Closed A long way up to go

Ilija Olaf

New Dad | UL Editor 📚 Psychologist (in training)
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 inch Larch wand with Hippogryff Feather
4/2035 (28)
Given that it was nearly midnight, Ilija knew perfectly well that he should have been asleep in his dormitory, however the third year wasn’t able to sleep and had resorted to pacing around the school in an effort to clear his head. Taking the stairs he’d ascended to the North Towers, where he paused to stare out the window at the clear sky that night. He would never have been able to see as many stars at home as he did while at Hogwarts, and it was just another reason why he was grateful he’d been sent to the castle.
Jarica went to look at the stars. Even if the night had yielded to aclear and dark sky filled with stars. She didn't climb into a cloud surrounded tower to be closer to the sky. And a little would steal the feelings of how it would be to fly.It was more like a Stalgia that drove Jarica to descend into the north tower late nights and a strange peace that waved as she sat on a mosaic of cold floors, allowing pleasant summer windsto flutter her thoughts away. She didn't expect to see anyone at this hour, but at first she didn't say anything and enjoyed the nightmare. She could sit on the ground, in one red plaid cracklet, beneath which was a pale purple shirt and jeans. Arms around herknees, her eyes closed, enjoyingthe wind playing with her French braiding. There was a glimpse of the Great Gcrooked Rays in front of them. Polar star. Even the Pep Road. But astronomy was always in Jarica's heart and was always her favorite object

"Hello, don't you worry about catching up?" After a brief silence,the girl inquired with her, when she was not better than herself. "If, you'd look a little at the direction you'd see Pegasus's star !"Jarica smiled
Since he wasn’t even meant to be out of bed himself, Ilija was even more surprised when he heard another voice around him. He turned to see a girl sat on the floor enjoying the peace and quiet, and he had to squint through the room to make sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. He was about to apologise when she starting talking about the stars. He didn’t really know any of their names or what they meant, only that they were pretty to look at. “What?” He said blankly, not knowing where in the sky he was meant to be looking.
She hadn't wanted to see her for the first time. 'Sorry, I didn't wanna to scare you!' At first she hadn't wanted to disturb him, but perhaps it was a nopportunity to go away to ease that tension in the atmosphere.
Ilija jerked his head, “Oh no, I didn’t.. you didn’t.” He was never very good at explaining himself. “I just don’t know what you mean,” he added. She hadn’t scared him although he was surprised she was there, he was still happy enough to have her around while he was. “What’s a Pegasus?” He clarified, turning back to peer out into the sky.
So, why are you here and don't sleap? She asked a stranger boy, who looked first time a realy nervos meet her. Jarica has always been such a quiet and shy girl, and rarely had the chance that she was able to open it to someone at once. Perhaps there was some excitement in front of him. I was talking about a star Pegasus constellation right over there! She was smiling at the boy and she hoping this time she says about a little better.
The third year shrugged, would this first year really want to know? He didn’t want to put any of his burdens on a girl he just met, especially when she seemed quite nice. “Just.. Have a lot going on at the moment. Suppose it’s hard to sleep when it’s all going through your head,” he replied, still facing out towards the sky. He was pretty sure he was looking in the direction he was told to but he still couldn’t see anything but a cluster of stars. “What does it look like?” He asked, wondering if he was meant to be looking for a shape or something.
She listened to him and tried to understand him, which was exactly what depressed him. Sometimes itwas better to talk to the other andshake out your heart. Even if they weren't familiar, but the girl was prepared to listen to him. “You can tell me all about it, and what exactly suppresses you. I promise won't tell anyone, and you can trust me. if you want ." Jarica smiled at the boy.

“You might not be able to see it, and it would be easier to see through the telescope.” Jarica showed a little left and above with a constellation of her hands. There's a constellation of Andromeda. There's a star called Sirrah. It forms the part of Pegasus'. And there - she nodded a little. There's a pegas. She smiled.
Ilija wasn’t used to having someone he could open up to that wasn’t his notebook, but it was more out of choice than anything else. With everything going on he knew no one would want to listen anyway, him complaining was a waste of making use of the good times they had at school. Besides, he knew he’d figure it out soon enough, “Thanks,” he replied with a small smile, his gaze turning to follow her hand motions as she pointed out the stars the were looking for. “You really know a lot about astronomy,” he commented, looking out across the night sky.
Jarica smiled at the strange boy and stood beside him. It's a shame he didn't want to reveal it about himself, but she decided not to ask anything again. There was such a strange silence here, but it did not stop her from looking at the stars and enjoying the night's adorable herein North Tover.

Yes. I sometimes like reading Astronomy. By the way, my name is Jarica Ashley, and what's your name? She asked with smile, but it didn't look like the boy was one of the speeches. Anyway, she sensed she would soon go back to the common room and go to bed.
Ilija was grateful she didn't push the fact he didn't want to talk about his own issues, and smiled back at her before looking across the sky. "Oh yeah?" he asked. He liked reading himself but he hadn't really explored Astronomy as an open. He knew it was a subject at the school but he only knew what they were taught. "Ilija Olaf," he introduced himself. It was always easier to give his full name out to younger students, they were less likely to know his older sisters. Being referred to just as someone's younger brother was always a little annoying and he needed to step out into his own shoes now. "Are you a first year?" he asked, knowing she must be either that or a second.
The first thing Jarica came to mind was that it would not be visible, given the lack of it. It's looked nice and maybe a little serious. That's why she woke up with her head and interests. The Northern Tower was a magical place and there was a chance to be alone with you and thinking about something.

Nice to meet you Ilija. The girl was smiling to him and looked again the sky. Night was realy grate and she hoped soon go back to sleap. No, I'm two year and you? She asked the boy.
"You too," he replied, glad to have met another person in the school. He was starting to branch out a little, and even if it wasn't much, especially compared to the standards of other students, it was a lot to him. "I'm a third year," he added, looking back to Jarica. "Have you come up here many times?" he asked. For himself it had only been the third trip, especially as he didn't take any of the lessons in the tower, but now that he knew what the view was like from here, he may have come up more frequently.

OOCOut of Character:
Since this topic was started in S2 of Y33, Jarica would still be a first year, and Ilija still a third year :)
The girl smiled at the older curonian boy and put a curl of his curly hair behind his ear, all the while trying to be blown away by the breeze of the night. Yes, sometimes I come up here to think and look at the stars, and you? She asked the boy, and sometimes wondered if the professors had intentionally and magically blocked the entrance to the common room.

Ok, sorry! I will remember this!

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