Closed A Little Lost

Mantis Moth

Barista // Frog Lover // Former Cheerleader
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Mantis loved when her sister needed a buddy for shopping. As a muggle, coming into the wizarding world for any reason was worth her wile, even if her sister called it a lame shopping trip for school supplies. She felt sort of out of place, her outfit while very cute for where she was from, wasn't what the wizards and witches around her wore very often. She had no robes like her sister to look like she belonged. As her sister said she was just stepping into a shop for a second, Manny nodded and looked around the outsides of them.

The unfortunate part of looking at the outsides of the shops is that she was very easily lost, amongst the cute floating books and the other things she got turned around and before she knew it she was out of place. It wasn't like she could just call her sister on her cell phone, those things didn't work here. So she stood awkwardly outside a quill shop, looking around for her sister who was bound to come looking for her. How pathetic as the adult to be the one who needed to be looked for.
Just finished shopping for some rather rare potion ingredients to play with. Wolfgang Baros emerged from the darker part of the alley as he stuffed the rarer stuff into his cloak pocket. He took the hood off of his head. He yawned as he walked along the cobblestone, thinking about whether or not to make a couple more stops before heading home to his apartment. He did recently move out of his parents' house. And with his little sister going to school here, it was more for her than him. Especially since his parents still worked overseas. So, Larissa stayed with him during the holidays. He thought about going to get some stationary but something distracted him.

Well, someone rather. He cocked his head to the side as she stood outside. Wolfgang stepped from the door and looked her over. "You know, waiting outside if sort of weird. Why not go in?" Wolfgang glanced inside the window to see if she was waiting on someone, which he could not tell from here. Wolfgang thought that she was dressed a little weirdly. Was this that no-maj clothing that everyone talked about? It sort of looked comfortable, but he had never tried it himself.
Mantis had no expectations to be approached. Thus far everyone had just walked past her. So when she was approached by a man with tons of long, curly locks she looked up at him surprised. Her big grey eyes scanned his face for a moment and then looked at the shop behind her. She then looked back at him with a shy smile and shook her head. "What oh no, I don't have any money with me for these kinds of shops, I'm just here with my younger sister." She added so she wouldn't get tossed out. What if he could tell just by looking at her that she was a muggle. Maybe she should have asked her sister to buy her some robes. "Am I in your way for going in?" She asked politely, moving to the side a bit more to take up less space, tugging at the sleeves of her blue sweater dress.
Wolfgang kept his eyes on the woman, not knowing what to think about her. She just seemed... Off. And he would know. He was like, the king of knowing what was off on a person. Even though he only dealt with people on a limited basis. "These kinds of shops? Now, are you referring to the fact that you might not have the right currency, or you are looking for something a little odder?" But she confirmed that she was here with her little sister. The woman even seemed shy or something. He looked inside of the store again, and shook his head. "I am not here for anything that requires immediate assistance. I thought about getting some stationary for my little sister at Hogwarts. She was sorted into Ravenclaw." Wolfgang shoved his hands into his pockets, as he looked her over again. "Curious clothing choice."
Mantis looked at the man with her doe eyes and while she wasn't looking for something a little odder, the thought of something a little odder excited her. Her face broke into a smile. "Odder how?" She asked, wondering what he might know form shops around here. She could always trade her money in for magic money right? Or make her sister do it! Then she could buy something from these shops. As he spoke again she smiled. "Oh Hogwarts! My sister would be so jealous. She's homeschooled, but she'd got the best tutors really." She said as if homeschooling was embarrassing.

Then he commented on her clothing. She glanced down at her blue dress. "Oh I thought it looked cute." She said. "Is it because it's not magic clothing? You guys are always dressed so strangely." She said with a giggle.
Wolfgang did not elaborate on what he meant, as his smile just broadened instead. His instincts were right on the money. She was not magical, but she knew someone who was. A relative. That would explain why she was here. But knowing that her sister was home-schooled was something else. Magical tutors, perhaps? That seemed to be a thing. "Homeschooled, hmm? Fascinating. I went to Durmstrang myself." But would she even know of that academy? They would not allow muggle-borns at all, even in this day and age. Wolfgang was intrigued though. Muggles, or no-majs rather, were just a foreign concept to him. So, standing here, talking to one, it was a moment where he could learn so much. "You guys? So I am right. You don't have magic. Yet walking around in the magical world... Isn't that dangerous? What if someone pulled out a wand on you?"
Manny watched his smile broaden adn while it was a little creepy it was also a bit endearing and nearly contagious as her own did the same. Though she hated smiling so large, often feeling she had too much gum in her smile. As he mentioned his school she nodded, but there was an absence in her expression that said she didn't exactly know what she was hearing. She'd never heard of the school. "My parents didn't want my sister going to a large school, they were worried about bullying and things like that." She said shrugging.

As he pointed out she didn't have magic she looked around, biting at her lower lip. "Oh, I mean, you have law enforcement right? And I mean i don't think people go around just blasting other people willy nilly." She answered, though she seemed unsure. "you seem much too friendly for that." She said confidently.
Wolfgang could tell that his smile was a bit contagious compared to how he reacted to her. It was fascinating. She spoke about possibly bullying and such for the larger school, which could most certainly happen. And since the girl came from a no-maj background, then that meant that possible prejudice bullying could occur. From what he heard from Larissa, she had not seen that happen but that didn't mean a damn thing. "I suppose that is possible. My little sister has not mentioned anything, but she is a little oblivious to everything around her." Wolfgang shrugged his shoulders. As long as she was not bullied then he would not have to worry about it. He shook his head at her question and laughed softly, "I work strictly with potions, so no, no ministry. I don't like the ministry, or law enforcement, as you put it. But you really don't know how violent people can truly be. You shouldn't be alone."
Mantis nodded at his words, and was glad that his sister hadn't encountered any bullying. "With a big brother like you, you'd probably just hex those bullies anyways!" She said, waving her arm as if holding a magic wand herself, the way she'd seen her sister do when watching her in her lessons. She cocked her head and furrowed her brows when he said he didn't like the ministry or law enforcement. She wasn't sure why that would be, unless he'd had a bad run in with them. What if they were crooked like the cops on tv shows she'd watched growing up? When he said she shouldn't be alone she smiled a cheeky smile and said, "Well maybe you should hang out with me until my sister comes back then? You look like someone who can hold your own." She said, the flattery as true as could be - Mantis had no reason to lie to a stranger.
Wolfgang giggled at her words. If only it was the case where he could do such a thing. But let's admit it, if he did, he would go to Azkaban for attacking a minor. "I could, but then I would be in serious trouble for attacking a child." Wolfgang could not help but laugh at her little motions of waving a wand but he knew that if she held one, she would not be able to cast any magic from it. Wolfgang listened to her suggestion that he hang out with her until her sister came back. He thought about it, and realized that he had nothing to do really. "Sure. I don't have anything to do. My name is Wolfgang Baros." He held his hand out for her to shake as a greeting. After all, he could not hang out with someone without knowing their name.
Manny laughed sligyhtly. "I suppose assault exists here in the laws regardless of the reason. And maybe bullying isn't a good enough reason for a hex." She wasn't even sure what hexes did. They could be deadly for all she knew. As he held her hand out she smiled wide, her slightly crooked teeth splitting through her plump lips. She took it to shake. "I'm Mantis Moth. "Muggle" extraordinaire." She said cheekily, emphasis on the word muggle with one hand doing air quotes. She didn't really understand the labels but she didn't mind them. "So, what were you down here doing?" She inquired
Wolfgang smiled as she seemed to get it on how dangerous the magical world could be, and why bullying was not good enough for a hex. "Now you are getting it!" She smiled and he immediately thought that it was contagious. And she was a muggle, so he was interested in such a thing. She shook his hand and told him her name. Mantis? That was an interesting name. He let go of her hand. "If you are a widow and responsible for your late husband’s death, you are living up to your name," Wolfgang chuckled softly and then asked what he was doing. "I was shopping. I plan on sending some stuff to my sister, and other than that, I have nothing to do. Want me to show you around?"
He made a bug joke and Mantis couldn't help but giggle. "Do I look that old?" She teased back. He spoke about his plans and she couldn't help but think how nice it was that he could send useful things to his younger sister. She almost wished she could say the same. Then he asked if she wanted him to show her around. Her eyes widened and sparkled, but, was it really okay? She looked back towards the store. "Give me five minutes, I need to let my sister know where to meet me." She said with an excited tone, before she made her way into the store to talk with her sister and let her know. They agreed to meet back at the store front in a little while, though her sister chided her and warned her to be careful as there were just as many weirdos in the wizarding world as there were in the muggle world. Manny didn't mind thought.

Mantis returned with a big grin on her face. "So, what's first on the tour?" She asked excitedly.
Wolfgang smirked a fair bit as she giggled. He could mention that anyone could be a widow at any age but he did not bring that up. He instead watched her go into the store to wait on her, which he wondered why he was. Was it because muggles were different and fascinating? That had to be it because he did not have any sort of experience with them. He had lived strictly in the magical world all of his life. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants as he heard a door open, and the woman walked back out. But her excitement was contagious. He looked around the area, and decided that the shops might be the best thing for her. Her sister was busy, so he was free to have the muggle for a little while. "So, I think the best place would be to show you some of the diners and cafes, and then we can head on to the actual stores. Hope your sister won’t mind. Then, you can tell me more about your world." Wolfgang had friends and such that never ventured out there themselves, so he had to learn from someone, right?
Mantis' face was eager to say the least with a large grin on her pink lips. She grasped her wrists behind her back and listened to him. She shook her head when he mentioned her sister minding. "Nope, I told her to meet me back here in a couple hours so she's set. I think as long as I have someone escorting me it's not a problem for me to be here. Plus they could totally look up that i know about magic right? Like there is a list of witches and my sister is on there." She said, feeling her logic was quite sold. "I'll tell you anything you want to know about the muggle world if you keep showing me cool things!" She agreed.
Wolfgang nodded along as she mentioned how her sister said that she would meet back in a couple of hours. That sounded good to him so that he could listen to how muggles actually lived for a while. Wolfgang thought that this was a wonderful opportunity. As long as she was escorted, there would not be an issue, so she thought. Wolfgang thought about it, and shrugged, "I would assume, since I don't work in the Ministry, though I probably should so that I know more about how it works, then I can relay it to you." Wolfgang assumed that the statue of secrecy did not apply to a muggle with a magical sibling. Shame she wouldn't see some creatures though. "Then, follow along, Mantis. I'll let you in on some things that I know. At least, the good things."
Mantis continued to smile as they began to walk. He talked about finding out more how it works and telling her. He'd want to keep in touch? She felt giddy at that. A wizard wanting to be her friend was just incredible to her. "I'm so excited." She said, walking along with not guess as to what he could show or tell her. She looked around at all the shops and spotted one with an owl in the window, and was clearly most interested in that one. Her blue orbs kept wandering over to it.
Wolfgang never thought that he would be so interested in a muggle, but here he was. A cute one at that. She had a muggle-born sister, so he could ask what that was like. He decided to take her into one of the shops with the owls to show off what sort of magical creatures that they could command. And that was just the start of their friendship. Wolfgang did not mind at all about the difference of the worlds. It was just more to learn. And thankfully, both of his parents wouldn't care.

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