A little Sugar and Spice

Willow Autumn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
★ Missy
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Willow was happy.
After a few days wandering around the castle she found one of her favorite places to be: The Kitchen.

Looking around the kitchen she found a white apron in which she donned on and got out a small scrap of paper that simply said:
Vanilla and Raspberry Cupcakes followed by the recipe. She smiled as she found all the cookery utensils.

She decided she was going to make these by hand, she knew no magic..."yet." She thought happily.

"What would be really nice is to make these cupcakes with someone...where is Chris...Oh well"
She murmured to herself.

[This is such a fail, but it's been a long day hehe]
Dante walked through the castle, already having found the kitchens after a day here. He loved it down here, and at this castle, everyone was so nice, and the house elves were even nicer then the students, sometimes. Now that Dante had been sorted into the same house as his best friend, Flora, it was all sweet around here, and he looked forward to being able to make new friends and whatnot. Walking into the kitchens, he smiled as he saw somebody in there, that looked a lot like a First Year, and that meant they would be a good chance for Dante to make some friends.

Dante watched them getting out some cooking utensils, and even getting ready to cook something. He listened to her talking, and the heard the word cupcakes. "Do you want somebody to help you with that, because I have some experience in cooking, and I would be more than willing." Dante said, smiling down at her. He didn't know whether or not she would want his help, but he really hoped so, because if she didn't, then he would probably go back to having to wander the castle for the rest of the day, and Dante really didn't want to have to do that again.

OOCOut of Character:
So sorry for the late reply.
I didn't get your message on Twitter until now.
Willow scrunched up her face while she read the recipe;
"Come on Aunt, how am I supposed to shift the flour AND add the eggs all at once with two hands?" She muttered angrily.

Suddenly, a voice behind her spoke, jumping out of her thoughts and dropping the metal bowl that was in her hands - luckily the flour bag was already on the counter;
"Oh hi!...erm" She flustered over her words and quickly bent down to pick up the bowl, hastily bumping her head on the edge of the high stool next to the counter. "Ow, um. Hi! Sorry." She placed the bowl hastily back on the counter which spun around on the spot, making a metallic-clicking noise. She rubbed her head and smiled embarrassingly; "A little help is would be absolutely fantastic, you see my Aunt is a pastry chef and I'm usually the one helping her, except I'm feeling a bit homesick so I decided making some cupcakes would help cure that" She blabbed fast and suddenly realized the situation she got her self into.

Taking a big breath and sighed she held her hand out for the boy to shake; "I'm Willow, would you like to make some Cupcakes with me?" She gave him an apologetic smile - it wasn't her fault that she was clumsy.
Dante chuckled as she began to tell him a little bit about her life, and when he said a little bit, he sure meant it. One story was all he got, but he didn't really mind. He smiled to himself, and walked over to her, already willing to try and help her make the cupcakes, as long as he was able to share in the profit. It had been ages since he had been able to make cupcakes, and it would be nice to be able to make some with his new friend, or at least he hoped she would be one of his new friends. He didn't have many just yet, it was only him, and Flora, at the moment, but that would all soon change.

Dante smiled at Willow. "I'm Dante, Dante Summers, and yes, I would love to make cupcakes with you." Dante said, smiling. He wondered what Flora would think if she saw him here with this Willow person, and whether or not she would feel jealous about it or not. The way Dante saw it, Flora was only his best friend, and it was still his life. He chuckled and turned to look at Willow again, "What would you have me do first? I've cooked before, so I have a rough idea of what I have to do here, but it would be better if you were the one telling me what to do." Dante said, chuckling. He didn't want to ruin the cupcakes.

That was all true, Dante had cooked before, but he didn't tell many people this, because most would laugh at him, because they were mean and stupid and whatnot, and just basically liked to make fun of guys for doing girly things like cooking. Dante sighed at the memory, and knew that if there would be one or two people in the world who wouldn't make fun of him because he enjoyed to cook, it would be Flora and Willow. At least, Dante hoped that she wouldn't be one to tease him, because that would hardout ruin his day, and he would probably end up running away.
Willow sighed a breath of relief when she heard the boy laugh.
"I'm not very good at first impressions, so sorry if I seemed a little scary before" Willow grinned and stepped to the side so he can join in.
"Anyway, It's nice to cook with someone new, I'm in Gryffindor by the way but I think all the houses are pretty cool, even Hufflepuff doesn't seem that bad as it sounds" She picked up the recipe on the table, making light conversation and read the recipe carefully;

"Welll....My Aunts recipe says to sift flour and crack in two eggs, obviously I can't...do that all at once, so tell you what - I'll sift the flour while you can crack the eggs in?" She smiled, she didn't want to seem too bossy and it would be nice to have a new friend. The only person she knew so far at Hogwarts was her best friend, Chris and she had no idea where he was right now. Chris wouldn't mind that she'll be making friends, but there was a nagging feeling that he would be jealous because she -was- trying to make friends.

She picked up the flour bag and measured two leveled cups of flour and placed them into the sifter before sifting into the bowl;
"To be truthful, I'm not even great at cooking, so if these cupcakes turn horrible, we'll just blame my hand, eye and mind co-ordination and I'll give you credit for making sure I'm sticking to the recipe" She laughed at her own joke, something that she couldn't help doing at all.

OOCOut of Character:

I'm making up the recipe as I go XP Didn't think that far ahead. Silly me.
Dante rolled his eyes when she said that she wasn't very good at cooking. Lucky for her, Dante was practically a professional cook, and he would be able to keep her on track, and make sure that the cupcakes turned out nicely. He chuckled to himself, and smiled at Willow.
"Lucky for you, I am a good cook." He said, winking at Willow. This would not be very hard for him. If Dante was going to eat something, he would try and make sure that they at least tasted nice before he would let somebody else taste them. In other words, Dante would be the first person to try these cupcakes, and this was something that he was not going to budge on.

Dante turned to look at her, clearly she wouldn't have been able to crack the eggs open while sifting the flour, so of course, he would have had to help there. It seemed this recipe was something that was meant to be done by two people, so it seemed that Willow was lucky that Dante had decided to come along. He smiled, and looked around the Kitchen. There were a few House Elves, and they were watching them carefully, as if they were getting ready to attack them for invading their Kitchen and using their ingredients. The very thought of that made Dante laugh, however.

Dante smiled, and cracked the eggs into the bowl, as he watched Willow sifting the flour. This was going to be fun for the two of them, and he could tell that she would be having as much fun as he did, so that was a good thing. Whenever Dante got out with friends, he liked it when they had fun with him, so if they didn't, there really wasn't much of a point in them being here and cooking. Dante chuckled, and wondered what they would be doing next. It didn't look like she knew what she was doing, but then again, she wouldn't be here cooking if she didn't have a rough idea of what to do.

Dante wondered what kind of cupcakes they were making, and realised he should probably have asked that question in the first place before he had started to cook. It wasn't that he would have said no, it was just that when he was cooking with a friend, he liked to know exactly what it was that he was cooking. Dante shrugged to himself, and looked at Willow.
"I have two questions. What kind of cupcakes are we cooking, and what do we do next?" Dante asked, chuckling to himself. He hoped that she actually knew the answer to both of those questions, else they would have a slight problem.

OOCOut of Character:
That's fine with me. ;)
Willow tapped the remaining flour out of the sifter and slowly started mixing the eggs and flour together;
"Well, We're making Vanilla and Raspberry cupcakes and next we add vanilla and sugar." She smiled at him, she wasn't
sure if he enjoyed her small talking or not, but she did so anyway. "And then I guess we mash up the raspberries and stir them in" Willow looked at
the gloopy mixture in the bowl and added; "And milk" Willow peered at the recipe and her hunch was confirmed - Milk was needed.

Placing the wooden spoon down, she searched through the kitchen until she could find the vanilla pods and the raspberries and a fork to mash them with.
Humming as she worked she looked over to Dante; "And then all we need left is some baking powder and uh...Cupcake liners, so you can look for them
too if you like?"
She gave him a shy smile before returning to the cupboards to look for the vanilla pods.

Surely it's not that hard to find stuff around here...If only I knew how to do magic....

Willow peered even further into the cupboard and found a small glass vial of vanilla.
Opening the vial, she inspected the Pods to see if they were fresh - they appeared to be fresh or at least she hoped they were.
Wishing she was more of a chef than a musician she turned to Dante for a second opinion;
"Fresh? Yay or Nay?" She held out the vial to him and curiously waited for his opinion.
Dante chuckled when she seemed to realise what it was they were making, and she seemed to know exactly had to make it. In fact, she actually had a recipe. That much surprised Dante, because he thought she had just been coming up with it from the top of her head, but it seemed like she was just full of surprises. He glanced at the pods as she showed them to him. "Yeah, fresh." He said, chuckling, and picking one up. "Fresh enough to eat, anyway." He said, plopping one into his mouth. Dante was an adventurous person, and there wasn't much he wouldn't do.

Dante went to look for the cupcake liners and the baking powder, which was something he wasn't game enough to plop into his mouth straight away, it usually helped if you cooked that stuff and mixed it with other things before you even attempted to eat it. He chuckled to himself, and pulled them out of the cupboard when he saw them, finishing up for the time being, and knowing it would be simpler when he would be able to pull off magic, he took it over to Willow and placed it next to her. He smiled at her, and wondered what he would be doing next.
Willow's eyes widened when she saw Dante popping a Vanilla Pod into his mouth;
"Wow." was all that she could manage to say before adding a cheeky; "the house elves want their vanilla pod back" Willow grinned and got out another pod, carefully slicing the pod in half before scraping the fleshy, seedy, sweet inner into the mixture. "These will make these taste quite nicely" She hummed as she worked, carefully folding the mixture so she wouldn't take much of the air out of the mixture - she wanted these cakes nice and light.

She noticed Dante finding the last of the ingredients; "I think you should add in the baking powder and the sugar and then you can mix them round a bit, it's only fair if you get to do some of the mixing" She gave him a kind smile before going to find the Raspberries and the milk. She continued humming, She was having fun baking cupcakes with a new friend but there was a part of her that was dying - she knew Chris would wanted to come bake as well. She shook her head and gave herself a new perspective; I'm aloud to bake with new people and besides I can always bake with chris and play games with him whenever we want, we are always going to be good friends.

Nodding mentally, she went back to the counter and got another bowl to mash the raspberries with. She picked a few plump, bright red raspberries from the punnet and started to mash them with her fork. "All we have to do is add these raspberries and add some milk and then we can bake them!" Willow chatted happily.
Kate was wondering around the castle when she was at the kitens she heard two students talken she peeped in and saw two first years baking she walked over and said"Hi,whatcha making"
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, Kate. This topic is closed (as it states in the title of this post) and is only open to myself and Dante. Sorry Sorry ^^;;

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