A hogwarts chick

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
Riley was walking slowly around brightstone. Even with his new found friendly nature back in tow again it was still slightly annoying having little first and second years running crazy everywhere. He liked kids though so he wasnt to fussed about them. He couldnt really not like them, He was nearly a dad himself, twice in fact so he had built up a liking for them. Although he wasnt a dad yet as his dad had taken both of his kids away from him and killed him. Well the first was his but his ex had slept away and got pregnant with his bast mate but he still thought of it as his own.

Riley turned around a corner onto another part of the village. This part was a little more relaxed then where he was just then. He could still hear some loud students though but he was drowning them out and thinking about other things. He sat down on a near by bench and decided to stay still for a while. He could loose track of where he was going sometimes when he was deep in thought so he thought it best to not walk around just yet.
Zazuka was sitting on the other end of the bench. She had just had a lovely day with Andy aside from the little mishape that she really didn't want to think about. She was back to her normal dreamy self and she could feel the actual sunshine run across her skin as well as the metephorical. The latter had been gone for what seemed like an age but it took her wanting to distroy herself in order for her to realize that all she had to do was go with the flow where ever that would take her.

The thought came to Zazuka's mind that she should have been upset but then again there was nothing really to be upset about. It had been her desition after all and she didn't regret it one bit. Slowly Zazuka crossed her legs and started to tap her sandal on the ground making the bangle like ancklets click softly against each other. Zazuka let her eyes wonder along side her mind when she spotted a boy close to her age sitting on the same bench. "Letting your mind have a bit of a stroll without you are you?" She asked dreamyly.
Riley was so deep in thought that he had only just heard someone talking to him. He looked over to the source and smiled when he saw it was a pretty girl. She was a little oddly dressed for his liking but he wasnt one to judge on appearance, well not all the time anyway. The girl looked about his own age as well which was an up side for him. He nodded his head slightly before answering. " Yeah, was i really that obvious." He laughed and ruffled his hair up. " See i never thought i was that easy to read. Maybe i just let my guard down when im with a pretty girl like you." He smiled crookedly at her turning on his charm. There was nothing he liked more then to flirt, he found it most entertaining.
Dressing oddly was one of Zazuka's favoret things to do. She made a lot of her own clothes for fun this lead to a vanity that she would never let anyone know about. She liked to make clothes that no one had ever seen before. The result had been her making clothes that wouldn't look very good on anyone but herself. "Oh even if your not easy to read I can read you. The eyes behind these glasses can see things others can't." She said in crypticly.

One thing that Zazuka had missed when she was in her depressive state was the crytics that she had taken to speaking in. Now that she was back to the way that she had once been the cryptics where back. Zazuka could tell that the boy was flirting with her so she was polight enough to blush ever so slightly. "Why thank you charmer but you don't even know my name. It is Zazuka by the way." She said then offered the boy bright smile.
Riley raised an eye brow and smiled as he looked down. What she had said kind of confused him slightly but nothing he couldnt handle. He was used to most things like being confused by girls, they seemed to do it alot but it just made him more eager a lot of the time. Even with Adele, she did it every time they met but still she never seemed to change how she would act around him. Like it was their first time meeting. It was great how she made him feel but Riley could never just stick with one women, as much as he would try to it was just written in his DNA.

He smiled back at Zazuka. It was a odd name to but it suited her well. Her unique name and sense of fashion would just make her more memorable to him, and make her stand out from the crown. " Im Riley. It sure is my pleasure to meet you. And dont worry il be your charmer for the rest of the day if you like. Maybe even a little longer." He said with a little wink. Of course he wasnt going to force anything but a little flirting never hurt anyone. She could just say the word and he would stop although she could say another word and make him carry on. Either way he didnt really mind
It would be a false statement if Zazuka told herself that she had sworn off boys. The thing was that after seeing her own boyfriend reflected in a window with his arms around another girl she rather lost her taste for them. This one was rather cute and seemed to be interested in a little fun. Far be it for Zazuka to deny him the sport. Again Zazuka should have felt back about the wasted effort but she got over that quickly. Time enjoyed was not wasted after all. That and she had no affectionate bonds with anyone anymore.

Zazuka could tell that she had lost Riley with that little bit which made her want to press her hand against her lips and laugh. “A pleasure to meet you too Riley. I don’t know if I have much use for a charmer right now but you may do as you please.” She said this time really placing her hand against her lips lightly and giggling just enough for it not to be annoying. Zazuka never measured these kinds of things they came naturally to her. The only thought that came close to measurement of actions at the moment was that she should probably not be flirting so soon after the incident in the Three Broomsticks. Again the thought was sent to flutter in the wind.
Riley smiled at her when she giggled. It was a rather cute sort of giggle in his opinion. Maybe she had just come out of a relationship or maybe she just wasnt interested in him. He shook that last thought from his head not to think less of himself in any situation. He had only just recently come out of a relationship so he knew how she felt but he had moved on quickly so he didnt really feel the pain of it much. It was best that way, less messy for him.

He smiled at her again as he thought of something flirty but not too flirty to say to her. " No i assure you the pleasure is all mine. Besides i always say that you never know until you try." He said with a chuckle, fighting the urge to wink at her. Words were something that often came easily for Riley but they were mostly all flirting lines for girls, obviously for girls. He had to think about what he was saying if he wasnt trying to flirt with a girl and that would take a little longer and would usually make him look stupid. Although if he was just friends then he could talk like he would to anyone of his friend
Somethings where lost when one had the ability to see beyond. One of those things had been Zazuka’s right to wonder what people where doing while way. She had the skill to know and that skill was what let her know what was going on behind her back in the first place. Zazuka could tell that Riley had not gone through exactly that situation but through something close to it. Unlike most who just move on to the next Zazuka had decided even before she knew that she was going to leave him that she was going to let fate decide if she was going to be with anyone next.

Fate seemed to have put something in her path to entertain her in the mean time. “And I just happened to be the fortunate girl that happened upon your attention.” She said laughing softly. “Well enough seeing as I will have to get back to Beauxbatons not to long from now. I got permission to be here you see because I’m a representative of Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.” She said while placing her hands on her lap. They fell right on the spot where the bottom of her dress met her knee and leaned forward a little bit her smile seeming to sparkle as she did this.
Riley knew that there was something different about the girl before him. She seemed different like she was basing what she said around him, but he could have easily have been mistaken.He smiled back at her as she spoke. " Looks like fortune is smiling on us. You know the best way to get over someone is to move on. You should find a cute, sensitive guy who will always keep you entrained." Like me, he thought to himself proudly.

(sorry its rubbish)[
(It's alright)
“Like you?” Zazuka asked echoing Riley’s thought pattern. Again Zazuka was not being carful anymore about what was going in and out of her. Mostly in seeing as she was more of a sponge than an epicenter. She had read about Seers that could project as well as absorb. Zazuka supposed that she would be able to do that with time but as of now she was going to let it do what it pleased with her. “Are you volunteering to be my escort for the rest of the day?” She asked laughing in a teasing sort of way.

Zazuka bit her lip as she spied the candy shop not too far from where they were. “If you are then you wouldn’t mind coming with me to Honeydukes. I was craving one of their sugar quills and you can’t get them quite as good from a shop in France.” She said then smiled sunshine. She was craving sweets as well as an extra sugared drink that was not butterbeer. She liked the stuff but it was just a bit too bitter for her liking. Then again anything that had less than a cup of sugar was too bitter for her.
Riley stood in shock when she said exactly what he had thought. It kind of made sense now, maybe she was a mind reader. Great now he had to sensor his thoughts, this was going to be a hard task for him to do. He would have to think about what he was going to think. He shook away the thoughts and laughed. " Well if your will then im offering. Sure i will go to Honeydukes with you. I used to always go there as a kid, havnt been there recently but what ever." He laughed as he started to babble. As he wasnt really able to think he would just have to talk more. " Im not so big on sugary stuff anymore thought... Well not that type of sugar if you know what i mean." He said giving her a playful nudge. " Sorry i will numb it down if you want." He smiled as he spoke, he knew his flirting could go over board sometimes but most of the time it was fine
Zazuka found herself laughing at Riley’s shock. “I’m a Seer actually, Seer number 215 registered by the Ministry. I get pings of thoughts every now and again but mostly it’s just flashes of things so you don’t have to worry.” She said as she led the way down the street. Her vest like outer robes where hanging from her elbows as she got up but Zazuka made no effort to put them back around her shoulders. She thought that the thing may look better this way anyway.

She listened to Riley talk about not liking sugar all that much and Zazuka turned back while placing a hand on his chest. “I can see of what kind of sugar you like.” She whispered then turned away again. She was laughing as if she had just said a joke. “Don’t worry about it. I find it funny though you are very good at being a charmer.” She said as she waited by a light post for him.
Riley nodded when she said that she was a Seer. It made sense to him now. She was the first one he had met though so the whole controlling his thoughts would be a epic fail, well most the time anyway. He smiled proudly when she said that he was a good charmer. He had been doing it most of his life so he had experience on his side which most of the time worked and he would get lucky but sometimes he just didnt do it and then acted his 100% self, that didnt usually work though as he liked being charming a whole lot better.

He walked to the light post where she was waiting. He gave her a sweet smile. " o do you want me to buy the what ever sweet things that you want or am i being to...What ever you want to call it." He laughed. Riley was used to buying girls drinks rather than sweets but he was sure that it would have the same effect, well kind of anyway. Maybe he would buy her a drink later on in the day
Zazuka had told him that he didn't have to worry about much but still she could sense him thinking about controling his thoughts. It didn't matter much. People usually tried to put up defences when they learned what she could do. She didn't let them know that she had enough power to her to break all but an expirenced Occumence. Not that Zazuka ever tried to read the present or any other tence for that matter.

Zazuka gave Riley a quick hug when he got to her then started to walk ahead again. "Only if your offering and if I'm not putting you out. I'd hate to think you where spending money on me when you could be spending it on someone else." She said with bright smile and her hands behind her back. She turned on her ball of her foot. Zazuka was having fun with this and she found it easier to let people act how it was in thier nature to act then force them into something else.
Riley shrugged. He wouldnt have thought twice about it anyway so why not. She was a pretty girl after all and Riley had a terrible habbit of giving the girls what they wanted, especially the pretty ones. " Well in that case i am definately offering and believe me, there is no one else i would rather be spending it on." He gave her a wink and then walked into the shop and holding the door open for her. " Ladies first and all." He chuckled and looked into the shop while he waited for her to enter. He could smell the sweet scent of all the sweets in the shop and it made his stomach growl. He would get something later, maybe with Zazuka if he was lucky he may just take her home and cook her something his self. He was a good cook so it would be enjoyed on her part at least. He shook his head when he realised that she could read what he was thinking. Lalalalalalalalala. I wasnt thinking anything. He laughed at himself for thinking that and looked over to her to see if she had got it
Zazuka walked into the sweets shop looked around. In her mind it could not get any better than Honeydukes. Well perhaps what she had picked up form Riley but that was best saved for later, maybe. She looked at him and gave him a knowing look but didn't really say anything. "I'm honered then." She said as she walked over where a huge stand of sugar quills where. She picked a few out before going back to Riley and leaning against the scoopable sweets. "Come on try one." She said with huge smile on her face. From the hug Zazuka picked up a few things about his past. She didn't mind because she wasn't really meaning to go anywhere with this. Zazuka knew that when the time came she would know it was time to stop giggling and flirting but for now the game was open and she could play as much as she wanted.
Riley followed her into the shop. He looked around at all the sweets and felt a bit sick from it. He knew that Mark liked it here, or at least he did the last time that they had met. He hadnt seen Mark in a long time and didnt really want too. After everything that has been happening in his life Riley knew that he wouldnt be the same and he needed to get ove this in his own way in his own time. His thoughts were distracted when Z came up to him smiling. He pressed his lips together in both a smile and a frown. " I dono know." He sighed and decided he didnt want to hurt her feelings or anything. He would be hurting enough girls feeling when he would be leaving Tanya and Kadie. After his change from his dark self he didnt like the feeling of being the unfaitful so he was going to do something about it.
He walked over and tried one. He took a bite and smiled. " Yeah these are good. Do you want anything else?"
Zazuka beamed. "Sour sugar quills are good and sweet but a little less sweet than I like I thought a normal person would like it." She said with a bright smile. She slid her hand down her mouth and looked at him. "Don't worry Riley you're not cheating on her. Not with me anyway. She will forgive you. The other two I wouldn't hold my breath too much." She said with a very cryptic air. Zazuka smiled again as she held on to quills that she had picked up for herself. She clicked the end of quill to get the candy out and sighed. She didn't know if she had just done too much but it was something that she felt like she had to say.
Riley looked up at her. She had said he needed to hear. He needed to know that Adele would mind, he knew she wouldnt anyway. She new he was unfaitful so she wouldnt care. Tany and Kadie were only with him for his money and looks so he didnt really care much for them. He wanted to be with a girl becasue they likde him for him not what he had. Sure he was well of and had a nice house but that wasnt who he was really. " Thanks Z i appreciate what you said. It helped." He smiled and picked somehing random up and went to buy it. " Give me those then while im here." He said with a smile holding out his hand
Zazuka laughed and placed the unopen quills in his hand while still sucking on the end of the one she had clicked open. She understood why he needed this sort of peptalk. Usually unfathful me need to feel better about what they where doing. "Now if I only had been that forgiving. I'd still have someone right now. I tend to have an attitude that says that who ever is with me must be for me and only me. Then again that could be a bit selfish." She said as she put her hand to her cheek thoughtfully.

Zazuka again thought she should have been feeling worse about everything that happened but strangely enough she didn't. It had just happened and not even her eyes could see another way it could have played out. She was a little sad about that but mostly Zazuka felt at peace.
Riley nodded. He didnt really know what he was nodding at though he just felt the need to. He had come to terms with the whole what he thought might as well have been said out loud thing but he didnt mind at least she would know him better for who e was. " Its not that she is understanding, she is just very uncaring about that sort of thing. Dont get me wrong i love her to bits but its just who i am i need to have more than one. I was loyal to start with but then i got older and my family got worse and i found that girls liked me and i thought the more the better but im changing now." What he said was the truth and he would have thought it anyway so saying it out loud would have been better because it shows he isnt hiding anything. Or at least thats what he thought any way

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