A Lonely Claw

Isaiah Jeffreys

Unspeakable | former head boy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Sturdy Yew Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2025 (36)
Isaiah had plenty of friends, he had Keye who wouldn't admit they were friends most likely, but that was just her own thoughts, he had Archie who was a good friend for more than one reason, and really a lot of the time he couldn't get Archie out his head, and he had a few people around the school who he knew and would count as his friends and even with that and his brothers being at the school, Isaiah felt just so lonely sometimes. He wasn't sure why, he knew he was easily surrounded by people, and it wouldn't be hard to find someone to sit with, he could easily seek someone out, but that didn't lighten his mood at all, or make him feel as lonely as he currently did. The teen had just finished his patrols with Keye who was still a little annoyed at him, and had kept giving the occasional angry glare, he knew that she was just concerned about it and that made him feel reassured a little but it had meant that Isaiah had decided to avoid Keye a little bit, and opted to head back to the dorm room promptly after finishing the patrol. The teen had intended to go study, he had plenty of work, and with the fact he had the sling on until the upcoming Saturday and it was just Thursday, the thought of having to go work like this didn't appeal to him, and it wasn't like he could fill his hours with quidditch given that he wasn't allowed to play and he felt like Keye might kill him, if he did so.

He had all of these spare hours and not much to do during them, but it had made the idea of returning to the dorm room very unappealing, laying on his bed with nothing to do wasn't great and with his brothers at the school he couldn't even just spend the time writing a letter for them. Instead he'd wondered to the north tower, where he was currently sat at one of the window sills, with his legs dangling over the edge, the cool spring air filling the evening air, despite how high he was there was barely a wind, he only had one arm available to hold on if he slipped but with scarcely a breeze he felt safe that he was safe. The teen took out his wand and waved it lightly creating the words with the wand writing spell, using his non-dominant hand to write with it, spelling out his own full name in the air. Perhaps he needed to dedicate more of his time to something that wasn't quidditch, all these hours that he would've dedicated to getting better at quidditch were hours he might've otherwise gathered a few friends, perhaps that was why he was feeling a little lonely the combination of being unable to play and not having anything to do during this spare time. Isaiah thought for one crazy moment that perhaps he needed to quit quidditch, but no, Isaiah loved the sport too much, he hadn't been hit with two in one game, broken his arm and kept playing because he didn't love it. Isaiah let out a long sigh as he put away the wand, glancing at the arm in a sling and then out at the school below and around him.
Alana had just left the owlery, having sent what she thought was an amusing reply to Chaos. She'd been highly annoyed by his response, not because he'd said anything particularly wrong, other than that he'd written 'Scarlet' at the top of the page and hadn't bothered to grab a fresh sheet of parchment to write to her. That had just caused a major eye roll on her part, Alana finding it unnecessary to be reminded that he was dating that stupid girl. No, what had bugged her most was that as she'd read his note over breakfast, she'd found herself not angry at all when she'd finished it. Although in person, Chaos irritated her to know end, he actually didn't annoy her in writing. She'd even begun to quickly think up reply before she'd stopped herself, horrified at the thought that she'd enjoyed reading a letter from him. And like before, during the holidays, when he'd snuck a present that she couldn't repay, he'd done it again. This time, a useful Bulgarian translation book. She'd hidden the book in her bag quickly, not wanting Ivaylo to catch sight of it and think she'd taken an interest in learning his family's language. No, she simply wanted to be sure Chaos wasn't insulting her. Unlike the bracelet, she'd actually used the book. It'd taken her a week to get to it, and she still only had the beginning part translated. Something about having fun with her...Something. Oh, she'd do that.

With the letter now off to Chaos, Alana headed back down. She'd managed to avoid Matthew since that awful incident on the cliffs, embarrassment and fear at having to talk about it sending her out of her way to avoid the Ravenclaw. Luckily, it hadn't proved too difficult. She was younger and in another house, though times like this, free times were when she kept her eyes open for him so she could run the other way. As she rushed down the hall, she felt a cool breeze, slowing as she reached the open window, a boy seated at it, writing with his wand. She paused, a smile on her face as she recognized the name. She'd heard it spoken around the school for past week. With good reason. The dedication that he'd shown his team had been amazing. Alana wasn't sure she could have taken the shots he had and kept playing. "Hey Jeffreys" she called out, waiting for him to turn. "You played brilliantly the other day." She smiled, giving the boy a sincere compliment. "How's your arm?"she asked, noticing that it was still in a sling.
Isaiah could see the pitch from where he was sitting on the window cill, he could see the stands and the hoops, it was almost begging for him to go practice, just for something to do, just so that he could fill these empty hours of his day, how much of his life revolved around that sport, he'd been playing since he'd gotten on the team in first year, he had filled so many hours of it, and it was pretty much all his life was, he worked hard in his classes, and he liked being a part of the brotherhood, but he knew he could do more with that, he knew that he wasn't the most active member and he definitely dedicated less time to that than he did to his quidditch, or his academics, but he didn't know what to do with himself in these empty quiet hours, where he would usually fly around the pitch and say goodbye to whatever troubles had plagued him that day. He couldn't do that, and he couldn't wait to be able to fill up his hours again with the sport. Isaiah didn't like these quiet moments thought they were perhaps an indication that Isaiah should really try for a few more friends, or perhaps just a few more people he could talk to.

At a voice behind him, calling his name, the writing in the air vanished as Isaiah glanced round to see who had spoken, he gave a warm smile at the girl whom he knew from quidditch, and just nodded as she complimented him on his playing, "Thanks, I did what any player might do, although I'd always suggest to not do what I did and it was a little pointless considering we still lost," he told her with a shrug chuckling slightly, "The arm's fine, the bone's just a little weak, so the nurses suggested I keep this on for a week just to be sure they heal properly, and not play and admittedly I don't know what to do with the hours I'd spend practicing" he told her lifting his arm slightly, opting to not mention Keye and the fact that if he even tried to remove it she'd just somehow know, but easily venting his slight frustration at being unable to play. Isaiah glanced at the girl, recognising her from quidditch, a slytherin keeper, "You're Alana right, Slytherin keeper?" he asked her though he was sure he knew that to be true, Isaiah always attempted to know who he was scoring against, it at least occasionally put a face to the anger he felt when they caught the ball, "Congratulations to Slytherin on the win during your game, despite Ravenclaw's best efforts we can't seem to win," Isaiah was clearly annoyed about it, but he loved playing and as he long as he kept playing that was all that mattered to him really.
That she only seemed to interact with Slytherins and Ravenclaws wasn't lost on Alana. The teenager drifted closer as she listened to Isaiah discuss the game and his actions. She disagreed, but remained silent. She didn't think that just anyone would have continued playing in that amount of pain, especially when they weren't getting help from their teammates. A lesser person would have given up, for sure. Leaning against the wall, Alana continued to listen as he spoke of his injury and not being able to practice. She frowned, feeling for him. If she couldn't play quidditch, she didn't know what she would do. The teenager wasn't a part of any clubs and didn't have many friends. With another smile as he recognized her, Alana was glad for it. "Yes." It was cool to be recognized for something that she'd worked hard to earn.

"I'm sure it'll happen eventually. Just as long as it doesn't happen against us, I'm fine" she laughed lightly, not sure if her team would be playing his next or at the end of the season. "If the dysfunctional Gryffindors can win, we all should be able to" Alana stated with an eye roll. She really couldn't believe that they'd won at all. Some of their best players had been benched, or if you believed the stories, benched themselves, and she'd heard that they even argued on the pitch when they were in the air sometimes. The Slytherin remained leaning against the wall as she peeked out at his view of the pitch. "It's such a small game but it makes us all so crazy" she mused, knowing that her intensity level definitely rose when she played. The rest of the time, she was quiet and fairly unmotivated. Other than her electives, she didn't care for most of her classes. But she definitely cared about quidditch. She knew part of it was the fear of how her team would treat her if she messed up on the pitch. The other part was just that she enjoyed it. Neither of her parents liked the sport much which made it something that was all hers. "A week will go by in no time, and you'll be back out there... getting ready to lose to the Slytherins" she replied, a cheeky grin on her face.
Isaiah always made a point of knowing who he was scoring against, and he was pretty pleased when he guessed correctly about who she was, the only ones he really remembered clearly and well were his own keeper, and Archie, and he remembered Archie for more than just how he played. Isaiah just smiled at her in a friendly manner, "You're good," he complimented her honestly, since he always thought that the keepers had the hardest job since unlike the other team members they simply at times could not cover all the hoops, it just wasn't possible for the broom or the person to do that. Isaiah's job was to score against them, and he did his role well enough and always still respected the hard jobs faced by keepers, and when she spoke about not winning against Slytherin the teen laughed lightly at her words, "I'll make no promises towards that," he told her with a smile, "I have no clue what's going on with them but it definitely affected how they played and made it all the more frustrating when they won, Ravenclaw was the better team during the game, but that snitch is just annoyingly unpredictable," Isaiah was clearly a little annoyed at losing, despite in the moment just being glad for the game being over, "I'm happy the game ended when it did because I could not have kept playing with so little support, but would've liked to have won you know," the ravenclaw prefect ran rubbed his arm with his uninjured hand as he spoke, not even half realising he was doing.

His gaze shifted away from the girl and back out to the view of the school, it was like she said, such a small game and it did make them all so crazy, "It's a good game," he added in agreement, he knew that Keye didn't agree with this, she didn't think it was a good game, or at the very least she thought it was crazy, made him crazy. He'd been on the team four years, this was his fifth, and he'd steadily improved over time, and he had no idea what he would've done with his time had it not been what he'd chosen to do. The teen glanced at the girl as she continued speaking, laughing at her statement, "We'll give you a fair fight, I'm definitely planning on scoring," he told her with a smile and a certainty in his voice, he was sure that much like the Ravenclaw Captain the Slytherin captain wanted a win, after all, they were all leaving at the end of the year, a last attempt to win, "I'd prefer though, to not this time get hit with bludgers, that is no fun at all," he laughed slightly glancing down at his arm, and then back out at the grounds with a small chuckle, "I honestly don't know what to do with myself right now, a week is not a long time but it feels like forever," Isaiah looked at Alana almost wondering if she might have suggestions for what he could do, but also just make a general point about how tricky it was to find things to around the school when so much time was taken up usually by sports.
Alana nodded her head. She didn't know how the Seekers did it. Once the snitch got going, she never caught sight of it. Avie seemed to have a way with it. Even during practice, he'd made crazy catches. It was like he saw it faster than anyone else did. The teenager didn't know his trick, but she was glad to be on the same team. "It is. I'll stick to catching quaffles, for sure" she chuckled. Alana could see just how passionate Isaiah was about quidditch as if she, and the school, didn't already know. Days later and he was still discussing moments, no doubt trying to figure out how he might have helped his team more. "Aye. Your Beaters were sleeping letting you take all of those shots" she stated with a frown on her face. She wasn't trying to instigate, merely making what she considered an observation. As he turned away from her, Alana took the time to really take in the Ravenclaw. He exuded a friendliness that she didn't really see much in her house. The Slytherin girl wondered why she found herself befriending so many people from this particular house these days. It was an odd coincidence. Her smirk grew as he spoke about scoring. "I'm definitely planning on blocking, Isaiah." Alana reached up and twirled a piece of her ponytail, enjoying the good-natured trash talking.

As the conversation moved along, Alana found herself being stared at. At first, she couldn't think of anything. Quidditch was also her life these days, and she struggled to think of what she might do if the sport was not a part of it. "Well, you could...read a book? That's very Ravenclaw, no?" she teased. "Or you could..." she paused, thinking for several moments before she finally came up with something. "Ooh, I know! You could start thinking of your costume for Halloween. You are going to the feast, right?" she asked. The girl's red eyes looked to the boy waiting for his reply. She wasn't sure he'd like either idea. For all she knew, he was the kind of guy who hated Halloween and dressing up. The teenager loved it, again something her parents had never done with her. It was another thing she enjoyed on her own. She'd already ordered her costume, using most of her allowance towards it. She only hoped the owls would get it to her in time.
Isaiah smiled and laughed at her good natured banter, it was an easy exchange about quidditch, and though he couldn't play it, it was in his mind good to talk about it. He liked talking about it, the teen liked most things to do with the sport, it was really most of his life, even if this was a little ridiculous and most would likely think it odd that it was most of his life, he hadn't really ever realised about how much of a part that quidditch played not until now, not until he'd been forced to not play. At her suggestion, Isaiah laughed, "No, at length discussing a book is a Ravenclaw thing, reading a book is just a student thing," he told her, since he much more experience talking about the books than anything else, it didn't help he shared a dorm with the ever opinionated Orwell, and well, Isaiah didn't particularly want to get into another discussion about the morality of the animagus form. This didn't really need said, he didn't want to deal with that, and he knew he wouldn't have to if he just sat here, or if it was lucky enough that the other boy wasn't in the dorm, but even then, he didn't want to go back to the dorm, he liked the air, and the view and wanted to remain.

As Alana spoke of halloween the teen perked up slightly nodding happily at her question, "'Course, Halloween is great, who doesn't love a load of free candy," he told her having always enjoyed halloween and even more so knowing he could spend some of the time with his brothers, he had his costume ready, he knew exactly what he was going as and was never going to change that, "I'm going as a ballerina," he told her completely serious in his tone, since that was exactly what he was going as, "I have a leotard, tutu and everything," Isaiah was hardly shy, he was confident in himself and his own sexuality and gender that going dressed as a ballerina, rather than a male ballet dancer was easy for him to do. He was looking forward to it, he liked the idea of being someone else for the day, he liked the dancing and the candy, there wasn't much that he was going as, "What about you, are you going to go?" Isaiah asked moving slightly on the window cill as if to indicate that if she wanted to she could sit with him, "Will I be able to spot you in the crowd?" he added with a smile, clearly asking in a roundabout way what she was going as to the feast.
Alana considered what he said and then nodded her head in agreement. If her brother was anyone to go by, Isaiah was absolutely right. He enjoyed discussing most things at length whereas Alana got bored and would jump to a different discussion halfway through discussing a book. "You're right" she stated. It had just been one idea, though she could tell that the Ravenclaw wasn't crazy about it. At least, he liked her other idea, perking up at her mention of the upcoming feast. Alana stared at him for a moment as he told her his costume, her red eyes just on him as the mental image of Isaiah as a ballerina flooded her brain. It wasn't a bad image at all, though the tutu would be hilarious on him, any guy really. Then, she was laughing heartily, her laughter resounding down the hall. "Please tell me it'll be pink" she managed, glad when he'd shifted to give her room to sit. She was still chuckling a bit as she hopped up, sliding back so that her feet were hanging. "You'll be fending people off all night" Alana teased, nudging him with her shoulder, her head tilting to the side as she looked over at the boy, a huge grin still on her face.

"Yes, I'll be there. Not so much for the candy. I don't eat it much" she replied though that wasn't exactly true anymore. Her parents hadn't let her eat a ton of it growing up, so she didn't have much of a sweet tooth. When she did get in the mood though, Alana gorged, especially if chocolate was involved. "I do enjoy the dancing though" she added. The teenager wasn't a great dancer, but she managed alright. And people always told her that it mattered more if she was having fun which she typically did. As he asked her what she was going to be, Alana was happy that she not only knew but also that she'd ordered it already. She crossed her legs at the ankles as she spoke. "Well, I don't think I'll be anywhere close to as noticeable as you" Alana replied, "I'll be a cheerleader" she explained.
Isaiah smiled fondly as she laughed at his costume, it was a good natured laugh, and Isaiah didn't mind at all, he liked it, it was a costume that most people were going to get a kick out of, since Isaiah was going to be prancing about in a tutu and leotard with ballet shoes on his feet, he had tried to get tights, but he hadn't been able to find them, and he had tried to get point shoes to really finish his costume but he hadn't found that either, or was unwilling to fork out that kind of money when the ballet shoes he'd gotten worked just as well and were half the price, "You'd like that," he said with a smirk, "It might not be pink but it is sparkly," he told her laughing with her, and just at the reaction most were going to have, he doubted that Keye would attend, since there were so many people and well, if he made Archie jealous then that was just a plus, it was about time he tried to get him back for the lollipop incident, while his fascination with all things Archie had ended and he no longer found himself needing to kiss the boy, it would not hurt to make him feel a little bit of want, "I plan to, although I think my dancing will fend them off anyway," he chuckled lightly happy that she'd joined him sitting on the window cill, it had been a little awkward to turn around, instead he was able to just look out at the school as he listened to her speak.

Having always liked sweets, Isaiah had a moment when he didn't quite know what else halloween would be good for, it certainly was good for costumes and all that, but it was so much fun to eat all the sweets when it was just that time of the year, "But it's the one time of the year when you can stuff your face with candy and no one can say anything against it," Isaiah protested, but he wasn't going to push it, he knew that some didn't like sweets and as she said, she liked the dancing. Isaiah nodded at that, "I'll save you a dance," the prefect said grinning lightly at her, if they danced or not that wasn't really a big deal he just felt like it was right to say, after all she might be attending with others who would rather she stayed with them, and Isaiah was sure to find something to do that would keep him occupied during the feast, "A cheerleader?" Isaiah knew there were usually one or two who attended the feast, "I can't wait to hear the cheer you've prepared, you've prepared one right? Can't be a cheerleader without the cheer," he asked though of course he was joking, and he laughed lightly as an indirectly way of indicating as such, "Halloween's good fun, it's nice to spend the evening being someone else,"
The view was much nicer from this position, but she only gave it a small glance as she continued talking to Isaiah. He was good at making conversation, she noted. Again, she was thinking of him in a tutu as he mentioned that it was sparkly rather than pink. He would certainly be standing out even if she wouldn't. Alana's hands were against the sill, pressing into it as she listened to the Ravenclaw speak some more. She turned her attention back to the grounds admiring it some more. From this height, she could see pretty far. It was nice to be above the treetops. Isaiah was pretty funny, something she would never really have attributed to a Ravenclaw. As he mentioned saving her a dance, Alana turned to him. "I'll hold you to that" she warned, a small grin on her face as well.

The Slytherin nodded her head, confirming that he had heard right. Listening to Isaiah, Alana's red eyes widened slightly. Was this what she was going to be dealing with that whole night? She definitely hadn't thought of getting a cheer ready for the feast. "I'm still working on it" she lied, realizing that he'd been joking after she'd done so. She chuckled herself and then glanced back out on the grounds. With a nod, Alana agreed. "Yes, sometimes it's nice to not have to be yourself for a little bit. It'll be fun to get in character for the night" Alana mused. She'd never really thought about it that way before, but it made sense. And she made a promise to herself to put her troubles to the side for that night and just have some fun.
Isaiah smiled at Alana, it was easy to make conversation with her, he had always liked speaking to people, though he wasn't the most out going, definitely at times like this he didn't struggle at all to find the right words to say in any situation, and this was easy, it wasn't a complex conversation it was an easy discussion about general school things, and the boy couldn't help but smile at the easiness of it. The sheer boredom of this situation he was stuck in being unable to play or do what he liked best meant that he had to find other ways of keeping himself busy and clearly making conversation with Alana was just that, it was nice, easy and Isaiah found himself distracted from his arm in a sling and from just staring blankly out at the school, "I'm looking forward to it, prepare yourself to be in complete awe of my dancing skills," he joked with her, smiling to himself as he said this, Isaiah wasn't very good at dancing, and definitely not the kind of dancing necessary for a ballerina, he was light and agile and needed to be for the sport he played but that didn't make him good at ballet, after all he didn't play quidditch to train for the ballet.

Isaiah noted that she didn't seem to have gotten his joke about the cheering when he'd noticed her eyes widen, though she claimed to have one ready, "If you come up with a cheer, I'll come up with an entire dance routine," he offered with a smile, joking of course, he didn't think she'd take him up on it, but Isaiah would likely have the easier job of a dance, just a few twirls and some hand movements and he'd be good, she'd have the trickier job and he was sure she'd realise it and likely turn it down, but it was a little joke, a little bit of fun. Isaiah nodded in agreement as he looked back out at the grounds just smiling at the castle in the cool spring evening air, "It is nice," he said in agreement, "That it is," he thought so, a lot because of how much he loved stories and he knew that it was good to lose yourself in a different story for a little bit of time, "I much prefer Halloween to the Yuleball," Isaiah admitted, though the Yuleball did the same task as Halloween in a way, Halloween in his mind was just better.
Alana was happy that she'd stopped to talk to Isaiah. She'd been in awe of his playing, and even though he was on a different team, the Slytherin girl had wanted to say something to him. But, even more than that, she was just enjoying the conversation. Quidditch was something that she enjoyed immensely, so that they'd spent a few minutes talking about it had made her comfortable enough to now talk about other things. Isaiah was so easy to talk to too. Alana had already forgotten about the fact that she had written to Chaos, something she was still mildly annoyed at herself for. But, the Ravenclaw in front of her had her distracted thinking about his silly Halloween costume and talking about the holiday and the feast. "Complete awe? I can't wait to see your dance moves" she giggled.

Alana was nervous at the thought of coming up with a cheer. Unlike Isaiah, she wasn't comfortable with the idea of the whole school staring at her. That's why she'd picked a mostly generic costume. It wouldn't stand out and garner her too much attention. "We'll see" she smiled, very noncommittal in her reply. She would think about it, but Alana barely did her homework without complaint so the idea of doing any extra work wasn't very appealing to the Slytherin. She glanced out the window, but she nodded her head in agreement. "Last year, I would've disagreed with you. But, you're right. The Yule ball is a bit overrated." Alana was thinking back to Yule the year before. She'd had a lot of fun, even getting her first kiss that day. She wasn't sure it had been worth all the trouble that had ultimately come out of it though, not for her and certainly not for Matthew. Alana couldn't help but feel very guilty about all that he'd suffered because of her. The teenager glanced over at Isaiah and smiled. "Maybe I'll mention your tutu in my cheer" she added with a small chuckle.
At her reaction to his statement about his own amazing dance moves the teen just smiled happily, laughing at her words, since he knew how badly he would probably end up dancing he was not after all a good dancer at all but in assuring her that he would put her in a state of complete awe made him laugh hard, "The headmistress and her deputies will see my dance moves and give me an award for the best dancer Hogwarts has ever seen," he said with all the false bravado that he need to really show that what he had been saying had indeed been a joke, and was not something to be taken to heart, but he was definitely thinking about showing off his dance moves, he smiled easily at her, "I'd give you a sneak peak but you know arm," he motioned to his arm and then just laughed lightly again, as if that really was the only thing stopping himself from dancing and not that he was pretty sure he'd be completely awful at it. At her words he just nodded, feeling that she would be very unlikely to come up with a cheer, and enjoying the fact he'd even made her think about it.

Isaiah did prefer halloween to the yuleball and not just because he spent very little time actually being able to figure out how to ask someone and last yuleball he had shared a dance with Archie and so much more and this had been the highlight of the night but Halloween was easier, it was like being able to easily spend time with someone, being able to see them, and have a laugh rather than the seriousness of the yuleball. The boy just nodded at her, "I had a pretty good yuleball last year but I still prefer Halloween," he said with a shrug, as she began to talk about her cheer and he just smiled, "if I don't get a mention, I'll be upset" he told her, it was nice, he liked this, the teen smiled at her easily and was really enjoying talking to Alana, it was a nice distraction from the fact he couldn't just play quidditch.
Alana snorted. “Oh, I bet they’ll just give Ravenclaw the house cup after your dance? There won’t be any points left for the rest of us?” she kidded. The Slytherin had actually never seen him dance, so she didn’t really know what skills he had or lacked. But, she did know that people who liked to overhype their abilities usually did that for a reason, and it wasn’t usually because they were great. She was amused by Isaiah’s declarations though and laughed aloud as he told her that he couldn’t give her a sneak peek. “Riiiiight.” Alana liked the ease of this conversation. The last time she’d had such easy and quick comraderie with someone had been…with Matthew. The smile flickered on her face before she forced those thoughts to the side. Isaiah was not Matthew. She was just talking to him after all, and it wasn’t like he was even making a move on her and she wasn’t making one on him. Sure, he’d promised her a dance at the Halloween feast, but that didn’t mean anything. It was just a dance. Alana tried to convince herself of all of these things, knowing that she was reading way too much into everything. The Slytherin hated that she lived in fear now, wondering if any of her actions would be misconstrued and lead to someone else getting hurt. Isaiah was already hurt, and she didn’t want to be the cause of anything more. Even if she did find him cute. Actually, especially because she found him cute.

“Well then…” Alana stated, sliding back so she could stand up again, “I better head off. This cheer isn’t going to write itself and I can’t have you peeking.” Alana still wasn’t sure that she was going to write a cheer, but it was fun to still act as if she might. She forced herself to focus on that – the fun of it all- and not anything else. Alana backed away some more. “I’ll see you at Halloween, Isaiah” she stated, a smile on her face before she turned to walk away. The smile remained on the girl’s face as she headed down the steps all the way back to the dungeon.

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