects and she was not stuck doing flying anymore. Flying was definitely not Eleanor's best subject. She loved going outside and feeling the wind blow through her hair but she just didn't have the coordination to stay on a broom for long and could not ever see herself joining the Hufflepuff quidditch team this year. She really wished she was good at it but not everyone was good at everything.

As Eleanor exited her common room and happily made her way down the fourth floor corridor she waved at a small portrait and smiled, suddenly having the urge to explore the castle. She hadn't really done much exploring last year and considering how fast the year went for her she was unsure whether or not she would also have time this year, especially once classes started and she was stuck studying instead of doing what she wanted. One room on the fourth floor caught Eleanor's eye. She peeked in the door of one of the rooms to find none other than the student lounge - a place that she had never seen before. There was a fireplace and some cosy armchairs and Eleanor opened the door enough so she could fit inside and made her way over to them. Completely disregarding the fact that she could sit on one of the chairs, she plopped herself in the middle of the room facing the fireplace and began quietly singing a lullaby, one that her mother had taught her during the holidays. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." She wasn't a virtuoso and didn't sound the best but she still continued to sing, hoping that no one was around to hear her.
Ryuu Arai walked around the castle, finding things to be a little on the strange side. It was just odd here. Ryuu had on the girls uniform today. It was comfortable, and he loved it. He put on his headband, and made sure his hair looked good. His blonde hair was very much noticeable other than his very pale skin from not being outside much. He adored the outdoors. But right now, he was walking around, even without his shoes on. With socks on, he marched throughout the castle. Ryuu looked around as he admired the corridors. He started to skip around the corridors, before he arrived to the fourth floor. This one was rumored to have a place to rest. And he felt as though he needed a good rest. He looked around once more before he started to skip more. Ryuu waved to students as he skipped past him. This was just the best place ever! He would never understood why his mother would ever want him to never come here! This place was everything he ever dreamed of and more.

The Ravenclaw skid to a stop when he heard some singing. His hearing was exceptional, so he thought, when he was right outside of the student lounge. He beamed, before following the sound of the voice. He found the girl, who was dressed in yellow. The same color and house as his sister, Yuki? Ryuu walked over to the girl before smiling and sitting down on his knees. Ryuu placed his head into his hands, and listened to her sing. He didn't know whether or not she would acknowledge him, or anything. All he cared about was listening because it was still pretty.
Eleanor continued to sing the song in front of the fireplace as if she was talking to someone inside of it. Not many people, it seemed, really went into the Student Lounge and Eleanor was glad about that as she was sure that someone would criticize her if they did. It was such a good place to be and it slightly reminded the second year of the abandoned classroom but warmer and with much more furniture. She was just about to sing the last line of the lullaby until she was startled by the presence of another person who just happened to sit down next to her without saying a word. He seemed as if he was enjoying the song and Eleanor didn't know whether or not she should continue for him. Instead, she looked sideways at him and apologised. "Oh, I'm sorry for singing so loudly. I can't really sing but it's fun." she told him, blushing as she began to take in his appearance. Eleanor had never seen someone as peculiar as him before and it made her rethink whether or not she was talking to a girl or a boy. She smiled at him nonetheless.

"If you don't mind me saying, I love your hair! Did you dye it or does it naturally look that way?" Eleanor asked the boy, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. She couldn't help but ask questions that she didn't know the answer to, even if they had nothing to do with her, and hoped that the boy, or girl (she hadn't figured that bit out yet), would not mind the sudden question, especially considering it wasn't the best conversation starter. In return, Eleanor would answer all of his questions if she had to and would happily want to be his friend.

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