A lovely Daisy needs a forest to plant on

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Savita Kapoor

New Member
Sexual Orientation
Too Girly

Meet . . .
Savita Ramee Kapoor

A little bit about her:
Savita is starting first year this upcoming school year. She came from a halfblood family from India and is the daughter of a diplomatic officer from the High Commission of India in New Zealand. Being the youngest out of four siblings, Savita is a spoiled brat, she's worst than Paris Hilton herself when it comes to material things and personality. Savita is bossy and likes to be in-charged all the time. Snobby to some people she doesn't like. And will get in a fight if she was being doubled-crossed. Savita tends to boast about her father's status in the muggle world and some people tend as well to get scared of her little threats when angry, when she doesn't really have the upper hand with it. Savita's personality is not interchangeable nor she'll be ever be nice, although, if she meets someone with the same craziness as her I might reconsider.

She needs you:
- Best Friend (A girl or a boy, can handle Savita's personality and is still loyal to her)
- Minions (Girls or Boys, she would like a group of friends that can do her evil bidding for her)
- Love relationship (Obviously a boy :p A not so serious one because of her stinky personality but she can pretend to be nice if she likes him) FYI: she's still open for finals

Inquire in:
She's still a work in progress but I'm open to plots. You can drop by here for a reply or PM me for a more long and tedious plot :) Thank you
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