A Long Trek Up

Margot Castle

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Rosewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Margot was making her way up to the owlery, she had a letter for her father and was eager for him to receive it. It is a long. way up. to the owlery, she thought to herself. About three quarters of the way up Margot had to take a break, she was the breathing heavily and she was getting a cramp in her side, well, this is embarrassing! she said to herself.
Archie was in the owlery sending drawings and letters home to his Mother and Father about his first few days of Hogwarts. He knew his mother would appreciate the drawings of Hogwarts' opulence and his father would be grateful for reports back on how he was finding Slytherin house, he was sure his father would be proud of him. He heard huffing and puffing coming from the entrance to the stairs, he sniggered. Someone was unfit.
Come on Margot stretch out your side, you can do this!! she gave herself a lame little pep talk. Margot had no intentions of not making it to the owlery, it was her goal of the day. Just as she was about to start walking again, Margot heard some someone sniggering, great, now they know how out of shape I am, she sighed while partially laughing. "Hello person I can't yet see, my name is unfit and I can't make it to the owlery." Margot said in a self-mocking tone.
Archie froze. He didn't realise the person on the stairs could hear him. "Er.. erm.." he muttered to himself, shuffling his letters trying to distract the person on the stairs from his uneasy voice. It sounded like a girls voice and Archie wasn't too experienced talking to girls. He nervously laughed at what she said and replied "Nice to to meet you unfit. I'm successful and I made it to the top". He shook his head, that wasn't funny. Laaaame he thought to himself angrily.
For some reason Margot didn't actually expect the other person to respond. Margot stood still while the voice responded, wow funny she smiled to herself. The voice sounded like a boy, that made Margot a bit nervous about replying. Which admiringly was dumb considering she had three brothers. "Well then, I guess I should change my name to almost successful." Think fast, that was ridiculously stupid! "I-uh, hehva-jeh . Uh-great. Now I'm a mumbling idiot!"
Feeling relieved that the girl seemed to be almost as nervous as he did he felt himself loosen up a little. He jumped off the ledge that he was sitting on to write his letters and straightened himself up, extending his arm and offered his hand to help the girl up the stairs. She probably didn't need it, but he hoped it would be a nice gesture. "Ahem... well that makes two of us" he said laughing nervously.
Margot couldn't believe how embarrassing she was. She cheeks where brighter than her Gryffindor robes, and how she felt like climbing into a hole. The boy had leaped up to offer her a hand, she couldn't say no even though she only had a few more stairs to go. That was cute, she thought making her blush even more. "That's reassuring!" Margot laughed, "so my real name is Margot. It has been really nice to meet you," she said sincerely.
The girl took Archie's hand and he helped her up the last couple of stairs. She finally revealed her real name as Margot. "I am Archibald Villiers! It's nice to meet you too" he announced bowing to the young Gryffindor and smiling, the way his father had taught him. However, once he did that he had second thoughts. He frowned, that was too formal. Why cant you act normal? he thought to himself annoyed with his actions. Margot would think he was strange now.
Margot bit her lip trying to contain a giggle as Archibald bowed after introducing himself. She could tell he felt a bit stupid after so, she dipped into a brief curtsy. Laughing as she rearranged the pleats of her skirt. "So Archibald, what are you doing up at the owlery?" She asked, "I'm sending a letter to my father. He was a bit worried for I my wellbeing on the plane ride down." Margot smiled recalling the memory, mostly because her father half knew already she would be fine.
Archie was grateful she returned the formality with a curtsy. He had to remember he wasn't at home now, social graces didn't matter as much. It was a hard thing to unlearn. "Where are you from then?" Archie asked her wondering how far she had to travel. "I am also sending letters home" he replied to Margot "and..." he broke off. Wondering if he should tell her, you had to keep things to yourself his father used to say to him. But Margot seemed nice so he continued "I like to draw so i've been sending sketches of the castle back to my mother" he finished looking at Margot, trying to work out her reaction.
Margot listened intently, not wanting to miss any information. "I'm from England," she replied proudly, "specifically, Yorkshire." She added at the end, because lots of people always ask for exact locations. "How about you? You don't seem like a Kiwi." Oh Merlin, what my luck. He will be from New Zealand! Margot assumed he was sending letters home, kind of seemed like a natural thing to do. "That is so cool, I can't draw for my life!" Margot said probably a little over enthusiastically.
Archie shook his head "I'm from England too. Though not from the North, i'm from London" he replied eagerly. Archie was so pleased to find someone else from his home country. There seemed to be people from all over the place here, it certainly made things interesting. Archie smiled at Margot "Thanks! It's a hobby of mine. I hope to get better and better. Do you have any hobbies?" he asked Margot returning to the ledge he jumped off from.
Alana rolled her eyes as she heard noise leading to the owlery. She hated going up there when others were there. As she spotted them, her red eyes only glanced at the two first years before she decided to just ignore them and concentrate on fastening her letter to an owl.
Margot walked over to her owl, "I've been to London twice, it's so busy there!" Laughing she started to tie up her letter. Another girl walked in, maybe a year or two older Margot smiled as she walked by. The girl didn't seem to want to socialize, that was okay with Margot, she wouldn't intrude. "I play polo. Equestrian polo, and I enjoy reading. If that counts as a hobby." Margot added quickly, she was concerned for the older girl who looked like she had been crying heavily, her eyes a red in colour.
OOCOut of Character:
Mind if another joins?? I can delete my post if there are too many!

Although it felt like he had just came to Hogwarts, Geoff found himself missing his brother terribly. The one role-model that taught him the basics of his life. His brother even began to teach him flying. Quidditch excited him very much. The thought of flying and then the thought of flying for an organized sport. It felt wonderful to be a wizard. The possibilities seemed limitless and every day there was a chance to grow stronger.
Geoff wanted to send a letter he had wrote to his brother. It contained how his first couple of days have gone and what he hopes to soon accomplish this year. Although he had not familiarized himself with Hogwarts New Zealand, he had been given direction to the towers where he was told he would find the owlry. Unfortunately he himself did not have an owl, so communicating would be a bit of a hassle this year.
As he walked the staircase, he presently heard chatter among two students. As he drew closer he noticed they couldn't be much older than he. He did however notice a third person, who looked significantly older. He could never tell how old anyone his age was, but he could always point out those older than him. The girl had just answered a question asked by the boy. "I play polo. Equestrian polo, and I enjoy reading. If that counts as a hobby." She had said.
"Of course reading is a hobby. It's one of the best out there!" Geoff said happily as he voiced his opinion. "Hello, didn't mean to interrupt. My name is Geoff," he continued, "and I just came here to send a letter to my big brother."
Archie nodded, "It can be quite busy, yes" he said to Margot smiling slightly. But that's what he loved about London. The fact that it was insanely busy and the amalgamation of different people joined together by the hustle and bustle of the beautiful city. He was more homesick than he realised, Archie quickly scribbled down a note on the end of the letter to his mother to send some home comforts like sweets!

When he looked up from his letter another girl walked into the Owlery, clearly not looking for interaction so Archie left her alone and continued to engage in conversation with Margot. "Equestrian polo sounds interesting. I've seen people play it, it looks like a very skilful sport" he remarked when another person trudged up the stairs. Archie nodded in agreement with the new boy who was known as Geoff. "Reading is most definitely a hobby!" he exclaimed."My name is Archibald Villiers!" he said extending his hand to Geoff.
The boy who Geoff encountered agreed with his last statement which made the environment instantly feel comfortable. It seemed like his other excursions with wizards his age were hopeless. The boy said his name was Archibald Villiers. "It's nice to meet you, can I call you Archie?" Geoff asked. "My name is Geoff Randon!" He continued, accepting the hand Archie had gave him. He scanned the area around them to make sure he hadn't missed anybody. It seemed lately that two quickly became seven as there were so many students here. Geoff was so pleased with meeting Archie due to his exclamation regarding reading. It was nice to know someone else enjoyed it as much as he. In addition, the girl also enjoyed reading, which elated him further.
Margot suddenly felt a bit homesick, she missed her dorky father and her impatient older brother. Heck, she even missed the twins. Another boy came and joined them, he seemed quite enthusiastic about reading, Geoff, she couldn't forget that. "My name is Margot... Castle," she was a bit hesitant, "First year, Gryffindor." Margot looked down at her red robes, I always have to point out the obvious apparently!
The boy, Geoff, seemed nice enough but Archie didn't know him that well yet, no one called him Archie unless he was incredibly close to them. Maybe in time Geoff would get that privilege but, for now, it would remain formal. "With all due respect Geoff i'd thank you to call me Archibald" he explained to the boy "no offence to you is meant" he added. He hoped Geoff wouldn't mistake his formality for hostility.

Archie glanced at Margot and looked at her robes "They are a nice shade of scarlet I suppose" he thought although he greatly preferred the Emerald and Silver he was dressed in. "First year, Slytherin" he exclaimed proudly. He hoped the students he was engaged in conversation with wouldn't judge him too harshly, he knew the reputation his house had.

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