A Little Charity

Kasim Safir

Expelled | Menagerie Assistant | Laying Low
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
13 1/2 Inch Rigid Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
01/2038 (25)
With a pile of knuts next to him, Kas had settled on his stomach on the balcony, peering down at the crowd passing by below. He almost certainly shouldn't be up here, but if they hadn't wanted someone getting up here, they shouldn't have put a staircase somewhere so easily accessible to kids with nothing better to do. Craning his neck, Kas picked up another knut and flicked it down at a stranger, frowning when he missed again and watched coin bounce harmlessly into the gutter. His aim hadn't been great so far, but Kas figured if anyone actually got mad at him for throwing them free money if he did manage to hit them, that was their own fault. He was being charitable if you really thought about it. Besides, his mum had warned him so adamantly about wasting money before he left today, he had to make sure he was 'spending' it appropriately, for her. Teeing the next coin up with his fingers, Kas gave the knut another flick with his fingers, watching it arc through the railing and into the street below with a determined grin.
Eric was a bit annoyed that he'd been told to wait outside while Connor got his wand. Sure, it wasn't like it was interesting, but if he wasn't going to go in why did he have to come at all? It was stupid. As if he was going to get in trouble in the store. He was bored already and his mother and little brother had only just gone in. Annoyed, Eric wandered around a bit, though he stayed in sight of the store because he could practically feel his mother's eyes on him. The boy was quietly grumbling about wasting his time like this, when something small and hard hit him on the head suddenly. "Ouch!" He yelled, glaring at the thing that had fallen at his feet. To his surprise, it was a knut. Eric scowled and pocketed it quickly before looking around and up. He spotted a boy on a balcony, and glared at him. "OI! What do you think you're doing?" He called. His hand trailed to his pocket to throw the knut back, but at the last moment he decided to throw a rock off the ground instead. "Do you think you're funny?" He called, throwing the rock up at the balcony.
Kas grinned when the coin actually managed to hit someone, though his victory was short lived when his target spotted him and decided to retaliate by throwing a rock at him. "Oi!" He squawked, ducking when the rock pinged loudly against the railing. The kid started yelling at him now, and Kas was worried he'd lose any element of surprise if this kept up.
"Yeah, actually," Kas called back, peering down and flicking another coin at the kid. Kas thought it was hilarious. "It's the perfect crime." He said lightly, trying to keep an eye on the other boy while also keeping his head down in case he decided to chuck another rock at him.
Eric was glad he'd managed to surprise the boy by spotting him and throwing the rock. At least he might learn not to mess with strangers. He huffed in annoyance when the boy insisted it was a good idea and the perfect crime. "That's dumb, I spotted you immediately." He said, moving closer. "And I have your money. So it's a pretty lame crime." He frowned. "Why are you throwing money anyway? How did you get up there?" He grabbed another rock, mostly to intimidate the boy. He didn't actually intend to throw it. Not without cause, anyway.
Kas shrugged at the kid's assessment. "Well, clearly you're happy, and I'm perfectly fine up here, but fine. I'll downgrade to a mutually beneficial crime, then," He said, eying the second rock the kid had scooped up. He started this to throw things at other people, not vice versa. "I'm being a responsible investor," Kas answered when the kid seemed intent on interrogating him, still trying to line up a good shot without further aggravating his new audience. "And I took the stairs. Now could you move, you're in the way a bit now. Someone's gonna see." Kas lifted himself onto his elbows to give the other boy a clear jerk of his head so he'd move out of immediate firing range, hedging his luck that he'd answered enough questions to warrant not getting a rock thrown at him again. If they kept on like this, someone was bound to notice.
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Eric frowned up at the boy, wondering for a moment if he was making fun of him. But he was curious too, about this kid who could just throw money around like it was nothing and clearly had no parental supervision anywhere nearby. "Fine, whatever. You gonna throw sickles next? I'll catch them." He said, allowing a rare grin. As the boy mentioned he had taken the stairs, Eric looked until he spotted them. He didn't want to leave just as the boy said he should, because then it would sound like he was doing as he asked, but he was pretty curious. And it seemed more fun to be on the balcony than under it. "Fine!" He headed over to the stairs and joined the boy. He looked down at him. "I'm helping you." He announced.
Kas grinned down at the kid when he actually managed to make a joke. It was a vast improvement from the rock throwing. "Sure, maybe when I run out of knuts," He had to panic a bit though when the boy took him pointing out the staircase as an invitation, sitting up warily as he arrived just in case he needed to move quickly. Kas couldn't help to huff out a laugh though when the boy said he was helping instead, nodding. "Okay, fine, let's see who's a better shot then," He said, getting back into position. "But get down before someone sees you," He said, shuffling over a bit so there was more room of the other boy. "I'm Kas, by the way," Kas offered off hand after a brief moment of silence as he tried to line up another shot. "20 points if you can get one of the coins into that guy's dumb hat."
Eric had to tell himself the kid was joking about throwing sickles next, otherwise he might start to hate him. Even knuts weren't something Eric had enough of to throw at people, though that wasn't something he would willingly admit to a stranger. He settled onto the balcony, lying down next to the other boy and elbowing him a bit to make room. "Fine, but I can already tell you I'm going to win." He said to the kid when he suggested seeing who would be the better shot. "Eric." Was all he said in response to his introduction. At his next challenge, he grinned and grabbed a coin. "And how many points if I get it into his stupid face?" He asked before chucking the coin at the guy in question. It missed, but not by much. He gave Kas a look that dared him to laugh. "You try."
Kas shrugged when the other boy, Eric, took him up on his offer to compete. He wasn't overly competitive himself, but he could agree this particular activity was way more funny when shared with a co-conspirator. Especially if Eric did turn out to be a good shot. "Put your money where your mouth is," Kas said with a slow grin, grabbing a coin to line up his next shot. He pretended to consider the point cost of hitting the guy in the face, even if he was making it up as he went along. "How bout 40 for the face. But you gotta catch up since I already nailed you with one earlier," Kas didn't really care about winning, but it was pretty fun so far to egg Eric on. Watching as Eric's first shot missed, Kas let out a low whistle before flicking his own coin, watching it ping against a pole and rattle into the gutter. Their target looked up with a start at the noise and Kas quickly ducked his head down, not quire repressing the urge to giggling. "Make that 50 points for the face, but only if we don't get caught first."
Eric huffed at Kas' comment and raised his eyebrow. "Your money, you mean." He said, grabbing another coin to try with. He ducked down after Kas' attempt, but also nudged him in the side. "You didn't hit me in the face, but the top of my head." He hissed. "Doesn't count." He waited a few seconds, then looked up again. "Aw man, he's gone." He murmured. "But I bet I can hit that guy." He found a new target and flicked the coin in his direction. Eric grinned when it hit the man on the shoulder, though he ducked back down quickly. He gave Kas a triumphant look at the exclamation of confusion and alarm the man made. "Got him." He said with a grin. "How many for a shoulder?"
Kas grinned when Eric responded to his joke. The other boy was kinda rough around the edges, but Kas could appreciate anyone who would drop what they were doing to just throw stuff at strangers. It invited an element of chaos that he was happy to provoke. He shrugged when Eric insisted his previous shot didn't count, rolling his eyes but still smiling at Eric's competitive streak. "Okay, sure..." He said, frowning and scanning the street to confirm their latest target was no longer in range, but Eric quickly picked someone else and Kas grinned when he heard whoever Eric had hit yell out. Stifling a giggle as they both ducked down, Kas pretended to ponder their newfound point system. "Okay, how bout I give you 25 for the shoulder if you give me 30 for the top of the head?" He said, squinting one eye shut as he lined up his own shot, only managing to startle some nearby owls as the coin pinged off the adjacent window ledge.

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